How can I go about loading Mule ESB onto a AWS EC2? - amazon-ec2

I need to upload it to EC2 and am unsure how to go about it. I am using Eclipse with the Mule plugin.

Hi there have you try CloudHub?
It's basically Mule in the Cloud

You can simply follow the installation guide from the documentation and that should be it.
Please see:

There's a ready made and up to date Docker container that can simplify things for you:
After starting the container, just drop your Mule application ZIPs into /opt/mule/apps.
There are other notable mount points: make sure to read the user guide to learn more.


Pattern to deploy AWS Beanstalk in laravel

I have been following this guide:
However I am stuck at this point.
Not in terms of something not working, but in how it should be done properly. Which app I should deploy?
Is is the development app that is tested and deployed? Do I create another instance in AWS that will be only used to deploy ready apps? What is the pattern to follow?
At the moment I have local development server which runs on my PC, and also 1 Development instance EC2 on AWS. Do I need more than that on top of Elastic beanstalk?
Please advice me! Thanks!
The following pattern is the one that best fits your need. You're not just looking for a pattern, but an architecture. I'll try to help you with the information you provided.
First it is important that you really understand what Beanstalk is and how it works. See:
Answering your question, applications are typically placed in the beanstalk for scalable production, but nothing prevents you from setting up development environments for testing, too.
You do not need to create an instance to deploy, you can deploy from your own local machine, using the console, cli, or api. Look:
EB Cli:
Having said that, I will cite a very useful scenario in several cases:
You create a beanstalk application from the console or cli and configure the integration with AWS CodeCommit. CodeCommit will prevent you from having to send the whole project to each deploy.
You create an instance of amazon to perform the implantation. This instance has a git repository of your project, it gets committed to the beanstalk environment settings (environment variables for example), and deploy to beanstalk using CodeCommit.
This scenario is very useful for a team project for beanstalk because you can use the deployment instance to hide sensitive details and configure deploy patterns.

Deploy go app to docker in vagrant

Now i'm working on RESTfull API on go, using Windows and goclipse.
Testing environemnt consists of few VMs managed by Vagrant. These machines contain nginx, PostgreSQL etc. The app should be deployed into Docker on the separated VM.
There is no problem to deploy app on first time using guide like here: I've read a lot of information and guides but still totally confused how to automate deploying process and update go app in docker after some changes in code done. On the current stage changes in code done very often, so deploying should be fast.
Could you please advise me with correct way to setup some kind of local CI for such case? What approach will be better?
Thanks a lot.

Setting up codeship to deploy bitbucket repository to vidahost cloud hosting

I have a private bitbucket php project repository, codeship account and a vidahost cloud hosting. How to implement continuous integration and deployment? What is the workflow to achieve this? I did googling but could not find complete tutorial.
Ahoy Dipendra,
Marko from the Codeship crew here. Could you send me an in app message with a link to your project, so I can take a look at your current setup and help get you started?
As for deploying to Vidahost, you have multiple options. You could use a tool like Capistrano (or Mina, or something similar in your preferred programming language) or you could use SCP or FTP directly to copy your files. For the latter option, please see our documentation at (You'll find documentation on Capistrano and a bunch of other deployment options via this link as well.)
I'll update this answer with more specific details, once I know more about your setup!

Running TurboGears2 in Amazon EC2

I would just like to ask if anybody here has run Turbogears2 from an Amazon EC2 instance. I've been looking for a way to do it, but so far searching the Web hasn't given me anything I could use as an example. I did see one here:
Though I think the person used an earlier version of TG in his post.
I thought it would be as simple as changing the host parameter in the development.ini, but that did not work. I've also tried connecting to the instance with the -L option for ssh, but it did not work as well (I did this approach for web2py way back, and it worked).
I'm wondering if I need to configure some file somewhere in the TG2 application. I've also tried searching the TG2 documentation. Either I'm not using the right keywords, or I'm just not getting the right results.
Thanks in advance for any help!
By itself EC2 doesn't provide a platform, you can freely choose a deploy environment from mod_wsgi, circus, gunicorn or whatever your prefer. It's not strictly a TurboGears problem, it can be deployed like any other WSGI application.
There are some tutorial for a step by step deploy on Apache+mod_wsgi and Circus+chausette on the TurboGears documentation, you can find them here:
Avoid deploying on gearbox+wsgiref because it is not meant for production usage, if you want to use gearbox I suggest you give a try to waitress

deploy a war into EC2 using cloudfoundry console

I have been trying hard to deploy a java application through cloudfoundry into an Amazon EC2 instance using the console as described in this screencast video on cloud foundry.
but only failing to get the console where I can deploy by choosing a war from the local file system, as explained in the video..
What is the correct URL where I can find a console similar to the one shown in the video ??
And I have already tried signing up for the url, but not getting an approval or acknowledgement mail from the team even after 4 days..
Did anyone face similar issue in the recent times?
If yes please help!
The Cloud Foundry Classic service (at is no longer accepting new accounts.
