laravel existing application Laravel.yml to codepipeline - laravel

I have a laravel application in local development added to codecommit. I have added AWS Beanstalk to run this application to run,
everything works perfectly fine,
but to connect with the database and other dependencies I don't know how to add the laravel.yml to the directory,
Please help me find this. Any documentation or tutorial on this?
thanks in advance,


Why GraphQL and Strapi isn't working on AWS ECS?

I have a Strapi App (v4) running as a Docker image on AWS Fargate,
everything worked perfectly untill I decided to install GraphQL and pushed the updated image to the ECR.
Once the task starts running I get the following error:
TypeError: ApplicationError is not a constructor
at /strapi-api/node_modules/#strapi/plugin-graphql/server/services/builders/dynamic-zones.js:17:15 ...
the weired thing is that when I run the docker-image locally I get no errors at all and GraphQL is working properly.
hope someone could help me with this error,
It turns out I've had a problem with my components folder that is connected to the AWS EFS, I created the project from scratch and now it works like a charm.
So if you're having this kind of problem, try creating a new strapi app.
For reference:

How to deploy Laravel 8 google cloud run with google cloud database

Iam looking for help to containerize a laravel application with docker, running it locally and make it deployable to gcloud Run, connected to a gcloud database.
My application is an API, build with laravel, and so far i have just used the docker-compose/sail package, that comes with laravel 8, in the development.
Here is what i want to achieve:
Laravel app running on gcloud Run.
Database in gcloud, Mysql, PostgreSQL or SQL server. (prefer Mysql).
Enviroment stored in gcloud.
My problem is can find any info if or how to use/rewrite the docker-composer file i laravel 8, create a Dockerfile or cloudbuild file, and build it for gcloud.
Maybe i could add something like this in a cloudbuild.yml file:
# running docker-compose
- name: 'docker/compose:1.26.2'
args: ['up', '-d']
Any help/guidanceis is appreciated.
As mentioned in the comments to this question you can check this video that explains how you can use docker-composer, laravel to deploy an app to Cloud Run with a step-by-step tutorial.
As per database connection to said app, the Connecting from Cloud Run (fully managed) to Cloud SQL documentation is quite complete on that matter and for secret management I found this article that explains how to implement secret manager into Cloud Run.
I know this answer is basically just links to the documentation and articles, but I believe all the information you need to implement your app into Cloud Run is in those.

Critical Caching issue in Laravel Application (AWS Server)

I am facing a critical issue in my application, it is developed in Laravel and Angular. The issue is I am getting the old email templates on live site and on local server I am getting the latest updated one. The process to deloy the code is automatic, I just to commit the code in BitBucket and after that Bitbucket Pipleline push the code to AWS server directly.
I have already run the cache cammands for Laravel and restarted the jobs but still i am getting the same issue. If anyone have expirienced the same issue or have knowledge of the same to resolve, Please guide!
I think you can try one of the following ways to overcome the issue, I faced a similar issue and resolved it by following ways -
Try deleting the cache files manually from Laravel from storage/framework/views
Upload the code directly into AWS for particular module without using the pipeline way
restart your server
This will surely resolve your issue!
Since you are using Laravel and angular application deployed on AWS,
I assume that bit bucket is pushing code and build commands are fired on every push
there are few things which can help you.
Try to build the angular side on every push, since angular builds hashes all the files in the dist folder
Try to delete the Laravel cached files which are stored in storage/framework/views
Check that on that your server is pointing to the right project folder
If any of the points from 1 or 2 works you can automate the process by passing CLI command after every push,
Point 1 and 2 are achievable by passing CLI commands.

I need Parse Android App migration for cloud code and push but not able to understand where to start for cloud code?

I completed local parse server and mongodb installation and app is connected through db and working now, but push and cloud code is not working. I do not have any idea where to put the main.js file in my mac. not getting the cloud folder.
please can somebody guide me .
You will have to manually create the folder you want to put your Cloud Code in. The easy way is to crate one in your project's root folder and then update the config you pass to Parse Server to point to that directory.
You can find a basic example with a config that includes the Cloud Code folder in the README of the Parse Server GitHub repo as well.

How can I go about loading Mule ESB onto a AWS EC2?

I need to upload it to EC2 and am unsure how to go about it. I am using Eclipse with the Mule plugin.
Hi there have you try CloudHub?
It's basically Mule in the Cloud
You can simply follow the installation guide from the documentation and that should be it.
Please see:
There's a ready made and up to date Docker container that can simplify things for you:
After starting the container, just drop your Mule application ZIPs into /opt/mule/apps.
There are other notable mount points: make sure to read the user guide to learn more.
