context.TODO() or context.Background(), which one should I prefer? - go

I'm currently working on migrating our code from global sign package to go mongo-driver, not sure where should I use context.TODO() and context.Background(), it’s really confusing, I know both it returns non-nil empty, so should I use context.Background() in the main function & init() functions? And use context.TODO() in other places? Can anyone help with this?
Trying to check to see which param should I use context.TODO() or context.Background().

Check their documentation:
func Background() Context
Background returns a non-nil, empty Context. It is never canceled, has no values, and has no deadline. It is typically used by the main function, initialization, and tests, and as the top-level Context for incoming requests.
func TODO() Context
TODO returns a non-nil, empty Context. Code should use context.TODO when it's unclear which Context to use or it is not yet available (because the surrounding function has not yet been extended to accept a Context parameter).
According to the doc, when you need a context but you don't have one (yet) and don't know what to use, use context.TODO(). This is exactly your case, using context.TODO() properly documents this. Also, static analysis tools and IDEs may give support discovering these contexts and give you warning later to address the issue.
Also note that if you do have a context when you have to use the mongo driver, then consider using that context, or deriving a new one from it.
For example, if you are writing an HTTP handler where you need to query some documents, the HTTP request http.Request already has a context which you can access using Request.Context(). This is a prime candidate to use when you call other API functions that require a context.
Why, you may ask? Because the request's context is cancelled when the HTTP client abandons / aborts the request, which means whatever you do, the client will not receive it, so for example if the HTTP handler just serves information, you may as well abort generating it, saving some resources. So if the request context is cancelled while you're executing a MongoDB query, you may as well cancel the query too, because you won't need (won't process) the result anyway. Cancelling the context passed to the query execution (Collection.Find() for example) is the way to tell the MongoDB server to cancel the query if possible (because you won't need the result).
So using the request context in this case can save you some CPU time and memory both on the HTTP server and on the MongoDB server as well.
Another example: let's say you have to produce the HTTP response within 10 seconds (may be a platform limitation), during which you have to execute a MongoDB operation, and you have to post process the results which takes 4 seconds. In this scenario if the MongoDB operation takes more than 6 seconds, you would not be able to complete the post processing to fit in the 10-second limit. So you might as well cancel the MongoDB operation if it doesn't complete in 6 seconds.
An easy way to solve this is to derive a context with 6 seconds timeout:
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(r.Context(), 6 * time.Second)
defer cancel()
// ctx automatically times out after 6 seconds
curs, err := c.Find(ctx, bson.M{"some": "filter"})
In this example ctx will time out after 6 seconds, so if the c.Find() operation doesn't get finished by that, the passed ctx will signal that it can be cancelled (in which case an error will be returned). Since ctx is derived from r.Context(), if the request's context get's cancelled earlier (e.g. the HTTP client aborts), ctx will also be cancelled.
Now let's say you're not writing an HTTP handler but some other code (standalone app, background worker etc.), where you may not have a context, but you have your standards that you don't want to wait more than 30 seconds for a query. This is a prime example where you may derive a context from context.Background() using a 30-sec timeout:
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 30 * time.Second)
defer cancel()
// ctx automatically times out after 30 seconds
curs, err := c.Find(ctx, bson.M{"some": "filter"})
If the query finishes within 30 seconds, all good, you may use the results. If not, the context gets cancelled after 30 sec, and so c.Find() will also (likely) return an error.

Code should use context.TODO when it's unclear which Context to use or it is not yet available (because the surrounding function has not yet been extended to accept a Context parameter).
Background returns a non-nil, empty Context. It is never canceled, has no values, and has no deadline. It is typically used by the main function, initialization, and tests, and as the top-level Context for incoming requests.
TODO is a placeholder to make it clear that the code should be updated with a more appropriate context in the future, but none is available yet. Background is used when such an indication isn't necessary and you simply need an empty root context with no values or cancellation. The values they return are identical; the only difference is semantic, in that one might scan code for TODO contexts (or use a linter to do so) as places that need to be updated/addressed.


