Difference between cgal and cgal-cpp - anaconda

I am currently trying to install some packages for colmap according to https://colmap.github.io/install.html. But as I work in a conda environment, I try to install cgal using conda.
To me it is not really clear however which is the correct pendant to libcgal-dev in conda.
I found that there is a package on the conda-forge channel called cgal and one called cgal-cpp.
Can anyone tell me what is the difference between those two packages?
Since I got conflicts for the former, I installed the second one and thus, I am not sure if that contains all files that the libcgal-dev contains or if I still miss some files.

I think cgal-cpp contains all the usual C++ headers, while cgal contains the Python bindings.


How do I list macports package dependencies and the size of each dependency

I want to install a package (on macports) and want to know how much data i'm going to use to install it.
I know that if use "port deps " it lists the dependencies. But i want to know the size of each package.
This is not possible; you can get the size of an installed package, but there's no way to tell before install how big it will be. Pre-compiled binary packages are stored on remote servers in compressed format. These are not always available as well, so ports are often compiled from source.

Which Boost package do I need for bpstl::allocator?

I have inherited some code which uses bpstl::allocator. Obviously, my predecessor had certain Boost libraries installed and I do not.
Which (Linux) package do I need to install in order for the code to compile?
I can't find a DoxyGen or other navigable Boost documentation online.
Likely, bpstl is just a namespace alias. If I were to guess, I'd say
boost pool
boost container
boost interprocess
There's not a wellknown library that uses bpstl as a namespace (not even obsolete, that I remember) so, in all likelihood, such aliases can be found in the adjacent code base (headers) next to that code you inherited. It's gonna take some archaeology, but grep your way to it!
On debian-like Linuxen, by far the easiest way to get some mainstream version of boost installed is by
sudo apt-get install libboost-all-dev
Boost "navigable" documentation online is here: http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_57_0

Are Boost header libraries installed by default in Debian Squeeze?

I recently installed Debian Squeeze on my machine with C++ programming practice as one of the main goals. I use Boost libraries regularly in my projects. On OS-X and Windows, I had to manually install Boost header libraries prior to using them. However, regarding Linux, the front page of the Boost website mentions
Popular Linux and Unix distributions such as Fedora, Debian, and NetBSD include pre-built Boost packages.
I use mainly the header libraries, not pre-built packages for my current projects. So my question is: Are the header libraries installed by default anywhere on Debian or do I have to install them? I have already looked in /usr/include and it doesn't seem to have any Boost directory. I have googled as well as looked up related discussions on SO, but didn't get a clear answer to my question. If I do have to install the header libraries, is there an 'apt-get' way of doing it or I simply untar and place in a convenient location (/usr/local/include) ?
Second, if I need to manually place the boost headers (say in /usr/local/include/), should the version of the headers match with the pre-installed packages for compatibility with any potential future projects which use both the binaties (libboost-*) and header files?
I am fairly new to programming on a Linux platform. Although, I can make things work using patch-and-match (and googling), I am looking for guidance on long term best practices.
Saying a GNU/Linux distribution "includes" a package such as Boost doesn't mean it is installed automatically, it means the package is available for installation, using your system's package management tool. The package might be tailored for your distribution, so it integrates well with the rest of the OS, or it might just be identical to the upstream version and the benefit is just that it's already built for you and convenient to install from within the OS.
There is tons of documentation on Debian's package mgt tools:
So yes, you want to apt-get (or the equivalent with another of Debian's tools) to install Boost in /usr/include, that will be much easier than manually installing them. If you later decide to install Boost manually, keep that installation entirely separate from the system packages, so the libraries and headers from the newer version don't conflict with the system packages. If it's a single-user machine and you don't need the packages to be available to other users on the machine then you can just install them in your home directory, rather than /usr/local/ (which requires superuser access, and you should do as little as possible as the root user)

