Vertex Pipelines components throws "User does not have permission in project xxx-tp." - google-cloud-vertex-ai

When Vertex Pipelines component launches a BigQuery job, I encountered the following error
google.api_core.exceptions.Forbidden: 403 POST
Access Denied: Project ddde1b02a7e52415cp-tp: User does not have permission in project ddde1b02a7e52415cp-tp.

This is due to uninitialized bigquery client.
The code is running in a managed environment which is in a different project than the one running the pipeline. The code won't be able to automatically identify the project running the pipeline.
Initializing the BQ client by explicitly specify the project ID in the Bigquery code solved the issue
bigquery.Client(project=[your-project], credentials=credentials)


Create multiple MarkLogic Schedule Task for same module through ml-gradle

I am trying to create multiple instance of application on same marklogic environment. I can able to create all the configurations(users,roles,databases,forests,app servers...) but could not able to schedule individual tasks for separate database with same module path.
When tried to run ml-gradle mldeployApps failing at Tasks creation.
My whole application configuration will depends on from property file. for any APP-NAME a seperate insiance need to be created.
I tried deploying through ml-gradle
The mlDeployTasks is failing as already an task is available for the module path. When try to run secong with new failing as it is not recognizing task database
"task-start-time": "10:00:00",
Logging HTTP response body to assist with debugging: {"errorResponse":{"statusCode":"500", "status":"Internal Server Error", "messageCode":"MANAGE-INVALID", "message":"MANAGE-INVALID (err:FOER0000): task-database"}}
Error occurred while sending PUT request to /manage/v2/tasks/5389046897270663947/properties?group-id=Default; logging request body to assist with debugging: {
Expectation :
wants to deploy and undeploy whole application including schedules tasks based on APPLICATION-NAME as seperate instance
the mlDeployTasks based on the module-path each task is identified with old existing database and fails to create a new task server.
Please suggest me the right way to achieve the same
MarkLogic's Management API is seeing your request as an attempt to change the task-database, but it only allows one property for a scheduled task to change (task-enabled). I think what you'll need to do here is have different task-path values for your different databases. That's not ideal, but if the implementation logic is all in a library that's imported by the task, the different modules themselves will be very lightweight.
Try ml-gradle 3.10.0 - support for this now exists - see the release notes for ml-app-deployer 3.10.0 (which provides most of the functionality in ml-gradle) -

(Error starting container: API error (500) Hyperledger

I am using bluemix network to deploy and test my custom chaincode( link to the chaincode). I'm using hte Swagger API to deploy, invoke and query my chaincode. The deploy and invoke work fine but when I try to query my chaincode, I keep getting the following error
Following is the validating peer logs :
Is it some problem with my query code or network issue. Any help is appreciated.
The error likely happened during the deploy phase (the logs just shows the query). The "deploy" being an asynchronous transaction returning an ID (just "submits" the transaction to be processed later) cannot indicate if the actual execution of the transaction will be successful or not. But the "query" request is synchronous and shows a failure.
Looking at the chaincode, the error is almost certainly due to the import and use of "" package. As the fabric only copies the chaincode and does not pick up its dependencies, that package is not available at deploy time.
Note that the same code will work when under "" path as "" is available as a "vendor" package in that path.
To test this, try commenting out the import statement and all logging from the code (make sure "go build" works locally first with the changes).

Configuration Issue for IBM Filenet 5.2

I installed IBM Filenet Content Engine 5.2,on my machine.I am getting problem while configuring GCD datasources for new profile.
Let me first explain the setps I did,then I would mention the problem that I am getting.
First,I created GCD database in DB2,then I created datasources required for configuration of profile in WAS Admin Console.I created J2C Authentication Alias,for user which has access to GCD database and configured it with datasources.I am getting test database connection as successful but when I run task of configuring GCD datasources,it fails with the following error:-
Starting to run Configure GCD JDBC Data Sources
Configure GCD JDBC Data Sources ******
Finished running Configure GCD JDBC Data Sources
An error occurred while running Configure GCD JDBC Data Sources
Running the task failed with the following message: The data source configuration failed:
WASX7209I: Connected to process "server1" on node Poonam-PcNode01 using SOAP connector; The type of process is: UnManagedProcess
testing Database connection
DSRA8040I: Failed to connect to the DataSource. Encountered java.sql.SQLException: [jcc][t4][2013][11249][3.62.56] Connection authorization failure occurred. Reason: User ID or Password invalid. ERRORCODE=-4214, SQLSTATE=28000 DSRA0010E: SQL State = 28000, Error Code = -4,214.
It looks like simple error of user id and password not valid.I am using same alias for other datasources as well and they are working not sure,why I am getting error.I have also tried changing scope of datasources,but no success.Can somebody please help?
running "FileNet Configuration Manager" task of configuring GCD datasources will create all the needs things in WAS (including Alias), do not created it before manually.
I suspect it had an issue with exciting JDBC data sources/different names Alias
Seems from your message that you are running it from Filene configuration manager. Could you please double check from your database whether user id is authorised to execute query in GCD database. It is definitely do it with permission issue.

Queued Build is not connecting to db as it uses domainName\computerName instead of domanName\username

I am trying to queue a build in my own build definition. But the sql connection in my code throws an exception that Login failed for user 'domainName\computerName$' which is natural since it should have used domainName\userAlias.
My question is why is it using domainName\computerName, and how to make it use windows auth instead? Can some one please help me with this?
You need to set the service account that the build service uses on the server(s) running your Build Agent(s). It sounds like it's currently set to run as Network Service.
You can change it by firing up TFS Admin Console, and going to Build Configuration and changing the properties on the service:

"The process cannot access ..." when using MSBuild

I am so close to getting my TeamCity setup complete, but am stumped by this error:
(12/22/2011 2:30:15 PM) An error occurred when the request was processed on the remote computer.
An error was encountered when processing ''.
The error code was 0x80070020.
The process cannot access 'C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\Deneb\Website\obj\Deploy\Package\' because it is being used by another process.
I tried deleting that file myself, and didn't have any problems. I am able to deploy this site from another server, also without any problems. I set the Team City build agent service to run as administrator, and restarted the service.
Any help would be greatly appreciated - thanks!
Realized that the checkout directory shouldn't be set the same as the web directory
