callback with results of apply in terraform provider - go

I'm writing a custom terraform provider. I need to wrap the calls to the backed API in a "session", opening it before any calls are made and then closing it once all the terraform calls have completed.
Opening the session is straightforward, I can do that in the ConfigureContextFunc of the schema.Provider. Is there a way to set up a callback (or something) at the end of the application so I can close/"finalize" the session? I can imagine something specific to my resources, but that seems hacky. In my dream world I'd also be able to fail the apply if the close had an error.
Absent a nice finalize call is there a way to access the plan that I could use to determine that the current call is the last needed for the apply?
Update: I thought I could use a StopContext:
stopCtx, ok := schema.StopContext(ctx)
go func(ctx context.Context) {
// Wait for stop context cancellation
However, this is both deprecated and seems to only get called when stopping due to some outside trigger, like SIGINT, and not a regular exit (at least that's what I've been seeing).

After a fair amount of floundering I have what I believe to be a reasonable solution, and it even matches #Ben Hoyt's comment. We can defer and teardown in main.
func main() {
var prov *schema.Provider
defer func() {
ProviderFunc: func() *schema.Provider {
prov = xyz.Provider()
return prov
I'll note that my comment on the question about not being around when the provider is made is incorrect. The provider is made in a main function in the provider code. In my (flimsy) defense I used the example scaffolding so that code came pre-written.
One thing that threw me was the docs for plugin.Serve
Serve serves a plugin. This function never returns and should be the final function called in the main function of the plugin.
It turns out that when the terraform action is done and the plugin is no longer needed, Serve does return and allows our defer to run. I did need to keep track of success or failure of all the calls that were made while Serve was active to know the status in my ProviderTeardown, but it is working.


Proper logging implementation in Golang package

I have small Golang package which does some work. This work suppose a high amount of errors could be produced and this is OK. Currently all errors are ignored. Yes it may look strange, but visit the link and check the main purpose of package.
I'd like to extend functionality of the package and provide ability to see errors occurred during runtime. But due to lack of software design skills I have some questions with no answers.
At first, I thought to implement logging inside the package using the existing logging (zerolog, zap or whatever else). But, will it be ok for package's users? Because they might want to use other logging packages and would like to modify output format.
Maybe it's possible to provide a way to user to inject it's own logging?
I'd like to achieve the ability to provide easy-configurable way for logging which could be switched on or off on users demands.
Some go lib use logging like this
in your packge definite a logger interface
type Yourlogging interface{
and definite a variable for this interface
var mylogger Yourlogging
func SetLogger(l yourlogging)error{
mylogger = l
in your func, you can call them for logging
you don't need implement the interface, but you can use them who implement this interface
for example:
SetLogger(os.Stdout) //logging output to stdout
SetLogger(logrus.New()) // logging output to logrus (
In Go, you will see some libraries implement logging interfaces like other answers have suggested. However, you could completely avoid your packages needing to log if you structured your application differently, for your example.
For example, in your example application you linked, your main application runtime calls idleexacts.Run(), which starts this function.
// startLoop starts workload using passed settings and database connection.
func startLoop(ctx context.Context, log log.Logger, pool db.DB, tables []string, jobs uint16, minTime, maxTime time.Duration) error {
// Increment maxTime up to 1 due to rand.Int63n() never return max value.
// While running, keep required number of workers using channel.
// Run new workers only until there is any free slot.
guard := make(chan struct{}, jobs)
for {
select {
// Run workers only when it's possible to write into channel (channel is limited by number of jobs).
case guard <- struct{}{}:
go func() {
table := selectRandomTable(tables)
naptime := time.Duration(rand.Int63n(maxTime.Nanoseconds()-minTime.Nanoseconds()) + minTime.Nanoseconds())
err := startSingleIdleXact(ctx, pool, table, naptime)
if err != nil {
log.Warnf("start idle xact failed: %s", err)
// When worker finishes, read from the channel to allow starting another worker.
case <-ctx.Done():
return nil
The problem here is all of the orchestration of your logic is happening inside of your packages. Instead, this loop should be running in your main application, and this package should provide users with simple actions such as selectRandomTable() or createTempTable().
If the orchestration of code was in your main application and the package only provided simple actions. It would be much easier to return errors to the user as part of the function calls.
It would also make your packages easier for others to reuse because they have simple actions and open users to use them in other ways than you intended.

