Custom widget errors flutterflow - windows

Has anyone tried using custom widget recently, particularly 2days ago till now?
I've been getting error of target of URI doesn't exist: "package.file/file.dart" and I did include this particular package in the dependencies.
The same error was thrown even in the already compiled widget when I tried it again!
Any help on this would be appreciated. Thanks


React Native Production Build Error ('Build input file cannot be found: {path}ExpoModulesProvider.swift')

So I finished a React Native project and trying to get it into production mode. However, XCode is throwing me this error saying that it cannot find ExpoModulesProvider.swift
Here is the full error,
I have been trying to solve this error the past 2-3 hours. I searched everywhere however, I could't find anything related to this error. Even StackOverFlow doesn't have it.
Thank you
I had the same issue and in my case I solved it by removing the ExpoModulesProvider.swift source from Compile Sources

How to solve Java.Lang.NoClassDefFoundError: 'Failed resolution of: Landroid/support/v4/view/ViewCompat;'?

I am developing app using Xamarin.Android in VS2019 and using AndroidX. The app was working fine, but now when the app is running I am getting an exception
'Java.Lang.NoClassDefFoundError: 'Failed resolution of: Landroid/support/v4/view/ViewCompat;'.
I tried by cleaning bin and obj folder, but didn't able to solve the issue. I searched the internet and tried different ways but the issue is still there. Please help me to solve the same.
Thanks and Regards
Gireesh M
I am using 'FlexboxLayoutXamarinBindingAndroid' nuget package for creating flexbox layouts. This is causing the problem.
When I Changed the 'FlexboxLayoutXamarinBindingAndroid', the error got solved. Thanks for all who helped me.

build fails on Xcode due the one signal library

I have been trying this for few days now but still I had no luck building it successfully.
The error I get is:'React/RCTAnimationType.h' file not found
I have already added into header search path this $(SRCROOT)/../node_modules/react-native-onesignal/ios and made it recursive.
Do I need to run pod install or anything like that? If anyone would help me on this I would really appreciate it!

Parse SDK, installed facebook framework, GADCustomEventBanner error

I have installed the Facebook SDK framework to integrate with Parse,
however I am now getting an error that says that the following code can not be found:
#import "GADCustomEventBanner.h"
the error is:
'GADCustomEventBanner.h' file not found
Does anyone know where I can find this?
Thanks in advance.
You might have deleted the file. Just download the framework and add the files back in.
Oh and by the way, try using Cocoapods. It gets sooo much easier when you manage your controls and dependencies.

Joomla 'component not found' install error

I made a component that was working find on my local machine but when I tried to put it on live site it gives me '404 - An error has occurred. Component not found' error that doesn't seem to go away. I have tried everything from installing from different admins to putting the files directly to server but nothing works. I even tried installing it on another joomla site but that doesn't help either. Any help would be appreciated.
Thank you.
I was stuck on this since morning and finally got the solution. This might be of help...
The component name was com_ABCdef and it worked on local like that however when I installed in to site it became all small letters and was calling for option=com_abcdef and my installation files file ABCdef.xml and ABCdef.php and changing those to lower case solved my problem.
how are you doing it ?
Do you have the xml install file ?
name convention? i think name should always be com_componentName
have you placed it in the component directory ?
read more about joomla component here
