Google API Refresh Token and Access Token Questions (Java BE + Web App) - google-api

I want to do something very similar to this tutorial, in which I'm getting the authCode from web client and sending that authCode to a Java BE app to get credentials of an user and then, using the credential to gain access to google sheet api to create a spreadsheet on user's drive.
According to google-api-java-client/oauth2 doc:
GoogleCredential takes care of automatically "refreshing" the token,
which simply means getting a new access token.
Would I still be able to take advantage of the above statement, in which GoogleCredential automatically refreshes the token if I'm authenticating and asking for permission on the client web app - aka, I call the grant offline request on web app and then, getting the actual GoogleCredential in a Java BE app (using the authCode)? If so, how does that work? Why would others suggest to store the refreshToken in a db?
If I do decide to store in a db, would storing the refreshToken with the key as my app's unique identifier for a user be OK (instead of using the suggested sub identifier)? Is there a limit on the amount of time I can call the token to get a new accessToken per user? Even if an accessToken hasn't expired, is it better to just get a new accessToken for every new request (seems more secure)?


API authentication using AWS signature version 4 with Laravel 8

I have a client that uses the orderhive service as an inventory management system, So I do not understand the auth with Laravel 8. What I understood from this link orderhive API docs is that I will get two tokens from the client app_token and refresh_token, then I should send them somewhere / somehow to AWS to get a bunch of tokens then send the request.
I do not understand that process altogether, and I hope there is any package or something built in Laravel to ease that process. Like if the AWS SDK itself could be easier to integrate. All tutorials and lessons are about S3 images, so any info would be appreciated.
The process of dealing with such a scenario is as follows:
you will have all the app credentials
use the credentials to grant access (code grant - JWT) as an example
after you grant the access you shall have (access_token)
the access token will be valid for a certain time (e.g. 8hours)
use the access token to generate a (refresh_token)
store the access_token and the refresh_token and date_generated somewhere
whenever you want to make a call to the API just use the stored tokens
if the access_token expired, use the refresh_token to regenerate a new access_token
when generating a new access_token via the refresh_token, the response should contain a new access_token and new refresh_token
replace the new tokens with the old ones
feel free to ask if any point was not clear for you.

Oauth with same credentials and multiple sessions

I am working on an eCommerce Website and an App. We use SAP Hybris for OAuth 2.0.
To get an access token I send a Cliend ID, Client secret, Username and Password to the auth server.
Problem Example:
If I log in with the App first and then the Website, I won't be able to refresh my token in one of the sessions.
The token I receive from the server is pretty standard and looks like this:
The only difference is that in the "Website Token" the expires_in would have a lower value than 43199 since it was requested after the "App Token".
Since both the access_token as well as the refresh_token are identical, the moment one of them expire and we try to fetch a new token the first session that does it will receive completely different credentials. As soon as the second session (which is now expired) tries to also refresh it's credentials the server will deny new credentials since the old credentials can be used only once to get new tokens.
Every 12 hours the tokens become expired and the first client to request a new token effectively logs out the other client by doing so.
What could I do to deal with this problem?
I was thinking it should be possible to send a unique ID to my request to generate a unique token. However I cannot find any information about this on the SAP Docs.

YouTube API - How to create a permanent access token?

I am using the access token to play my private videos in my android app and for that, I am created an access token.
But It says,
The OAuth Playground will automatically revoke refresh tokens after 24h. You can avoid this by specifying your own application OAuth credentials using the Configuration panel
I tried to add my own client secrets and ID and after creating a new token, it still displays the same NOTE.
How can I create a permanent access token that will not expire?
I tried to change available parameters like Access Type Online, Offline, and still shows same NOTE.
Google apis generally do not let you get a permanent access token
Access tokens have limited lifetimes. If your application needs access to a Google API beyond the lifetime of a single access token, it can obtain a refresh token. A refresh token allows your application to obtain new access tokens.
Generate an offline refresh token to use and get a short lived access token
This is part of the Oauth2 standard

Alexa skill account linking with Google APIs credentials, problem refreshing token