How do I run another executable from a Windows service

Besides a few tutorials on Go I have no actual experience in it. I'm trying to take a project written in Go and converting it into a windows service.
I honestly haven't tried anything besides trying to find things to read over. I have found a few threads and choosen the best library I felt covered all of our needs
// Copyright 2012 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// +build windows
package main
import (
var elog debug.Log
type myservice struct{}
func (m *myservice) Execute(args []string, r <-chan svc.ChangeRequest, changes chan<- svc.Status) (ssec bool, errno uint32) {
const cmdsAccepted = svc.AcceptStop | svc.AcceptShutdown | svc.AcceptPauseAndContinue
changes <- svc.Status{State: svc.StartPending}
fasttick := time.Tick(500 * time.Millisecond)
slowtick := time.Tick(2 * time.Second)
tick := fasttick
changes <- svc.Status{State: svc.Running, Accepts: cmdsAccepted}
for {
select {
case <-tick:
elog.Info(1, "beep")
case c := <-r:
switch c.Cmd {
case svc.Interrogate:
changes <- c.CurrentStatus
// Testing deadlock from
time.Sleep(100 * time.Millisecond)
changes <- c.CurrentStatus
case svc.Stop, svc.Shutdown:
// is verifying this output.
testOutput := strings.Join(args, "-")
testOutput += fmt.Sprintf("-%d", c.Context)
elog.Info(1, testOutput)
break loop
case svc.Pause:
changes <- svc.Status{State: svc.Paused, Accepts: cmdsAccepted}
tick = slowtick
case svc.Continue:
changes <- svc.Status{State: svc.Running, Accepts: cmdsAccepted}
tick = fasttick
elog.Error(1, fmt.Sprintf("unexpected control request #%d", c))
changes <- svc.Status{State: svc.StopPending}
func runService(name string, isDebug bool) {
var err error
if isDebug {
elog = debug.New(name)
} else {
elog, err = eventlog.Open(name)
if err != nil {
defer elog.Close()
elog.Info(1, fmt.Sprintf("starting %s service", name))
run := svc.Run
if isDebug {
run = debug.Run
err = run(name, &myservice{})
if err != nil {
elog.Error(1, fmt.Sprintf("%s service failed: %v", name, err))
elog.Info(1, fmt.Sprintf("%s service stopped", name))
So I spent some time going over this code. Tested it out to see what it does. It performs as it should.
The question I have is we currently have a Go program that takes in arguments and for our service we pass in server. Which spins up our stuff on a localhost webpage.
I believe the code above may have something to do with that but I'm lost at how I would actually get it spin off our exe with the correct arguements. Is this the right spot to call main?
Im sorry if this is vague. I dont know exactly how to make this interact with our already exisiting exe.
I can get that modified if I know what needs to be changed. I appreacite any help.
OK, that's much clearer now. Well, ideally you should start with some tutorial on what constitutes a Windows service—I bet tihis might have solved the problem for you. But let's try anyway.
Some theory
A Windows service sort of has two facets: it performs some useful task and it communicates with the SCM facility. When you manipulate a service using the sc command or through the Control Panel, you have that piece of software to talk with SCM on your behalf, and SCM talks with that service.
The exact protocol the SCM and a service use is low-level and complicated
and the point of the Go package you're using is to hide that complexity from you
and offer a reasonably Go-centric interface to that stuff.
As you might gather from your own example, the Execute method of the type you've created is—for the most part—concerned with communicating with SCM: it runs an endless for loop which on each iteration sleeps on reading from the r channel, and that channel delivers SCM commands to your service.
So you basically have what could be called "an SCM command processing loop".
Now recall those two facets above. You already have one of them: your service interacts with SCM, so you need another one—the code which actually performs useful tasks.
