I am looking to exclude a particular RST file from the search index.
I have found the nosearch field that should do exactly that.
The file looks like this:
.. currentmodule:: interactions
.. autoclass:: interactions.api.http.member.MemberRequest
However, if I try to lookup a method from the MemberRequest class, it will still show it in the search index, although it should not.
I would gladly appreciate any help, thanks.
I am in the process of building a live dashboard, however, I need to perform a few 'IF, THEN, ELSE' (CASE) functions... The current logic I've found is below.
ApplySimple(“Case when [Field Header Name]='CONDITION1’ then 'condition1 example' end”,String1)
What I've found online is a little misleading and wondering if anyone can assist.
Field Name is called 'Group'
There are certain 'Group' names that I want to put in a certain category using the CASE logic.
THEN 'condition1 example'
Thank you so much
Try this
ApplySimple(“Case when #0='CONDITION1’ then 'condition1 example' end”,[Field Header Name])
See link below
I am a few weeks into using Magento, and this is a URL for which I'm trying to track the output file (I believe it would be a .phtml file):
the first parameter smi130495 is the store parameter, and obviously the last two are a name-value pair for the category. I'm pretty sure we have NOT touched core, so there might be files in local. However I'm also aware that there is a skin folder. Does anyone have a suggestion of how to interpret it? Thanks.
It would probably help you a lot to read an article about how Magento routing works, but I will explain briefly what your URL means:
smi130495: As you stated, this is your store code. Since Magento can support multiple tiers of websites/stores, this is an optional piece that depends on your setup.
catalog/category/view: This is the routing information (module, controller, action). This gets translated into a dispatch of Mage_Catalog_CategoryController::viewAction() found in the file app/code/core/Catalog/controllers/CategoryController.php.
s/his-jewelry: You are correct that this is where the params begin. This looks like a search term being passed from search results.
id/312834: This is the category ID that will be loaded by the dispatched controller action.
Knowing this information is the first clue to finding the code that will be used to create your output, but there is much more that goes into the rendering of the final output. It would be too long to explain everything here that can impact output since, for example, Magento uses an intermediate XML-based layout layer of “blocks” that in turn make use of templates to render specific pieces of content on the page.
However, I can point you to the main template for your route app/design/frontend/$package/$theme/template/catalog/category/view.phtml, which gets added to the layout like this in app/design/frontend/$package/$theme/layout/catalog.xml:
<reference name="content">
<block type="catalog/category_view" name="category.products" template="catalog/category/view.phtml">
Hope that helps you some.
In Magento .phtml files are inside :
Admin panel files : app/design/adminhtml/default/default/template
Frontend files : /app/design/frontend/default/{theme name}/template
Like in query you are searching for category/view file
app/design/frontend/default/{theme name}/template/catalog/category/view.phtml
To make life easier, you can use several tools. Finding Templates in Magento sometimes is alot of work. Template Hints are a good way to find templates quicker. You can enable template-hints in the Magento backend in the Configuration under System->Development. In case you want a better solution with template hints, you can use this module from AOE:
Hope this helps, regard, David
I want to do something like what docpad-plugin-dateurls does but in the context of static site generation.
I need, for example, to map the file /src/documents/posts/2013-09-10-post-title.html to the url http://localhost:9778/posts/2013/09/10/post-title.html
Which would be the best approach to acomplish this requirement?
You would do something like this: https://github.com/Greduan/eduantech.docpad/blob/d5e97638331ab24730d3331b9fbcc30cf1d46dcc/docpad.coffee#L45-L49
You would modify it for your needs but it does what you need I think. :)
I finally implemented this by setting the outPath of each document in the renderBefore event.
See here: https://github.com/gschuager/blog/blob/7451fbcb829ad93154d24b281c7e8e30d3a0edac/docpad.js#L83
Hey, i've been looking around for a ajax dropdown sorter for my Views in Drupal.
Unfortunatly, i haven't found alot of usefull information about this subject.
Can anyone tell me if theres a solution already available or can help me started on a custom module by telling me which hooks i should use?
I had a similar issue. Unfortunately I wasn't able to sort the data from the database which is by far the best way. I was however able to take the data and sort it with PHP using a preprocessor function. Depending on the name of your view, setup a function similar to the following:
function templatename_preprocess_name_of__view(&$vars)
//Super sweet sorting code goes here
The name of your view needs to follow the name of the template file that it is driven by, if there isn't on you should create one. Make sure to change dashes to underscores in your function name. Hope this is helpful. If you find a way to do it from the DB I'm all ears because that would be super awesome.
Ok I'm searching for twitter profiles with Google Ajax Search
I'm using the following query:
I'm looking for urls like these:
But I often stumble in URLs of the form:
Is there a way of removing these url from my search?
Help would be very much appreciated.
Looks like this works:
the query being:
horse site:twitter.com -inurl:statuses -inurl:status
specifically it looks like you can use negation on the inurl keyword
yeah if using the negate option in google, you could do that to get rid of some more sub-paths:
site:twitter.com (inurl:radianthex OR inurl:ignighted OR inurl:billgates)
-inurl:status -inurl:statuses -inurl:favorites -inurl:lists
is it possible to use the twitter api directly? they have a nice method to search for users...
the twitter call would look like this:
theyll give you a password when you signup for free access...
they have some cool search options to tighten the results to make them more relevant for your app