How to use 'word-wrap' and ''vertical-scroll' on pop-up - scroll

I have a .aspx page that pulls data from an agGrid table and when I click on a row in the table, the modal (pop-up) appears, however, one of the fields doesn't word-wrap the text and just runs right out of the modal window and displays on top of the contents of the page. I"m trying to get the one field to word wrap and scroll vertically within the pop up modal.
I"ve researched the agGrid site and some others and have tried using overflow-y="True", word-wrap: "true", but it didn't have any effect on the pop up.
Is there a way to use 'word-wrap' and ''vertical-scroll' for a field so that the text displays neatly in a modal (pop-up)? I'm using with visual studio 2017.
Any examples/instructions would be appreciated.
Thanks in advance!


Accessibility error in offcanvas element in Joomla site

I have a problem with a validation error to (Joomla 3.9.10 - yootheme template0
which is related to empty link in "offcanvas"
I don't know where to find the code and how to fix it. Thank you.
That looks like your menu button which is only visible in responsive mode. If I increase my font size or run on mobile, then I see it.
There are two problems with the menu button. The first is that it doesn't have a label that a screen reader can announce. That's the error that WAVE is pointing out. You can fix that by adding an aria-label to your link.
The second problem that WAVE didn't find is that the "state" of your menu (expanded or collapsed) also needs to be conveyed. You do that with aria-expanded. Set the value to "false" when the menu is closed and "true" when the menu is open.
And if you want to get picky, there's a third problem that you're using a link instead of a button. A link should be used for navigation, opening a new page, not for an "action". I'd recommend changing your menu to a <button>.
If you want to use an <a> then you should add role="button" and make sure the space key can be used to select the link. By default, links only allow the enter to select them but a button allows both space and enter.

Can I add navigation arrows to PDF output in SSRS / Report Builder 3.0?

Somebody pulled the most random question on me today and I realized I'd never even considered it. What they wanted was my PDF rendering of an SSRS report to come standard with navigation arrows, i.e., previous page, next page. This started me looking at all the options that are available, which are actually kind of cool, and I was able to add on a table of contents, including bookmarks for a new number (e.g., if you're printing 5 invoices with 2-5 pages each into one long document, those will have the invoice number and you can jump to the beginning of that invoice), but I couldn't see anything about navigation links. In fact, most of what I've seen says that PDF's only can have navigation maps, i.e., the table of contents tab. So if anyone has any ideas on how I can do this, that would be great. I know it can be added after-the-fact with something like Blubeam, but that's not practical in this case.
As I mentioned in comments you can create a bookmark in each page. A bookmark can be added using the component DocumentMapLabel property almost all SSRS Report Items (Tablix, Textbox, Charts, etc) have.
If you don't have a title or a textbox at the very top of each page, add an empty textbox, be sure place them at the top of the page in order to each bookmark jumps to the beginning of the corresponding page.
Select the first textbox and press F4 to see the extended properties window, look for DocumentMapLabel and type Page 1.
In each page set the textbox DocumentMapLabel property to the corresponding page number.
When the report is exported to PDF, your PDF client shows the bookmark menu, containing a bookmark for each page. If you click on a bookmark it jumps to the related page.
This is how it looks in Adobe Acrobar Reader:
Let me know if this helps.

Visual Foxpro 9.0

I have a programming problem in Visual FoxPro, create a form that contains PageFrame with 2 Page.
1. On Page 1, Create a program to display data in the grid and give the sorting facilities, navigation and search.
2. On Page 2, create a program to calculate volumeTabung and spacious blanket.
Can anyone provide a solution? thank you
Although this is not DOING the answer, but a simple guide.
In the VFP command window,
Create Form [whatever form name you want]
Once form is up, look at the toolbar for "Form Controls". Click on the "PageFrame" control and then click on the form... There, you have a default pageframe with 2 pages as a default.
The "Properties" window should be visible by default. Click on the combobox on at the top which shows all controls. Open the drop-down and you will see "Page1" and "Page2" of the page frame control. Click on either page, and that will bring focus to that respective page.
Now, click on the Forms Controls toolbar again, such as to grab textbox, label, combobox, whatever and then click on the page and your controls are there. Then get focus to the second page and do the same for whatever you want.
Save and run the form. This just gets you to see the controls and how simple to put them on. Actual pulling your data and populating is really more your "to do" list.

Telerik RadComboBox RenderingMode Simple

We are using a Telerik Rad ComboBox to render a drop down. The issue is by default it renders a div and<ul><li> for the drop down list. We tried setting the RenderingMode to "Simple" BUT for some reason the RenderingMode property is not taking. We want the Simple property because it is SUPPOSED TO ouput:
instead it is still rendering
<ul> <li>.
On mobile devices we want the list to pop up the device's default select option viewer.
We found that there is a property for the ComboBox to set RenderingMode="Simple", HOWEVER, it does not seem to be switching out our RadComboBox to elements, it is keeping the default. I checked the HTML output in Firebug and nothing has changed. The RadComboBox is inside a RadGrid that is triggered when "Add new record" selected.
Any reasons why setting the RenderingMode to Simple doesn't work???
I see it rendering the select in Firebug and the style is pushed way left -9999 and the position if fixed, I overwrote the CSS so that those came into view BUT the values are not taking or inputting into our RadGrid when we click save. It does not seem the items have the same values.
Image 1. Even though we have RenderingMode="Simple" it still creates the 'ul li' version.
Image 2. It creates the HTML but according to the documentation the 'ul li' is supposed to be gone and the droplist is supposed to show up in place of it. Instead, as you can see in Firebug, it inputs BOTH.
Image 3. Shows both input types when I take the -9999px or the position fixed from the CSS can see both actually are rendered on the page
Image 4. Is the Code example. Very simple .Net using the RadComboBox with the RenderingMode specified but not working correctly.

How to make autocompleting textbox in VB6?

I want to have an auto-completing textbox like the one in the image below:
This screenshot is from an accounting software. Whenever the user focuses on a textbox and starts typing something, the suggestions just pop up under the control (as seen in the image under the Purc type textbox). This auto-suggest functionality even works in the cells of the grid shown in the picture. Moreover, the fields in which this auto-suggest is enabled allow only values from the auto-suggest list to be filled up and nothing else.
I want to emulate similar functionality in my app in VB6. Any ideas on how to implement auto-completing textbox in VB6?
Checkout the AutoComplete Text Box at
Another option is at VBNet. The article shows how to use shlwapi.dll api.
What I've typically done is do what is included in the project link by C-Pound Guru. Take a TextBox and as the user types into the field have a ListBox fill with results matching the text. The ListBox would by default be hidden but will be made visible when text is entered into the field. When the ListBox is clicked then simply update the TextBox with the ListBox's selected item text then hide the ListBox control again. A quite simple routine to complete.
VBAccelerator is an excellent site for VB6 tips - try their AutoComplete sample
