HTTPS ESP8266WebServerSecure: how to get a client's IP address? - https

I have a ESP8266 HTTPS server (ESP8266WebServerSecure, core v. 3.0.2).
It works just fine but I cannot get a remote client's IP address the same way as with the plain unsecure ESP8266WebServer. The method server.client().remoteIP().toString() just returns "(IP unset)".
Please help to resolve.

It turned to be a bug in the ESP8266 core libraries. See the fix.


This site can’t provide a secure connection – ERR_SSL_PROTOCOL_ERROR

i have a website its open source developed using core. and its already deployed on windows server 2019 and iis 10, my problem is when request the web site from my country(Jordan) its working like a charm,my problem is when request the web site from certain ISP in Germany its not working
enter image description here
any idea how to fix this issue?
According to SSLLabs your site has an IPv6 and and IPv4 address but SSL is only configured properly for IPv4. Given that IPv6 is the preferred protocol today browsers will attempt to use it if possible. The ISP you've tried so far likely did not provide IPv6 connectivity so that the connection succeeded. The ISP where it fails likely provides IPv6 connectivity.
The fix is of course either to configure both IPv4 and IPv6 properly or to make sure that your domain name does not resolve to an IPv6 address.

how to port forward an https website

I have recently got an SSL certificate on my website, on the apache server that I am using to host my website. The website says "Secure" and also works fine when I run it over localhost using the laptops ip address 192.168.*.**. But when I try to port forward this website over the port 443, it somehow says unsecure and your connection is not private. Any help here will be appreciated.
It sounds like you are using a self-signed certificate for your https connection. While modern browsers such as chrome give you errors saying the connection is unsecure and perhaps you even see red lines crossing out the https at the beginning of your url, there is no need to worry. If you are getting your page to render with these characteristics all is working, the reason for the errors is because the certificate is signed only for you.
In a real world production scenario you would have to use a third party service for a public capable certificate. However for your own development purposes, as long as the page runs with https there all is working as it is intended to.
For more try reading this article.

How to trace a webrequest created in code sent to a local address

This issue is occurring in a C#, .NET 4.0 environment. I tried using Fiddler but it doesn't show up. After searching around, the suggested solution was to change the address of the request from localhost to the machine-name.
This worked on my local machine: after changing the call from localhost to my-machine, fiddler picked it up. The real issue is on a client's staging environment with production code. I can not modify the code there to take this change.
Note, as far as I know, on the client site it should be making the request out to the host name and not localhost anyways.
Also, on my local machine I actually hit localhost in my browser, and it seems to pick those up fine. Just not the request built in code. Why is that?
It sounds like you're saying: "This works fine on the client's PC but not on my dev PC when using Localhost." Is that correct?
In IE9, I changed WinINET to enable Fiddler to capture loopback traffic from the browser. Sadly, the .NET Framework hasn't yet adopted support for the <-loopback> token, which means that traffic sent to or localhost bypasses the proxy.

Red5 Problem with connecting from remote client

So I have this issue. The issue is I am unable to connect to my red5 server from a remote client. I also have not found any tutorials on how to install red5 so that remote clients can connect to it. However, here is what I have done...
Inside My MXML Flex File I try to connect to the computers IP that the server is running on(My Server is running from within Eclipse). The line for connecting looks like this netConnection.connect(rtmp://, true);
All that happens is after a lot of minutes go by, I just get NetConnection.Connect.Failed and there is no log being output by Eclipse. Almost like it never even registers the connection that the remote client is trying to make.
The other interesting thing is that I am ABLE to connect to my Red5 Server using a different computer within my local home network just fine. But only when it is remote I am unable to connect.
I have changed my file and added this...
webapp.virtualHosts=*,, localhost,,
The 174 one is my website where the Flex Swf Resides on.
I think maybe somehow my computer is not setup or configured to allow these remote connections and is rejecting them or something, I'm not quite sure why a remote client can't connect. Does anyone have any idas?
Your help is greatly appreciated.
You may uninstall the red5 and reinstall it.
When it ask you the server ip address type your server's LAN adress (192.168.2.* or 10.0.0.* whatever). This solved my problem.
In my opinion, if you have at least one domain name that you own, the best way for you to go is to set up an Apache Http Server to your server machine, and create subdomains for both red5, rtmp and rtmpt. Make the Apache handle your incoming requests, and decide their correct routing there.
In case you don't own a domain, or the previous way is too time-taking to set up and get it work, you should just make sure that the ip address you're trying to connect to is not an internal IP.
In your example above you are trying to connect from the client to a 192.168... address. If you try to connect to it from within your LAN, it works, since that ip there is registered to your machine.
But when you take your notebook to your neighbor, and using his internet connection to access your site and connect to red5, the client (flex application) will also try to connect to that 192.168..., and your neighbor's router has no idea about your LAN, probably it doesn't have such an internal IP address either, but SURELY cannot connect to your server.
So instead of using 192.168... in your connection string, you should try using your external IP address (the 174... one):
netConnection.connect("rtmp://", true);
This will work always, as far as you have a static IP address.
Also make sure, that your red5 server is accessible over the 80 port, or if it's not, specify the correct port number there.
For that you can do following thing...
These steps I took and it's solved my problem...
1.During the installation, you must have given ip (localhost) and port :5080
2.firstly open the port (5080 and 1935) on firewall.
3.Now to go red5->conf-> and open this file in notepad++. (or any other editor)
4.repalce and ip with your ip address (ipv4)
5.start the red5 service.
6.Now check http://yourip:5080
It will start working, and you can access it from other system also (in the same network Obviously )

How to browse webpages through proxy server

I made a proxy server,and I'm testing it using a client name Proxifier.
I made the first part with autentication to work,but i don't know what to do next.
I called Connect() an the address received from the client,but that is from a webpage.
So i need to connect to the webpage? What next then? I can't browse the net with the proxy on.
So i hope someone could help me an what to do next.Thanks.
to test a proxy server is simple as these.
In your browser, configure the proxy settings to the ip:port of your proxy server, in these case if you are testing on local machine, your ip is and you are listening on port 80.
browse a webpage mostly google with the browser and see if it loads properly, if it does, then you proxy server is working