callback with results of apply in terraform provider

I'm writing a custom terraform provider. I need to wrap the calls to the backed API in a "session", opening it before any calls are made and then closing it once all the terraform calls have completed.
Opening the session is straightforward, I can do that in the ConfigureContextFunc of the schema.Provider. Is there a way to set up a callback (or something) at the end of the application so I can close/"finalize" the session? I can imagine something specific to my resources, but that seems hacky. In my dream world I'd also be able to fail the apply if the close had an error.
Absent a nice finalize call is there a way to access the plan that I could use to determine that the current call is the last needed for the apply?
Update: I thought I could use a StopContext:
stopCtx, ok := schema.StopContext(ctx)
go func(ctx context.Context) {
// Wait for stop context cancellation
However, this is both deprecated and seems to only get called when stopping due to some outside trigger, like SIGINT, and not a regular exit (at least that's what I've been seeing).
After a fair amount of floundering I have what I believe to be a reasonable solution, and it even matches #Ben Hoyt's comment. We can defer and teardown in main.
func main() {
var prov *schema.Provider
defer func() {
ProviderFunc: func() *schema.Provider {
prov = xyz.Provider()
return prov
I'll note that my comment on the question about not being around when the provider is made is incorrect. The provider is made in a main function in the provider code. In my (flimsy) defense I used the example scaffolding so that code came pre-written.
One thing that threw me was the docs for plugin.Serve
Serve serves a plugin. This function never returns and should be the final function called in the main function of the plugin.
It turns out that when the terraform action is done and the plugin is no longer needed, Serve does return and allows our defer to run. I did need to keep track of success or failure of all the calls that were made while Serve was active to know the status in my ProviderTeardown, but it is working.

API design for fire and forget endpoints

I’m currently maintaining a few HTTP APIs based on the standard library and gorilla mux and running in kubernetes (GKE).
We’ve adopted the http.TimeoutHandler as our “standard” way to have a consistent timeout error management.
A typical endpoint implementation will use the following “chain”:
MonitoringMiddleware => TimeoutMiddleware => … => handler
so that we can monitor a few key metrics per endpoint.
One of our API is typically used in a “fire and forget” mode meaning that clients will push some data and not care for the API response. We are facing the issue that
the Golang standard HTTP server will cancel a request context when the client connection is no longer active (godoc)
the TimeoutHandler will return a “timeout” response whenever the request context is done (see code)
This means that we are not processing requests to completion when the client disconnects which is not what we want and I’m therefore looking for solutions.
The only discussion I could find that somewhat relates to my issue is; however
The workaround is your application can ignore the Handler's Request.Context()
would mean that the monitoring middleware would not report the "proper" status since the Handler would perform the request processing in its goroutine but the TimeoutHandler would be enforcing the status and observability would be broken.
For now, I’m not considering removing our middlewares as they’re helpful to have consistency across our APIs both in terms of behaviours and observability. My conclusion so far is that I need to “fork” the TimeoutHandler and use a custom context for when an handler should not depend on the client waiting for the response or not.
The gist of my current idea is to have:
type TimeoutHandler struct {
handler Handler
body string
dt time.Duration
// BaseContext optionally specifies a function that returns
// the base context for controling if the server request processing.
// If BaseContext is nil, the default is req.Context().
// If non-nil, it must return a non-nil context.
BaseContext func(*http.Request) context.Context
func (h *TimeoutHandler) ServeHTTP(w ResponseWriter, r *Request) {
reqCtx := r.Context()
if h.BaseContext != nil {
reqCtx = h.BaseContext(r)
ctx, cancelCtx := context.WithTimeout(reqCtx, h.dt)
defer cancelCtx()
r = r.WithContext(ctx)
case <-reqCtx.Done():
w.WriteHeader(499) // write status for monitoring;
// no need to write a body since no client is listening.
case <-ctx.Done():
io.WriteString(w, h.errorBody())
tw.timedOut = true
The middleware BaseContext callback would return context.Background() for requests to the “fire and forget” endpoint.
One thing I don’t like is that in doing so I’m losing any context keys written so this new middleware would have strong usage constraints. Overall I feel like this is more complex than it should be.
Am I completely missing something obvious?
Any feedback on API instrumentation (maybe our middlewares are an antipattern) /fire and forget implementations would be welcomed!
EDIT: as most comments are that a request for which the client does not wait for a response has unspecified behavior, I checked for more information on typical clients for which this happens.
From our logs, this happens for user agents that seem to be mobile devices. I can imagine that connections can be much more unstable and the problem will likely not disappear.
I would therefore not conclude that I shouldn't find a solution since this is currently creating false-positive alerts.

Use http.TimeoutHandler or ReadTimeout/WriteTimeout?

