How to browse webpages through proxy server - proxy

I made a proxy server,and I'm testing it using a client name Proxifier.
I made the first part with autentication to work,but i don't know what to do next.
I called Connect() an the address received from the client,but that is from a webpage.
So i need to connect to the webpage? What next then? I can't browse the net with the proxy on.
So i hope someone could help me an what to do next.Thanks.

to test a proxy server is simple as these.
In your browser, configure the proxy settings to the ip:port of your proxy server, in these case if you are testing on local machine, your ip is and you are listening on port 80.
browse a webpage mostly google with the browser and see if it loads properly, if it does, then you proxy server is working


How a dns proxy works? (smart dns)

I am trying to build a new DNS, which will act as a proxy for certain domain names and uses a public DNS as upstream.
My understanding of DNS:
Client asks DNS (x.x.x.x) about
DNS will look up inside its zones (or parent and root) and find can be found at i.i.i.i
DNS will send i.i.i.i to the client.
Now, client asks the ip address of restricted.test and DNS server knows it is a restricted website, so instead of giving the direct ip to the website, it gives it's own proxy address p.p.p.p to the client.
Please correct me if I'm wrong till now, but when the client tries to connect to p.p.p.p how the proxy server knows which website the client wants to go in?
I really want to know how these work under the hood
Thanks in advance.
This mechanism you are asking about is the Proxy Auto-Configuration (PAC) file.
Read more about it here :
And here :
Essentially in corporate networks, a PAC file is pushed out to every computer, and browser settings are also configured to enable the PAC file. But it can also be done manually. Just check your browser proxy settings to see the location of the PAC file it is pointed to.

How to use server IP as proxy

I have full access to a server which is located in some other country. My IP address has been blocked blocked by a website and I need to use my server IP as proxy to access that particular website. I tried out with the server IP address in LAN Setting->use Proxies in my Chrome Browser but I am unable access the internet when i use that IP. How can I do this?
Just entering the server address on client side isn't sufficient. You need to set up your server to behave as a proxy server using something like squid or other alternative.

JMeter Proxy not recording local sites in IE 8

I am learning JMeterProxy using WAMP and opencart web app.I did a recording using HTTP Proxy Server. I configured firefox and recording went smoothly. But if i am using IE, nothing seems to be recorded. I added a tree view listener in HTTP Proxy to log the recording, nothing is logged in it when i am using IE.
Some observations:
when i stop recording and if i try to access the local site using FF, it is not accessible, but in case of IE i could open the site.
If i browse an external site, recording is working.
I am accessing my site as http://localhost:81/opencart/index.php, since 80 port is used by IIS
My question is.
How would i trouble shoot this kind of scenario.
What changes i should i make in IE proxy settings.
I solved this problem, Here is the solution, as per JMeter documentation
If JMeter does not record browser URLs such as http://localhost/ or
"", try using the non-loopback hostname or IP address,
e.g. http://myhost/ or ""
So providing the host name in place of loop back address solved the problem

Jmeter's proxy server does not record

New to JMeter. I have downloaded and configured proxy server as the step by step guide from JMeter website. Got right log message such as "protocol 8080 has been created" and "Proxy is up running" etc. But it just did not record localhost:8080 with Tomcat. Change to Neoload to record localhost:8080 and everything works fine but JMeter just does not record anything. There is no errors in the log or within the screen.
Did you start the proxy ?
Try stopping it to see if you get an error in browser.
Are you sure neoload is not already listening to this same port and jmeter could not start on this same one.
Finally you could try using your ip in browser address.
I don't know what mistake have you made. This is what you can do from scratch:
Create empty plan
Add HTTP Proxy Server to WorkBench
In its configuration set port to free one at your computer (maybe 8080 is busy). Click Start
Set browser proxy to localhost, choose the same port as in JMeter's proxy
Browse to any url
--> Samplers should appear in JMeter
You may also like to change Target Controller so samplers will appear in more appropriate place

Exchange 2010 OWA HTTPS port

Im trying to access OWA on a different port than 443 for external connections because that port is already assigned to a web server. So Ive set up the router to redirect 445 to 443 internally.
I've appended the external url with port 445 for OWA under Server Configuration/Client Access/Outlook Web App so now it looks like, but when I try to access it, it redirects to a login url without the new port number and thus I just end up on the website.
You can see the results by viewing the following and seeing step 3 redirects to login.aspx without :445 appended to it...!/wC5kW9Mbt/
Internally I can access the site fine on :443
Can anyone point me in the right direction please?
Done an iisreset before you ask :)
It might make sense to configure your web server to act as a reverse proxy for the /owa virtual directory rather than use a non-standard port.
