How to send notification to specific user in Expo/Laravel - laravel

I have an Expo app with a Laravel backend and I want to send notifications to the app. But the condition is that only a specific user can receive it.
I installed the Following library Exponent Notifications
I've Installed expo-notifications as well
But I don't know How it works, How I can listen to the notification channel and How to send Notification from backend.

With Expo you don't get to pick the push notification service according to you, you can try Firebase Cloud messaging or One Signal, but I don't think you can do it only by your Laravel Backend


Push notification appears after one user messages another user using firebase and xcode

If I were to make a messaging app which would involve a user recieving a notification after being messaged by another user, how could i go about setting up the notifications in such a way where they are sent after the message is sent by the user who sent it. If someone could point me in the right direction that would be awesome thank you.
P.S. I am using cloud messaging

Is there anyway to do simple laravel notification

Is there anyway to make laravel notification in a simple way? I need to do notification function for my complaint handling system where the system should notify the user if complaint exist in their account which should be User Id.
You can make a pusher like system with redis, node.js and
You have a tutorial in Medium

Firebase Admin SDK Push notification cannot be measured

I wonder if I can measure my push notifications open and receive rate, sent by my backend. I use laravel right now and I use firebase admin SDK to send push notification from my backend server.
However, I cannot measure my push notification open and receive rate because it doesn't appeared in firebase console. Is there any way out like if google have API for us to grab the push notification data, or anything else ?
I'm also open for using another push notification service, as long they provide the analytics tools for the push notification campaign.
Hi Kevin currently only the console allows automatic tracking of notification opens and other metrics. You could log these events yourself with the Google Analytics for Firebase SDK. Thanks for the feedback, this would be a useful feature.

Send push notification async with laravel

I use laravel 5.5 as my api and after the admin activates an article from the app i send a request to the api to activate the article and send push notification to all users (iOS / Android)
Ok all that works but the problem is that the response takes a long time to return to the mobile application
My question here is what is the best way to do that ?
Ok I think I'll use laravel queue
You can use . I used this for realtime notifications. It requires nodejs.

Azure Notification Hub losing the subscribe when app is reinstalled

I have a problem with Azure Notification Hub.
When my app is started in first time, the notifications working correctly, but when did a rebuild the app by Visual Studio, the notifications stop working and the Android Services with IntentFilters do not are called.
For the notifications works again, I need to uninstall the App in Android and run by Visual Studio again.
Have someone some idea about that problem?
My worry is: if I send the app to GooglePlay, the notifications would continue working after a update?
If someone know how to call the service to get the new InstallationId, always that the app to be started I will know how I can resolve the problem.
Can someone help me?
I did follow that tutorial:
if I send the app to GooglePlay, the notifications would continue working after a update?
There is no need to worry about that, referring to this document, when you use Azure Notification Hub, it's using Android GCM to send the push notificcation. You could see my answer about Android using Firebase Cloud Messaging not receiving message.
As the Official document said :
On initial startup of your app, the FCM SDK generates a registration token for the client app instance. If you want to target single devices or create device groups, you'll need to access this token.
Explanation about Token :
An ID issued by the GCM connection servers to the client app that allows it to receive messages.
When you did a rebuild the app by Visual Studio your token is changed, but it didn't trigger the OnTokenRefresh method, so at this time the Token in your application is invalid. That's why your application cannot receiving message.
For more information, you could refer to Sending Push Notifications from Azure Mobile Apps and Implement the Firebase Instance ID Service.
When your app get a update, it will trigger the OnTokenRefresh method automatically, so your application can still receive the message.
