What to pass to 'client_config' parameter in the 'local_server_flow' method - gspread

For the most part I understand how to use the function 'local_server_flow', but I have looked through the docs trying to figure out what to pass to the client_config parameter but cant seem to fin any real usage examples of 'local_server_flow' that suggest what to actually pass to the client_config parameter.
Any suggestion for what to pass to the 'client_config' parameter?


How can I make a parameter in JMeter constantly change?

Please help. I need the CurrentUserId parameter to change. How can I do this?enter image description here
Maybe you can make this parameter customizable? So that you can make a variable for this parameter in the Post query? I don't know...
Replace it with ${__UUID} function, it generates an UUID v4 structure each time it's being called so if you put the function into the request body it will produce an unique value for each user for each iteration:
More information on JMeter Functions concept: Apache JMeter Functions - An Introduction

How to send parameterId in the middle of http GET request url in Go [duplicate]

I am trying Golang for the first time. I am trying to call a GET REST API which has a path variable. I am using net/http for that. I am trying like below but no luck so far. I need to know how I can use the path variable and pass the variable from the code. Any help or code example would be highly appreciated.
This does not seem to work:
what about
http.Get(fmt.Sprintf("", id)

Calling a GET REST API in golang with a path variable

I am trying Golang for the first time. I am trying to call a GET REST API which has a path variable. I am using net/http for that. I am trying like below but no luck so far. I need to know how I can use the path variable and pass the variable from the code. Any help or code example would be highly appreciated.
This does not seem to work:
what about
http.Get(fmt.Sprintf("", id)

Laravel route parameters don't care at all

I come from here:
Laravel pagination trouble with offset
Investigating into my code, I found that when a random alike parameter is given through a route, it will do an like query or I don't know, but it will still work as it will get the first part of the parameter:
The route I'm trying to "ensure" goes like this:
Route::get('/videos/cats/{race_id}/{cat_id}, [App\Http\Controllers\MeowController::class, 'getCatVideo']);
Can someone help me to get that exact parameter as integer, or prevent a route from working if the parameter is not exactly the given one?
Thank you in advance.
Parameters are required by default.
To validate parameter:
Route::get('/videos/cats/{race_id}/{cat_id}, [App\Http\Controllers\MeowController::class, 'getCatVideo'])
->where('race_id', '\d+')
->where('cat_id', '\d+');
Useful link: https://laravel.com/docs/8.x/routing#parameters-regular-expression-constraints

Using Moq how do you verify function was called without specifying parameters?

Sometimes I want to just verify that a function was called rather than have to test the function was called with specific parameters.
The reason for this that there is a complex object being passed in as a parameter, but the later call inside that function makes a database fetch. Since this will be mocked, it will just have nulls & 0s.
I just want to verify the call without testing against the passed in parameters. How can I do this?
You may find the following blog post useful. Quote:
x => x.Connect(It.IsAny<MyArgumentType>())
