I can't use google alerts api.
I can't include the google alerts scope in my app. Is this api not in use now?
Error while trying to add Alerts scope;
The following scope(s) were not added because they are invalid. Please update or remove these scopes:
I am currently building a NodeJS backend app that is querying the Google Calendar API. I have setup a new project on Google Cloud API platform and have generated all the required credentials. As stated by the google calendar API page, the allowed queries per day is 1,000,000. Since I am only querying for testing purposes at the moment, I am sure that I haven't even hit a 100. Yet whenever I try to query the API it returns the error:
"The API returned an error: Error: Daily Limit for Unauthenticated Use Exceeded. Continued use requires signup."
Also I have noticed that the dev console has generated a API key for me. Where am I supposed to put that?
My initial thinking is that Google API requires me to perform an additional signup using some CLI tools or something along those lines to signup. If not, where am I supposed to sign up?
Thanks in advance.
Note: I already have all the information from the cloud platform such as client_id, client_secret, project_id.
In "Error: Daily Limit for Unauthenticated Use Exceeded", they key word is Unauthenticated. Your request to the Calendar API is missing an OAuth Access Token. You will need to research Google OAuth.
This question has been answered many times. Please learn how to search SO for similar questions whenever you post a new question. https://stackoverflow.com/search?q=google+oauth+%22daily+limit+for+unauthenticated%22
To anyone who comes across this post in the future. I fixed the issue by using the project generated by Google Calendar API site (https://developers.google.com/calendar/quickstart/nodejs) by clicked the big blue "Enable the google calendar api" and then changing the name of the quickstart project that was generated. I don't know why it works now but it does and it's been working quite stably so far. Lets see how to goes.
I am using Google's People API to fetch contacts associated with my contacts in Google. However, as has been pointed out elsewhere, that API does not access "Other contacts" which are available at https://contacts.google.com/other.
I'm looking for an API that will allow me to access that data. I tried the Contacts API per the instructions at https://developers.google.com/contacts/v3/ which says:
To retrieve all of a user's contacts, send an authorized GET request
to the following URL:
I tried this, replacing {useremail} with my own but only got an error. I am logged into my Google account.
Is the Contacts API still available?
I got it working by using some code to send an authorized request with api secret.
I try to fetch photos based on hashtags using Instagram API(Sandbox mode). Using below API
https://api.instagram.com/v1/tags/awesome/media/recent?access_token=<My Access token>
I am getting the error
> {"meta": {"code": 400, "error_type": "OAuthPermissionsException",
> "error_message": "This client has not been approved to access this
> resource."}}
But if I use https://api.instagram.com/v1/users/self/media/recent/?access_token=<My Access Token>
then its returning recent 20 media items.
In my sandbox I have authenticated 1 more user but I am not getting any media items other than mine.
I am following the official documentation of Instagram API.
Please provide your inputs for this behavior.
/tags endpoints requires public_content scope enabled for your app. Without it you will not be able to use this endpoint. To be honest right now it is not possible to submit your app for review if you want to have public_content permission. Old Instagram API accepts apps for review only for basic scope. You should try to switch to Facebook Graph API, but please keep in mind that right now it supports only Instagram Business Accounts.
You can try to filter out media that does not contain the tag you wish in response from /self/media/recent endpoint. I know, not the best solution:/
Google places api service is not woring in my android project.I have enabled api key.I am using server key to get places in autocompleteTextView. But I found error "This API project is not authorized to use this API. Please ensure that this API is activated in the APIs Console: Learn more: https://code.google.com/apis/console",
"predictions" : []"
Always while debugging. Please any body help me.
It sounds like you're using the Google Places API Web Service from your Android app? Have you considered using the Google Places API for Android?
Hi i'm working on yammer API, in (https://www.yammer.com/network_permalink/resource_path) for "resource_path" what we need to pass.
'resource_path' referrers to any API reference call such as;