In fact, it's already partially there: the example code you've grabbed creates a time ticker which provides a channel on which it delivers a value when another tick passes. The for loop in the Execute method reads from that channel as well, "doing work" each time another tick is signalled.
OK, this is fine for a toy example but lame for a real work.
Approaching the solution
So let's pause for a moment and think about our requirements.
We need some code running and doing our actual task(s).
We need the existing command processing loop to continue working.
We need these two pieces of code to work concurrently.
In this toy example the 3rd point is there "for free" because a time ticker carries out the task of waiting for the next tick automatically and fully concurrently with the rest of the code.
Your real code most probably won't have that luxury, so what do you do?
In Go, when you need to do something concurrently with something else,
an obvious answer is "use a goroutine".
So the first step is to grab your existing code, turn it into a callable function
and then call it in a separate goroutine right before entering the for loop.
This way, you'll have both pieces run concurrently.
The hard parts
OK, that wasn't hard.
The hard parts are:
How to configure the code which performs the tasks.
How to make the SCM command processing loop and the code carrying out tasks communicate.
This one really depends on the policies at your $dayjob or of your $current_project, but there are few hints:
A Windows service may receive command-line arguments—either for a single run or permanently (passed to the service on each of its runs).
The downside is that it's not convenient to work with them from the UI/UX standpoint.
Typically Windows services used to read the registry.
These days (after the advent of .NET and its pervasive xml-ity) the services tend to read configuration files.
The OS environment most of the time is a bad fit for the task.
You may combine several of these venues.
I think I'd start with a configuration file but then again, you should pick the path of the least resistance, I think.
One of the things to keep in mind is that the reading and processing of the configuration should better be done before the service signals the SCM it started OK: if the configuration is invalid or cannot be loaded, the service should extensively log that and signal it failed, and not run the actual task processing code.
Communication between the command processing loop and the tasks carrying code
This is IMO the hardest part.
It's possible to write a whole book here but let's keep it simple for now.
To make it as simple as possible I'd do the following:
Consider pausing, stopping and shutting down mostly the same: all these signals must tell your task processing code to quit, and then wait for it to actually do that.
Consider the "continue" signal the same as starting the task processing function: run it again—in a new goroutine.
Have a one-directional communication: from the control loop to the tasks processing code, but not the other way—this will greatly simplify service state management.
This way, you may create a single channel which the task processing code listens on—or checks periodically, and when a value comes from that channel, the code stops running, closes the channel and exits.
The control loop, when the SCM tells it to pause or stop or shut down, sends anything on that channel then waits for it to close. When that happens, it knows the tasks processing code is finished.
In Go, a paradigm for a channel which is only used for signaling, is to have a channel of type struct{} (an empty struct).
The question of how to monitor this control channel in the tasks running code is an open one and heavily depends on the nature of the tasks it performs.
Any further help here would be reciting what's written in the Go books on concurrency so you should have that covered first.
There's also an interesting question of how to have the communication between the control loop and the tasks processing loop resilient to the possible processing stalls in the latter, but then again, IMO it's too early to touch upon that.

