How to call senstive parameter from parameter contest on RouteOnAttribute in nifi - apache-nifi

I am using the parameter contest in that their is parameter, which is a sensitive parameter and i need to call in routeOnattribute for our requirement. how can i achieve this calling the sensitive parameter from parameterContests.Please help me out.


What to pass to 'client_config' parameter in the 'local_server_flow' method

For the most part I understand how to use the function 'local_server_flow', but I have looked through the docs trying to figure out what to pass to the client_config parameter but cant seem to fin any real usage examples of 'local_server_flow' that suggest what to actually pass to the client_config parameter.
Any suggestion for what to pass to the 'client_config' parameter?

How can I make a parameter in JMeter constantly change?

Please help. I need the CurrentUserId parameter to change. How can I do this?enter image description here
Maybe you can make this parameter customizable? So that you can make a variable for this parameter in the Post query? I don't know...
Replace it with ${__UUID} function, it generates an UUID v4 structure each time it's being called so if you put the function into the request body it will produce an unique value for each user for each iteration:
More information on JMeter Functions concept: Apache JMeter Functions - An Introduction

NiFi 1.10 Parameters: How to get them to work?

We are running NiFi 1.10 and have defined a Parameter Context. This has been assigned to a Processor Group, and a ListFTP processor has been added to our flow. In the parameter context, there is a parameter called ftp.password, which is set as a sensitive parameter and the password as its value. Then in the ListFTP processor, this parameter is referenced by #{ftp.password}. However, it does not seems to work as it seems to be unable to resolve the parameter. It fails to login to the FTP server, but if I put the password directly into the password field, omitting the use of a parameter value, it works.
Apart from these steps, is there anything else that needs to be done?
Creating Parameter Context.
Assigning Parameter Context to Processor Group.
Creating a Parameter (ftp.password), sensitive is checked.
Assigning Parameter to ListFTP's Password field: #{ftp.password}
P.S. Followed this document:
Indeed. Devs are investigated about this and found the logic for some processors are different. See this. I think you already report this and got the reason for what is wrong.
It will be fixed in the next version.

Nifi: Route on Attribute processor to wrong processor

I am testing a flow in NIFI that checks for specific value of a counter using REST API. I am able to extract it correct value from REST response. However, when I check the condition in Route on Attribute processor, the expected matched condition's results are routing to unmatched processor.
Attached is the :
Flow and configuration
I have already checked my response to be "1". But its routing to unmatched branch.
Is there something wrong with NIFI expression language I am using?
Initial setup check counter attribute in which value is 1.
And modify the expression language like ${counter:equals('1')} or ${counter:matches('1')} instead of contains.
because contains not suitable for your scanerio.
Hope this helpful for you.

How pass in the URL Cascading Parameters?

I'm using SSRS 2005 and I passed through the URL parameters to my report, but I only accept the first parameter and the second not because they are cascading, meaning that the parameter SecondAge depends on FirstAge.
How I deal with or can not do?
This is the URL I wrote.
Create a URL request like:
(More documentation at
