Installing plugins CkEditor Liferay 7.4 - ckeditor

Im trying to customize the liferay 7.4 ckeditor toolbar adding the accesibility checker plugin (ay11cheker).
I found the following information to do that but its not working for me
I have created the class that implements DynamicInclude including the ay11checker and balloonpanel plugins.
I have created also the class that extends BaseEditorConfigContributor to override the method 'populateConfigJSONObject' including those two plugins to extraPlugins field of the JsonObject.
Both files *.js are including because i can access them through the web inspector and i can check in the DOM that some html code are including but the icon of the ay11checker is not appearing in the ckeditor toolbar, what i missing?


Joomla - Unable to include CSS in dashboard plugin page for deactivated plugin

I am creating a custom system plugin for Joomla 3.9. In the dashboard I need to include CSS for the same. When the plugin is active/Enabled, I am able to do the same but when the plugin is inactive, CSS file is not getting included.

How to integrate metronic theme with DNN9?

We have a DNN9 platform for our Business2Business website. It has basic look of reports however we wanted to show some advance look to reports and charts so that we are planning to integrate metronic theme in DNN9. I tried multiple ways to do it but failed. kindly help regarding this for the same.
Not sure what you have tried but we succeeded in displaying reports module data using Mandeeps Porto css and boostrap classes.
We achieved this using the xsl stylesheet option in reports module settings.
If the theme resources are part of your portal skin on the page that the reports module resides then xsl elements will display fine. If not part of the portal theme, you can either declare the resource in page setting header or in the xsl stylesheet itself.
Hope this helps

Adding a Class to a Shopware Theme Plugin

We have a theme plugin which is encrypted with CodeIgniter. I only want to change the color of a button but the class does not exist. I assumed the theme pulled the button from the Bare or the Responsive Template. After searching for the button code I find it in the Bare ajax.checkout.tpl and add a class and even an inline style to the button. After clearing the Template cache, I still see no change. Am I wrong in thinking that the button is pulled from the Bare template file or have I simply missed a step?
You should have a look at the theme-inhertance:
Create a new theme with "injectbeforeplugins = false" and add an all.less to your individual theme. In this all.less you can override the class with your own styles.
Changing files in a custom plugin or the standard themes is considered bad practise. Since the Bare-Theme is loaded before the plugins, the plugin will override all changes in the bare theme. You need to change this in your own theme with "injectbeforeplugins = false" as described in the documentation.

Not able to add document property button in CKEditor 4

I have upgraded my CKEditor in my ajaxplorer project.
I want to add document property in ckeditor 4 and I have tried in all ways. by adding code in class.AjxpCkEditor.js aven ckeditor.js but yet succeed. There was no folder for document property as "docprops" which was having in older version. Then I have copied that folder and done some changes in class.AjxpCkEditor.js but its not working even I have done change in ckeditor.js but not working.
This plugin is not included in any of the 3 predefined presets, so you need to build your own version of CKEditor using the online builder.
Here's the plugin: and plugins installation instructions.

How to change a theme in MVC4

It seemed like I can download jquery theme I like from jquery site to create new theme. But that does not change much in my MVC site. Can anybody tell me how I can change theme in MVC4 application?
As I understand your question:
How can I replace the base theme in a MVC4 application with a custom generated theme from the jquery ui theme roller?
My steps for my razor MVC4 visual studio 2012 application created from some MS standard template for intranet application. jQueryUI already was installed in my application with the base theme from nuget.
Created the theme using and downloaded the zip to some temp folder
Extracted the jquery-ui-1.10.3.custom.js into my Scripts folder
Edited my RegisterBundles method in the file App_Start/Bundle.Config
bundles.Add(new ScriptBundle("~/bundles/jqueryui").Include("~/Scripts/jquery-ui-1.10.1.js"));
bundles.Add(new ScriptBundle("~/bundles/jqueryui").Include("~/Scripts/jquery-ui-1.10.3.custom.js"));
Extracted the css subfolder named for my custom theme (e.g. my-theme) into the themes folder "Content/themes/my-theme".
Comment out the base theme lines in App_Start BundleConfig.cs and replaced the big base theme StyleBundle with the single-file bundle
bundles.Add(new StyleBundle("~/Content/themes/my-theme/css").Include(
//bundles.Add(new StyleBundle("~/Content/themes/base/css").Include(
// "~/Content/themes/base/jquery.ui.core.css",
// "~/Content/themes/base/jquery.ui.resizable.css",
// ...
Finally replaced the base-theme bundle call in my layout.cshtml with the new one.
If there is a better or cleaner way to replace the theme in MVC4 applications, please let me know!
Since jquery ui version was changed, jquery ui scripts in MVC4 template seem to be not compatible with current version of jquery ui. So you can't just copy css directory of downloaded jquery ui to your theme folder of MVC4, and expect it would be applied for your site.
So what I did was to replace jquery.ui.theme.css with corresponding part in jquery.ui.custom.css. And new theme was correctly shown in my MVC4 site now.
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