zpl file size increased while taking a print - zpl

While I am printing a ZPL label from a .zpl file the print size has increased from 1KB to 17MB what might be the reason for that


BITMAPFILEHEADER.bfSize doesn't match the file size?

Reading the specs for BITMAPFILEHEADER structure says bfSize is the number of bytes in the file.
But when I look at a .bmp file here on my drive it's actually 2 bytes smaller than the file size? Is that just a mistake or does it not count the bfType ? I've seen other examples where it matches the size?

Unknown chunk in Mac png screenshots

Right after the IHDR chunk in Mac screenshots there is a segment that starts with 'QiCCPICC Profile'. The first bytes of this section appear to be 00,00,18,51 (51 is the 'Q') in hex, which does not appear to follow the specification that the first 4 bytes of a chunk represent its length. This section precedes the IDAT chunk.
My question is, what is the purpose of this large chunk? What is the background behind why it is there?
Below is a sample mac screenshot.

WinAPI: set file size only and not physical size

When creating a file with zero size, I would like to set the logical size of the file to be bigger than zero size.
One drive shows for dehydrated files Size on disk with zero bytes and the Size
it will be shown to a value that is the bigger than zero.
Can this behavior be done through windows api functions?
Sample onedrive properties window for a file:

Files take up more space on the disk

When viewing details of a file using Finder, different values are shown for how much space the file occupies. For example, a file takes up 28.8KB of RAM but, 33KB of the disk. Anyone know the explanation?
Disk space is allocated in blocks. Meaning, in multiples of a "block size".
For example, on my system a 1 byte file is 4096 bytes on disk.
That's 1 byte of content & 4095 bytes of unused space.

Is there a size limit on a text file? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Closed 14 years ago.
Duplicate of: Is there an upper limit on .txt file size?
What is the limit to how much you can write to a text file? Any help would be appreciated.
There is no limit, other than the size of your disk, and your file system limitations on a file.
For example, file size limits:
NTFS: 16 TiB - 64 KiB
Ext4: 16 TBs
FAT32: 4GB - 1
On disk, there is no difference between a text file and any other type of file. They all just store bytes of data.
The only conceptual difference when writing to a binary file and a text file is that when a write operation is performed on a text file, a \n character may be replaced with a \r\n character, or some other line ending character(s).