I'm having some problems with the Alexa account linking authorization.
These are the steps I followed:
I got the credentials (client id, client secret...) from the Google Cloud Console
Setup on the Alexa Developer Console, using 'Auth Code Grant' as authorization grant type
Activated the skill on my Alexa application and successfully logged in with my Google account
Now I got the access token in the request, in handler_input.request_envelope.context.system.user.access_token
The problem is that the access token expires after one hour and Alexa does not manage the refreshment of the token.
What should I do to avoid having to ask my users to login every time after one hour? Should I use Implicit grant as authorization type? Should I get a refresh token somehow?
Additional info: it's a custom skill that connects to an AWS Lambda using Python3
While #pinoyyid's answer was correct, it didn't provide a solution so I'm posting one for future reference.
The problem was indeed that Amazon servers did not receive a refresh token from Google, thus making it impossible to refresh the access token after its expiration time of one hour.
Following this link and other Amazon forum posts, I got to a working solution.
Amazon Alexa developer console 'Account Linking' configuration:
Authorization grant type: Auth Code Grant
Authorization URI: (even though the one from the google credentials was not v2, it shouldn't make a difference)
The access type is very important because, as documentation goes:
Set the [access_type] value to offline if your application needs to refresh access tokens when the user is not present at the browser. [...] This value instructs the Google authorization server to return a refresh token and an access token the first time that your application exchanges an authorization code for tokens.
Access Token URI:
Client ID & Secret: downloaded on Google Cloud Platform
Client Authentication Scheme: HTTP Basic
Domain List: and
Default access Token Expiration Time: left empty
Now, after doing this and saving the configuration, be aware that you might not notice the change, as, from here:
When Alexa uses the refresh token to retrieve a new access token for an existing user, Alexa uses the access token URI that was configured at the time the user linked their account. Therefore, if you change the access token URI later, users who linked their accounts before continue to use the old URI for retrieving updated tokens. The users must unlink and re-link accounts to switch to the new access token URI.
So, in order to complete the procedure:
Deactivate your skill
Go to the Google third party applications that have access to your data and remove your Google Project associated
Reactivate your skill and login again (if done correctly it should ask you the permissions for the scope you specified in the Alexa developer console again
Done! after one hour you should re-try and it should have a renewed access token
Additional Info
I found that many suggested to retrieve the refresh token, I don't believe this is possible because, even if Google sends it, it's Amazon that stores it and uses it to refresh the access token.
This works fine for developing and testing but I discovered here that for publication purposes you must own the landing page that you redirect your users to. For me it was just necessary to create a simple HTML page hosted in a public S3 bucket that would redirect the request to the Authorization URI I wrote before, while the Access Token URI must remain the Google one.
Have you read ?
My guess is that the Refresh Token is missing because you have already auithorised the app. The RT is only issued once. Try going into to revoke the permission and try again.

Running Google Picker with offline access oAuth token

What I am doing:
I am integrating Google Picker on my page. This will allow users to select files from their Google Drive to be used in the web app. In the app, people in a group share a common google drive (i.e. they all can select files from account which was created by group admin by his email address. When the admin signs-up for the account we do OAuth and get access_token with refresh_token against our app on google (with offline access enabled). I plan to use the access_token and refresh-token of the admin, on other group user's account when they try to use picker to select files.
What I have done:
I have integrated the Google Picker successfully in my app using the basic code provided in docs. Then to achieve what I wanted, I removed following code from the example code:
gapi.load('auth', {'callback': onAuthApiLoad});
function onAuthApiLoad() {
'client_id': clientId,
'scope': scope,
'immediate': false
function handleAuthResult(authResult) {
if (authResult && !authResult.error) {
oauthToken = authResult.access_token;
and instead of .setOAuthToken(oauthToken) I pass refreshed access_token directly as string (I get that from my server with an ajax call).
But every time I call picker.setVisible(true); I get a screen in an iframe saying In order to select an item from your online storage, please sign in.
Try to add sign in listener. Listeners provide a way to automatically respond to changes in the current user's Sign-In session. For example, after your startup method initializes the Google Sign-In auth2 object, you can set up listeners to respond to events like auth2.isSignedIn state changes, or changes in auth2.currentUser.
Validating the token might be a possibility before using the token each time but that might add a lot of extra overhead for a rare use-case each time we load the picker and when calling the API endpoints with a token after the re-authentication issue, there was no key about the token being invalid. You can validate a token by making a web service request to an endpoint on the Google Authorization Server and performing a string match on the results of that web service request.