Does it make sense to additionally use http.TimeoutHandler if I already set the server's ReadTimeout and WriteTimeout? It seems as if this scenario is mutually exclusive?
These two deal with different aspects of http request/response lifecycle.
http.TimeoutHandler is used to limit execution time of the http.Handler. it will return 503 status code to the client, if http.Handler doesn't finish in stipulated time.
While, ReadTimeout and WriteTimeout deals with network I/O timeout, i.e time required to read/write request/response body to your client respectively.
So, http.TimeoutHandler handles the case where your handler (code block that handles http request) need to be complete in set amount of time, by wrapping your original handler. while http.WriteTimeout or http.ReadTimeout is used when you dont want to wait for network read/write of request/response indefinitely.
This blog article does a good job of explaining, but essentially they fulfil slightly different roles, as demonstrated here:
Link to blog article
You've not included what your usecase is, but hopefully this is enough information to be able to make a decision.
If you are going to expose your app naked (directly) no HAproxy/Nginx in front, changing the defaults may help, for example (fine-tune them based on your requirements):
// configure server
srv := &http.Server{
Addr: ":8080",
Handler: router,
ReadTimeout: 5 * time.Second,
WriteTimeout: 7 * time.Second,
MaxHeaderBytes: 1 << 20,
Here is a very nice article explaining more about the topic:
Also exists important difference between them if you are use Context.
In case if you are use http.TimeoutHandler, you will get cancel signal from request context <-ctx.Done() with which you can terminate running processes.
In case if you are use WriteTimeout and if given time limit is reached you will not get cancel signal from request context.
Here is one good sample Diving into Go's HTTP server timeouts
There are two cases when TimeoutHandler returns 503.
The first is, of course, when the deadline is set on the context fires (it could have been set somewhere else, in theory).
The other is if the context was canceled for some other reason (such as the client leaving). They are distinguishable from the client-side because there’s no response body in the latter case
Configuring ReadHeaderTimeout would protect directly against this attack by closing the connection once the deadline is reached, to Mitigate a Slowloris Attack
ReadTimeout is the one we would need to configure here since it covers the header and the body of the HTTP requests, to Mitigate R.U.D.Y attack
Let’s work through the timeout math
Let’s say we want, generally, a 10-second request timeout. So we set TimeoutHandler’s timeout to 10 seconds.
We need to pick a ReadHeaderTimeout that is basically independent from that (because the handler timeout doesn’t start until after the header read is complete). It seems reasonable to pick 5 seconds.
As discussed above, we prefer the ReadTimeout to be longer than the handler timeout, so the client has a chance of getting the response. Because ReadTimeout ticks away during the header read, the calculation for this is something like:
ReadTimeout := handler_timeout + ReadHeaderTimeout + wiggle_room

How to use the context properly in Golang Google Datastore package?

I've started using Google Cloud Datastore in one of the project in the company I currently work in.
In the provided example, they use a context and pass it to the connection instance
ctx := context.Background()
dsClient, err := datastore.NewClient(ctx, "my-project")
Through the documentation you will see that they pass a context to all the functions that makes operations on the database, I am not sure if they are passing the same pointer or create a new pointer for each operation.
The current setup that I have is a global variable for the context in a package called "store" which I keep all the structs functions that communicate with the db, and I use that global variable each time. I don't know what is the effect of that, I am not sure why the context is used, Should I get reference of context.Background() each time I make operations on the database ?
context.Background is the global context--so no need for you global variable. Most of the time you'll want to use a child of that context, with a cancel or a timeout.
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background)
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background, time.Second * 30)
Then you can use the cancel function to close down your application nicely, or cancel and retry if a request is hanging. If you never plan on canceling or timing out operations, then using context.Background is fine.
Also context.Context is an interface so it's always passed by reference, so all uses of a certain instance point to the same context.

Does Context.Done() unblock when context variable goes out of scope in golang?

Will context.Done() unblock when a context variable goes out of scope and cancel is not explicitly called?
Let's say I have the following code:
func DoStuff() {
ctx, _ := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
go DoWork(ctx)
Will ctx.Done() unblock in DoWork after the return in DoStuff()?
I found this thread,!topic/golang-nuts/BbvTlaQwhjw, where the person asking how to use Context.Done() claims that context.Done() will unblock when the context variable leaves scope but no one validated this, and I didn't see anything in the docs.
No, it doesn't cancel automatically when the context leaves scope. Typically one calls defer cancel() (using the callback from ctx.WithCancel()) oneself to make sure that the context is cancelled. provides a good overview of how to use contexts correctly (including the defer pattern above). Also, the source code is quite readable and you can see there's no magic that would provide automatic cancellation.
"Unblocking" is not the clearest terminology. Done() returns a channel (or nil) that will receive a struct{} and/or close when the context is "cancelled". What exactly that chan is, or when it is sent on, is up to the individual implementation. It may be sent/closed at some fixed time as with WithDeadline, or manually done as with WithCancel.
The key though, is that this is never "automatic" or guaranteed to happen. If you make a context with WithCancel and read from the Done() channel, that read will block indefinitely until the Cancel() method is called. If that never happens, then you have a wasted goroutine and your application's memory will increase each time you do it.
Once the context is completely out of scope (no executing goroutine is listening to it or has a reference to the parent context), it will get garbage collected and everything will go away.
EDIT: After reading the source though, it looks like WithCancel and friends spawn goroutines to propigate the cancellation. Therefore you must make sure Cancel gets called at some point to avoid goroutine leaks.