Haskell at a user level

I love coding in Haskell, but often am on a computer where I cannot install software, and which has some restrictions about what you can run. I would like to write Haskell code and test it while on this computer. Does anyone know of version of Haskell, interpreted or compiled, written in Java, JavaScript, Ruby, Python, or another interpreted language available in the default install on a Mac? A standalone version of Haskell which can be installed at the user level works too, but compiling Haskell myself is not an option.
The GHC binary distributions (the ones that come as tarballs, not installers) all can be installed locally trivially easily.
./configure --prefix=$HOME/ghc
make install
Then update your path to include $HOME/ghc/bin
If you want cabal, get the tarball from hackage, then untar it and run bootstrap.sh.
GHC works really well as a local install. In fact, I never use it as a system install.
I do this on my workstation, too, so that the distribution I'm on (Debian in my case) doesn't suddenly start upgrading stuff without me noticing in a simple apt-get upgrade.
This solution installs a full ghc and haskell-platform as well as ~/.cabal prefix.
First of all, I have a ~/local directory that I use in order to put custom-compiled programs in my home directory. I usually dislike the sudo make install step, because I'm giving some random Makefile root access to my system, and that makes me feel queasy.
Then I download the ghc binary distribution from the ghc site. NOTE that I linked you to 7.4.2. I hear there's some segfault bug on Mac OS X, but I'm not aware of the details. You should check that out or get the newer ghc instead, but be aware that there are many packages on hackage that are not yet fixed to work with 7.6. Also, ignore that "STOP!" warning, you're the 1% who actually want a non-distrib GHC binary.
You can just cd into the ghc directory, then do ./configure --prefix=$HOME/local/haskell or so, followed by make install (no compiling necessary, it's just going to install, not compile.)
At this point, you should add ~/local/haskell/bin to your path. Here's the code that I put in my ~/.zshrc, which will add all ~/local/*/bin directories to your path.
You can then get the Haskell Platform, and do the same ./configure --prefix=$HOME/local/haskell && make && make install dance. This step will need compilation. It means that you will need some header libraries installed. I find the random openGL headers that are necessary particularly annoying.
You can also of course skip haskell-platform, and just download cabal-install directly, then install what you need. You should in any case not forget to add ~/.cabal/bin to your $PATH!
Do a cabal update and you should be good to go.
NOTE: there's one important part that the binary distribution of GHC needs, which can sometimes be a pita on old Linux systems: libgmp. It's linked dynamically against it, and if you get some errors about the shared libgmp not being found on OS X, too, you can… well, ask that question in a comment, and I shall explain how to get there. Basically, you'll have to compile libgmp + deps yourself.
But I don't think that should be a problem on OS X. It's just been a problem on a couple old debian boxes I've tried this on.
For single files, you can use codepad.

pygtk import gtk error

I downloaded everything described as in pygtk for installation. Everything went fine until when I tried to type "import gtk", it threw an ImportError as follows:
from gtk import _gtk
ImportError: DLL load failed: ...(something unreadable)
Then I re-install the pygtk-2.22.0 again, the same problem existed. So what to do please? Thanks in advance!
The error you describe is usually caused by the python bindings (pygtk/pygobject/pycairo) being unable to load a dll it needs to function properly. Most of those errors are either caused by:
the GTK+ runtime not being on your PATH environment variable. This has long been
the advice on how to get pygtk working on Windows. Please don't change your user
or system PATH environment variable, it is no longer needed with the all-in-one
multiple GTK+ runtime versions are on your PATH environment variable and the first
(leftmost) one is not compatible with the pygtk/pygobject/pycairo versions you use.
This is why adding the GTK+ runtime to your PATH environment variable is a bad idea:
it is easy to mix up versions (sometimes GTK+ related installers add their bin
directory to PATH on installation which contains an older or incomplete runtime).
a rare case where some software package installed libintl.dll and iconv.dll into
%WINDIR%\system or %WINDIR%\sytem32
The most straightforward way to avoid the dll hell described above is to use the
PyGTK All-in-one installer (http://download.gnome.org/binaries/win32/pygtk/2.22/).
It contains both the Python bindings, the GTK+ runtime and even Glade and does
no longer require you to change the PATH environment variable.
Small warning: if you decide to use the all-in-one installer, you'll have to uninstall
the separate pygtk/pygobject/pycairo packages you've used before (or you'll be in
a world of trouble...)
read the source code, perhaps there is a need for a specific version of pygtk
edit the source code to work with your pygtk version
I had this issue as well. You didn't mention for sure in your answer, so I'll suggest the obvious (well...the obvious to people that have used it a while, perhaps). Did you use the following three lines of code to import? You have to use these, in order, to import PyGTK.
I'm assuming your version here is 2.24 like mine. If not, change it to the version you have.
import pygtk
import gtk
That should suffice in importing gtk.
As others have noted, don't put gtk in the path. I know, its tempting, and it works for XYZ, but it (to say the least) gets confusing. Dependency hell is bad enough on a platform like Linux which tries to make it easy for you.
For clarification, what the PyGTK All In One does for you is to install (what appears to be) a full gtk+ runtime directly in your python packages folder, so e.g. in C:\Python\Lib\site-packages\gtk-2.0\runtime
NOTE: %YOURPYTHONPATH% is an EXAMPLE variable which contains the path of your Python installation (e.g. C:\Python, or C:\Python27, or whatever it actually is). I suggest setting %PYTHON_DIR% or %PYTHON_PATH% if you want to use a variable to do this, as more programs are likely to use this.
To get your XYZ program requiring GTK to work, add %YOURPYTHONPATH%\Lib\site-packages\gtk-2.0\runtime\bin to the PATH when running your program; the correct versions of the DLLs it needs to link against are in that folder. All other GTK+ runtimes I had installed (GTK+/GTK2-Runetime) gave me errors.
Again; Do not attempt to set a user or system level variable (don't open up the dialog pictured below) as this will likely cause problems for you later unless you VERY sure you know what you are doing. If you are reading this, you most likely don't know as much as you think you do. Instead, alter the path in a cmd prompt, or use a batch/script file to set it up for you.
After you install the pygtk.org package, install each of these in the following order:
For more information:
I got the secusses according the link on my PC.