Does Context.Done() unblock when context variable goes out of scope in golang?

Will context.Done() unblock when a context variable goes out of scope and cancel is not explicitly called?
Let's say I have the following code:
func DoStuff() {
ctx, _ := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
go DoWork(ctx)
Will ctx.Done() unblock in DoWork after the return in DoStuff()?
I found this thread,!topic/golang-nuts/BbvTlaQwhjw, where the person asking how to use Context.Done() claims that context.Done() will unblock when the context variable leaves scope but no one validated this, and I didn't see anything in the docs.
No, it doesn't cancel automatically when the context leaves scope. Typically one calls defer cancel() (using the callback from ctx.WithCancel()) oneself to make sure that the context is cancelled. provides a good overview of how to use contexts correctly (including the defer pattern above). Also, the source code is quite readable and you can see there's no magic that would provide automatic cancellation.
"Unblocking" is not the clearest terminology. Done() returns a channel (or nil) that will receive a struct{} and/or close when the context is "cancelled". What exactly that chan is, or when it is sent on, is up to the individual implementation. It may be sent/closed at some fixed time as with WithDeadline, or manually done as with WithCancel.
The key though, is that this is never "automatic" or guaranteed to happen. If you make a context with WithCancel and read from the Done() channel, that read will block indefinitely until the Cancel() method is called. If that never happens, then you have a wasted goroutine and your application's memory will increase each time you do it.
Once the context is completely out of scope (no executing goroutine is listening to it or has a reference to the parent context), it will get garbage collected and everything will go away.
EDIT: After reading the source though, it looks like WithCancel and friends spawn goroutines to propigate the cancellation. Therefore you must make sure Cancel gets called at some point to avoid goroutine leaks.

Overriding http.Server.Serve

I need to embed the default http.Server in my own server struct and customize the Serve method.
The server needs to short circuit the go c.serve() call and only run that line if it has the computing resources available to respond within 50ms. Otherwise the server is just going to send a 204 and move on.
This is almost straightforward.
type PragmaticServer struct {
Addr string
Handler http.Handler
func (srv *PragmaticServer) Serve(l net.Listener) error {
defer l.Close()
var tempDelay time.Duration // how long to sleep on accept failure
for {
// SNIP for clarity
c, err := srv.newConn(rw)
if err != nil {
c.setState(c.rwc, StateNew) // before Serve can return
go c.serve()
So, again. This almost works. Except that srv.newConn is an unexported method, as is c.serve and c.setState, which means that I end up having to copy and paste pretty much the entirety of net/http in order for this to compile. Which is basically a fork. Is there any better way to do this?
Unfortunately, you're not going to be able to do that without reimplementing most of the Server code. Short of that, we usually intercept the call either just before at conn.Accept, or just after at Handler.ServerHTTP.
The first method is to create a custom net.Listener that filters out connections before they are even handed off to the http.Server. While this can respond faster, and consume fewer resources, it however makes it less convenient to write http responses, and precludes you from limiting requests on already open connections.
The second way to handle this, is to just wrap the handlers and intercept the request before any real work has been done. You most likely want to create a http.Handler to filter the requests, and pass them through to your main handler. This can also be more flexible, since you can filter based on the route, or other request information if you so choose.

Go Context with http.server

In order to test a server that I am writing, I want to be able to start and stop it in the testing framework.
To do so, I am hoping I can integrate the context package in with the http.Server struct. I want to be able to stop the server when I call the Done function and the ctx.Done() channel returns something.
What I would love to do would be to just modify the http.Server.Serve() method, to accept a context.Context and check if it is done, on each iteration of the for loop, like this:
func (srv *server) Serve(ctx context.Context, l net.Listener) error {
defer l.Close()
var tempDelay time.Duration // how long to sleep on accept failure
for {
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
return nil
... rest is same as original
However it seems like if I wanna add that check inside the for loop, I would have to rewrite a lot of the methods, because this method calls other private methods (like http.server.srv), which in turn call other private methods....
I also notice that the for loop will stop when the Accept() method on the listener returns an error.
However, I can't seem to figure out a way to get a listener to output an error from it's accept method without accessing its private methods as well.
It seems like I am doing something very stupid and wrong if I have to copy and paste half the http library just to let the server stop using the context package.
I know there are lots of solutions around for supporting context canceling for the ServeHTTP function, but that isn't what I am talking about. I wanna pass a context to the whole server, not just to each incoming request.
Is this just impossible?
Use httptest.Server to create a server that you can start and stop in tests.
If you do use the http.Server directly, you can break the Serve loop by closing the net.Listener. When a net.Listener is closed, any blocked Accept operations are unblocked and return errors. The Serve function returns if Accept returns a permanent error.
