Setting special characters in QSettings - windows

I'm trying to edit a desktop.ini file using QSettings. I need to set a value on a section that contains { and } which I believe are special characters.
I am currently setting these value using the following code:
desk_ini.setValue("Prop5", "TestTag");
Unexpectedly after executing the program, this is what is looks like in the INI file.
After some reading, I found these: (Quoting from the QSettings Documentation)
The INI file format has severe restrictions on the syntax of a key. Qt works around this by using % as an escape character in keys.
It seems like QSettings is using % to escape {}
Now, I really need it to be "as is" for the desktop.ini to be read property.
To reiterate, my question: Is there a way to set special characters in QSettings without changing them?


Need to strip out invalid characters in CSV file

I am generating a CSV file from a Microsoft SQL database that was provided to me, but somehow there are invalid characters in about two dozen places throughout the text (there are many thousands of lines of data). When I open the CSV in my text editor, they display as red, upside-down question marks (there are two of them in the attached screenshot).
When I copy the character and view the "find/replace" dialog in my text editor, I see this:
...but I have no idea what that means. I need to modify my script that generates the CSV so it strips these characters out, but I don't know how to identify them. My script is written in Classic ASP.
You can also use RegEx to remove unwanted characters:
Set objRegEx = CreateObject(“VBScript.RegExp”)
objRegEx.Global = True
objRegEx.Pattern = “[^A-Za-z]”
strCSV = objRegEx.Replace(strCSV, “”)
This code is from the following article which explains in details what it does:
How Can I Remove All the Non-Alphabetic Characters in a String?
In your case you will want to add some characters to the Pattern:
You can simply use the Replace function and specify Chr(191) (or "¿" directly):
Replace(yourCSV, Chr(191), "")
Replace(yourCSV, "¿", "")
This will remove the character. If you need to replace it with something else, change the last parameter from "" to a different value ("-" for example).
In general, you can use charmap.exe (Character Map) from Run menu, select Arial, find a symbol and copy it to the clipboard. You can then check its value using Asc("¿"), this will return the ASCII code to use with Chr().

Loading data from YAML in ruby changing the encoding/byte structure of data?

I am trying to write a method to remove some blacklisted characters like bom characters using their UTF-8 values. I am successful to achieve this by creating a method in String class with the following logic,
def remove_blacklist_utf_chars
self.force_encoding("UTF-8").gsub!(config[:blacklist_utf_chars][:zero_width_space].force_encoding("UTF-8"), "")
Now to make it useful across the applications and reusable I create a config in a yml file. The yml structure is something like,
:zero_width_space: '"\u{200b}"'
(Edit) Also as suggested by Drenmi this didn't work,
:zero_width_space: \u{200b}
The problem I am facing is that the method remove_blacklist_utf_chars does not work when I load the utf-encoding of blacklist characters from yml file
But when I directly pass these in the method and not via the yml file the method works.
So basically
self.force_encoding("UTF-8").gsub!("\u{200b}".force_encoding("UTF-8"), "") -- works.
self.force_encoding("UTF-8").gsub!(config[:blacklist_utf_chars][:zero_width_space].force_encoding("UTF-8"), "") -- doesn't work.
I printed the value of config[:blacklist_utf_chars][:zero_width_space] and its equal to "\u{200b}"
I got this idea by referring:
Now I am not sure how what exactly is happening when the blacklist chars list is loaded via yml in ruby code.
On further investigation I observed that there is an extra \ getting added while reading the hash from the yaml.
puts config[:blacklist_utf_chars][:zero_width_space].dump
But then if I just define the yaml as:
:zero_width_space: 200b
and do,
ch = "\u{#{config[:blacklist_utf_chars][:zero_width_space]}}"
self.force_encoding("UTF-8").gsub!(ch.force_encoding("UTF-8"), "")
I get
/Users/harshsingh/dir/to/code/utils.rb:121: invalid Unicode escape (SyntaxError)
The "\u{200b}" syntax is used for escaping Unicode characters in Ruby source code. It won’t work inside Yaml.
The equivalent syntax for a Yaml document is the similar "\u200b" (which also happens to be valid in Ruby). Note the lack of braces ({}), and also the double quotes are required, otherwise it will be parsed as literal \u200b.
So your Yaml file should look like this:
:zero_width_space: "\u200b"
If you puts the value, and get the output "\u{200b}", it means the quotes are included in your string. I.e., you're actually calling:
self.force_encoding("UTF-8").gsub!('"\u{200b}"'.config[:blacklist_utf_chars][:zero_width_space].force_encoding("UTF-8"), "")
Try changing your YAML file to:
:zero_width_space: \u{200b}

