Send everyday a pushnotification on condition from back-end server (native) - spring

Everyday I want to check if the user has done a task in the app. If that is false then the user has to get a notification on a specific time.
I see a lot of blogs/websites with pushnotifications but most of those notifications are static and don't have a check.
I think I need a push notification service like firebase. But how can I reach my back-end, to check if the user needs a notification?
Or should I have a schedular in my back end server?
front end: Ionic React
back end: Java Spring boot(API)


How to send notification to specific user in Expo/Laravel

I have an Expo app with a Laravel backend and I want to send notifications to the app. But the condition is that only a specific user can receive it.
I installed the Following library Exponent Notifications
I've Installed expo-notifications as well
But I don't know How it works, How I can listen to the notification channel and How to send Notification from backend.
With Expo you don't get to pick the push notification service according to you, you can try Firebase Cloud messaging or One Signal, but I don't think you can do it only by your Laravel Backend

Design Slackbot service to send automated messages

It is my very first time to write a slack bot and i am wondering how to design it.
The bot supposed to be available and respond to end-users' messages immediately.
The thing is that I need that the bot will also send schedules messages to registered users with automation results.
Use case example:
A user sends a message to the bot and registered to a service that
will check for changes in X. On a specific interval, my backend will
call an automation that checks for those changes and will send a
message to the user with the results.
What will be the best practice for this scenario?
Here is a basic outline.
1. Basic setup
Slack app with bot user
Scheduler (e.g. local CRON service, or web-cron like
2. Registration
Use Events API to listen to messages from users send via mention (app_mention) or direct message (
You app needs to store the received "registration" from each user in a database
Respond to user request directly if needed with chat.postMessage
3. Scheduled response
Scheduler calls your app
Your app check if responses are due with a database query
If yes: App sends responses to users via chat.postMessage (but not more than one message per sec due to rate limiting) push notification for web clients by making changes in installation class

I am trying to send push notifications to my web application.
Is there any way to send push notification to my web users using's push service if i have the GCM_SENDER_ID and my APP_ID ?
Right now the procedure that i am thinking of using is this :
1). Run a service worker on my chrome client which gives me registration id of user . I save this in my installation class in deviceToken field . I also save my gcm_sender_id along with it.
2). Use's push sending api.
Will this work or do i need to directly make rest calls to to send my message.

Push Notification Service

I have read the article about Push Notification Service, but I am still confused. I’m a new for MS window phone application developing. My application needs to get the data in the whole class from web service that is for the specific organization. Hope someone can answer my question as below.
In my application, the phone rings and the user answer the phone during sending the request to the web request to get the data. What will happen if the web service sending back the respond?
In the above situation, do I need the Application Push Notification service?
I retrieve the data by using DataContractSerializer. If I need the Push Notification Service, is it meaning that I need to modify the webservice for returning the xml instead of the whole class?
The ongoing call will not disrupt the web request-response flow hence you need not be troubled about it

Windows Phone 7.5 - Push Notifications when app is tombstoned

I have written a Windows 7.5 phone app that registers for tile and toast push notifications with MPNS. I have all the infrastructure working and the phone registers with MPNS. I save the ChannelUri locally on the phone and then post the ChannelUri to a rest service endpoint on my website which records the device / ChannelUri. I'm able to send toast and tile messages from the web service and receive them on the phone without any problem. If the application is running I'm able to trap the ShellToastNotificationReceived event and can read the push notification details and I save the message to a local database in the application and the messages are also displayed to the user in a Listbox. The system is disconnected from my website other than having to register the ChannelUri and all the data I need is contained with the notification.
My question is when the application has been tombstoned and I send a push notification I see a toast message displayed by the phone OS and if I click on the toast I have put a URI pointing to a page in my application and this re-launchs the app and I can trap all the data in the message and can save it again to the database. But if the application is tombstoned and the user misses the toast I have no way of saving that message it is lost unless I write some logic to go back to my server and check if the messages I have locally match the ones it sent. Am I missing something or am I going to have to run a check with my server when the app re-launches and re-sync with my server for any toast push notifications the user might have missed.
When a push notification is received while the application is not running or is tombstoned there is no way to handle the data if nothing was done with the missed toast. You might need confirmation logic on the server to check whether the message is received or not.
