How to handle computer files in Genexus for reading, copying and deleting - genexus

I'm fairly new to genexus. I'm using a Genexus 17 trial. I created a procedure with the following code:
If &file.exists()
&Text = "The file exists!"
//&Text = &file.ErrDescription
&Text = &file.GetAbsoluteName()
&i = &file.ErrCode
Print printBlock1
When I call the procedure, I get the result "c:\abc123.txt 0" in a pdf format because of the printBlock1 layout (&Text &i). &file.exists() always returns false, and after the call I can't find my file in the system. Why doesn't genexus create the file?


VLC Media Player LUA Extension fails detecting whether the media file actually exists or not in Windows

As I stated in Q-title, I am trying to utilize an existing VLC extension developed in LUA programming language.
The Lua extension can be referred from here, when I correctly place this extension in %ProgramFiles%\VideoLAN\VLC\lua\extensions path and then open any video/audio file and run it and then when I select View > Remove current file from playlist and disk option, it closes the currently playing media file & throws this error: lua info: [vlc-delete] error: File does not exist.
Not sure but I suspect this is due to Windows quotes issue when FileName and/or FilePath contains spaces in them. And also from the error, it seems that io.popen("if exist " .. file .. " (echo 1)") : read "*l" == "1" isn't reliable for correctly detecting whether file actually exists or not.
I am relatively new to Lua programming, so can anyone assist about any better methods for checking whether file exists or not that works in latest VLC versions like 3.x+(cause I am using VLC 64Bit in Windows 10/11 64Bit), or just assist fix this mentioned issue ?
Note that when the script calls fileExists method, it does takes care of quotes properly: if not fileExists("\"" .. file .. "\"") then return nil, "File does not exist" end
After hours of troubleshooting, I was able to fix the issue, which was due to the way the quoted(space-containing) file path was passed to another function and the Lua library method of os.remove not working on the passed parameter.
So I just had an idea, I am mainly using Windows OS only, then why not convert the script to rely on Windows OS core(batch/cmd) functions only and do the safe checking of whether file exists and then delete with those core Windows functions too.
And so I just did that and got the plugin to actually check whether the file exists and delete the file, if it does then delete it. Here's the working code:
-- Copy this file to %ProgramFiles%\VideoLAN\VLC\lua\extensions\ and restart VLC Media player.
function descriptor()
return {
title = "VLC Delete Media File(Windows only)";
version = "1.0";
author = "Vicky Dev";
shortdesc = "&Remove current file from playlist and disk";
description = [[
<h1>VLC Delete Media File(Windows only)</h1>"
When you're playing a file, use this to easily
delete the current file from your <b>playlist</b> and <b>disk</b> with one click.<br>
Disclaimer: The author is not responsible for damage caused by this extension.
function sleep(seconds)
local t0 = os.clock()
local tOriginal = t0
while os.clock() - t0 <= seconds and os.clock() >= tOriginal do end
function removeItem()
local id = vlc.playlist.current()
vlc.playlist.gotoitem(id + 1)
function activate()
local item = vlc.input.item()
local uri = item:uri()
uri = string.gsub(uri, "^file:///", "")
uri = vlc.strings.decode_uri(uri)
path = string.gsub(uri, "/", "\\")"[VLC Delete Media File(Windows only)] removing: "..uri.." : "..path)
retval, err = os.execute("if exist ".."\""..path.."\"".." #(call )")
if (type(retval) == 'number' and retval == 0) then
os.execute("del /f /a /q ".."\""..path.."\"")
function click_ok()
function deactivate()
function close()
function meta_changed()
Hope this helps anyone who wants this cool feature of deleting the media files from player itself, instead of going to the location and doing it.

Check if a file exists faster than OPEN DATASET

I'm searching for a way to check if a file exists before using the OPEN DATASET command to open it. The OPEN DATASET command takes up to 30 seconds to trigger an exception, which is too slow for my liking.
This is the code:
CONCATENATE ` ` lv_resultdata INTO lv_resultdata.
TRANSFER lv_resultdata TO lv_file.
CATCH cx_sy_file_access_error.
MESSAGE 'Placeholder-message. File cannot be reached'.
Try this:
DATA: filepath TYPE epsf-epsdirnam VALUE '/tmp'.
dir_name = filepath
file_mask = 'somefile.txt'
invalid_eps_subdir = 1
sapgparam_failed = 2
build_directory_failed = 3
no_authorization = 4
read_directory_failed = 5
too_many_read_errors = 6
empty_directory_list = 7
CHECK sy-subrc = 0.
" writing dataset
It can also be used for remote servers.

Extendscript in Indesign not creating or writing to file

I am writing a script for Indesign that collects the contents from TextStyleRange objects, adds them to a javascript object, and should then write out a JSON file with the stringified JSON.
I can create the JSON just fine, with the contents from all of the TextStyleRanges in the current document, however the final file never gets written.
Here is a simplified example of what I have:
#include "json2.js";
function main(){
myObj = { "key_1": "value_1", "key_2": "value_2" };
myContents = JSON.stringify(myObj, null, 4);
myFile = new File("~/Documents/myproject/en/translation.json");"w");
myFile.write( myContents );
$.writeln( myContents );
In the VSCode debugger I can correctly see the JSON being output by $.writeln, however the file is not being created on disk. Any ideas what might be going wrong?
I'm using Windows 10, and Adobe Indesign 2022.
I have also tried with file edit but no luck:"e", "????", "????");
Actually it was simply that I needed to create the subfolder first:
var parentFolder = myFile.parent;
if (!parentFolder.exists && !parentFolder.create())
throw new Error("Cannot create file in path " + myFile.fsName);
After adding this to my script the folder and the file were created successfully.

WinCC export screen data to xls/csv

I am using TIA portal V13, with WinCC RT Advanced. I have been given a running project and need to export some values to excel for the client daily, monthly and yearly using a script. I have a screen with a table control that displays values of tags. The values are logged periodically.
How can I access the values from the screen or data logs using vbs? There is this command in the manual for accessing the dataLogs
But I cannot find how to access the data and save it to a file.
There is already a vbs script in the project(begin and end times are defined earlier in the script)but it just exports an empty csv with the column names but no values.
Set obj1 = obj.ScreenItems("Table view_1")
obj1.TimeColumnRangeType = 1
obj1.TimeColumnBeginTime = sBeginTime
obj1.TimeColumnEndTime = sEndTime
FolderName = "C:\Folder_name"
FileDate = sDay &"_" &sMonth &"_" &sYear
obj1.ExportDirectoryChangeable = True
obj1.ExportDirectoryname = FolderName
obj1.ExportFilenameChangeable = True
obj1.ExportFilename = "Filename " &FileDate

Create and show a PDF file from a Lotus Notes action

I'm using an action inside a form to create a Word document, using the CreateObject("Word.application") method, then I modify it to my liking and save it in a temp directory.
I can show the Word document as soon as it is created by calling nameOfTheDocument.visible(true), and by modifying the Save action I can save the newly created document as a PDF, however I can't find a way to show it to the user.
Trying to call visible(true) on the PDF object results in error "Instance member VISIBLE does not exist"
Hmmm... The best and right way - use OS file association.
I'm use java way:
Process p = Runtime.getRuntime().exec("rundll32 url.dll,FileProtocolHandler " + filePath);
Process p = Runtime.getRuntime().exec("/usr/bin/open " + filePath);
But you can call this command on Lotusscript:
Shell({rundll32 url.dll,FileProtocolHandler } & fullFilePath,1)
Shell({/usr/bin/open } & fullFilePath,1)
We have used the Shell command to launch PDFs in the past. Something like the below. The only downside to this is if the location of the executable changes (whether from upgrade or change to a different program) the code breaks.
Dim ProgPath$, FilePath$
Dim result As Integer
'Path of the executable
ProgPath$ = |"C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Acrobat 7.0\Acrobat\Acrobat.exe"|
'Path of the file to open
FilePath$ = | "C:\TestFile.PDF"|
result = Shell(ProgPath$ & FilePath$,1)