Joomla INI translation

I need to translate in my ini file a word that has a "()" or an "/" sign but it seems to brake when I do it.
sometext(text)="otherLanguagetext(text)" <-- this causes an error in the ini file an brakes all translations.
sometext/text = "someOthertext/text" <-- Broken also
having spaces work correctly:
Some text="Some text1" <--Works
The fact is that the original language is database generated and doesn't have any translation tag or something like joomla translation tag.
I just type the word I want to translate in this way.
I searched for an ini editor that might fix this out automatically (e.g place '/' or something ) but I had no luck on this.
Your example key's are invalid. INI files by definition can not have any of these characters: ?{}|&~![()^" in the keys.
Note: There are reserved words which must not be used as keys for ini
files. These include: null, yes, no, true, false, on, off, none.
Values null, off, no and false result in "". Values on, yes and true
result in "1". Characters ?{}|&~![()^" must not be used anywhere in
the key and have a special meaning in the value.
Joomla language files also have their own specification, which if not followed will cause an error when Joomla loads and parses the language file.
In INI files and Joomla language files the value also has special interpretations for specific characters and requires escaping for the use of some characters like double quotes etc.
Finally, Joomla has language overrides that allow the end user to override any string set by the core software or third party extensions which also affect the way keys are translated.
Try to use backslash before those symbols like this:
P.S. you cannot use ANY special symbols in your constants! Try to name them something like this:
Try this,
SOME_TEXT = "otherLanguagetext(text)"
SOME_OTHER_TEXT = "someOthertext/text"
Hope it works

Extended charsets chars not reccognized and converting to ? mark

I have a string contain some special char like "\u2012" i.e. FIGURE DASH. When i am trying to print this on console I am getting a '?' mark instead of its symbol. I have an editor where in I can insert the symbol using alt+numpad like alt+2012. In editor it I could see the symbol save it in a xml file and get the value using nodevalue, I get a '?' mark.
To summerize I am facing problem to read extended latin a charset. What i need is When i insert such symbols and read it, i should get something like &#xXXXX;.
Please help!
TIA :)
Simply I have a String inpath = "À";, I want to get its unicode &#xXXXX;
The default console encoding in Windows is some MS-DOS code page and they don't support the character. You can try running chcp 65001 before running the program but you might also need to change the console font as well.
You don't need to do anything you wouldn't do with any other character, as long as you use UTF-8. You aren't doing that in many places. You need to explicitly write in your code to save and read the file in UTF-8, and not rely on the platform default encoding.

ADO and Microsoft Text Driver - Field Delimiter Problem

I'm using VB6 and ADO together with the Microsoft Text Driver to import data from an ASCII file. The file is comma delimited but it also contains double quotation marks around text data fields. The fields are also fixed width.
I'm having a problem that the driver reads the columns incorrectly any time one of the rows contains a quotation mark double quotation inside the content. This happens inside the "part description" column which is the second column from the left. When this occurs, columns to the right are all Null value, which is not the case in the text file.
I think it would be better to use only the commas as delimiters. However, I believe that commas also occur in the "part description" column so this means I should really load the file as fixed width. I'm not aware that there is any way of doing this unless I can specify this in the schema.ini file.
Any ideas on how to resolve this?
You are allowed to specify fixed width in your Schema.ini file. However, it appears to me that the commas and quotation marks that also exist as delimiters/qualifiers will prevent this from working properly. It looks like I may have to "manually" read the file in and write it back out in my own format before I load it using the MS Text driver. Still looking for other opinions.
I would try changing the Format value in the registry for the Jet text engine (if that's what you're using) at the key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Jet\4.0\Engines\Text. I think the default is CSVDelimited but you would change this to FixedLength. See
It's probably worth adding that although you have a Schema.ini file for settings, on some options the registry overrules them anyway
Actually, looking at the link I supplied, it seems you have to use a schema.ini file for fixed-length files. Have you tried something like the following, which specifies the width?
Col1=FirstName Text Width 7
Col2=LastName Text Width 10
Col3=ID Text Integer 3
I'm extra precautious with regional settings -- some users change default list separator. Usualy fix this with schema.ini like this:
