Interpreting where I would find the output files in Magento - templates - magento

I am a few weeks into using Magento, and this is a URL for which I'm trying to track the output file (I believe it would be a .phtml file):
the first parameter smi130495 is the store parameter, and obviously the last two are a name-value pair for the category. I'm pretty sure we have NOT touched core, so there might be files in local. However I'm also aware that there is a skin folder. Does anyone have a suggestion of how to interpret it? Thanks.

It would probably help you a lot to read an article about how Magento routing works, but I will explain briefly what your URL means:
smi130495: As you stated, this is your store code. Since Magento can support multiple tiers of websites/stores, this is an optional piece that depends on your setup.
catalog/category/view: This is the routing information (module, controller, action). This gets translated into a dispatch of Mage_Catalog_CategoryController::viewAction() found in the file app/code/core/Catalog/controllers/CategoryController.php.
s/his-jewelry: You are correct that this is where the params begin. This looks like a search term being passed from search results.
id/312834: This is the category ID that will be loaded by the dispatched controller action.
Knowing this information is the first clue to finding the code that will be used to create your output, but there is much more that goes into the rendering of the final output. It would be too long to explain everything here that can impact output since, for example, Magento uses an intermediate XML-based layout layer of “blocks” that in turn make use of templates to render specific pieces of content on the page.
However, I can point you to the main template for your route app/design/frontend/$package/$theme/template/catalog/category/view.phtml, which gets added to the layout like this in app/design/frontend/$package/$theme/layout/catalog.xml:
<reference name="content">
<block type="catalog/category_view" name="category.products" template="catalog/category/view.phtml">
Hope that helps you some.

In Magento .phtml files are inside :
Admin panel files : app/design/adminhtml/default/default/template
Frontend files : /app/design/frontend/default/{theme name}/template
Like in query you are searching for category/view file
app/design/frontend/default/{theme name}/template/catalog/category/view.phtml

To make life easier, you can use several tools. Finding Templates in Magento sometimes is alot of work. Template Hints are a good way to find templates quicker. You can enable template-hints in the Magento backend in the Configuration under System->Development. In case you want a better solution with template hints, you can use this module from AOE:
Hope this helps, regard, David


How do I get Magento to always give the /catalog/product/view/id/ style url for products?

I want Magento to always generate product urls in the format:
instead of the rewritten
The reason for this is mainly so that I don't have to worry if something happens to all my rewrites, or so I can feel free to truncate and rebuild core_url_rewrite if something goes wrong and it gets too big.
I don't want to stop using rewritten urls entirely. I like them for categories. I have fewer categories, and I very rarely change the names. I hate feeling like I can't change the name of a product because it will make the core_url_rewrite table grow and mess up any backlinks I've generated if I lose my rewrites. Also, I still want my current urls to work for as long as possible along with the /product/view/id urls.
Is there an easy way to do this without rewriting methods that I'm missing?
Or do I have to override some getProductUrl method? It looks like the answer lies in the getProductUrl() method in Mage_Catalog_Model_Product? That class seems to use the getProductUrl() method in Mage_Catalog_Model_Product_Url.
But again, if there's some simple configuration setting that would do the trick, I'd rather do that.
Magento handled it by own. Please follow the below steps.
1.Login to the admin panel
2. Then System >> Configuration >> Catalog >> Catalog >> Search Engine Optimization
3. Then Change the settings as per your requirement
4. As per your current requirement "Use Categories Path for Product URLs" will be YES
5. Then try to reindex full Via SSH.
Hope it will works.

Smarty getting page content

I need to edit a page on prestashop, I've found that code
<ul id="idTab2" class="bullet">{$agencies->content}</ul>
And where should i search for that $agencies variable ?
I have found the text which is being displayed into that place in CMS.
However I'd that variable need to be define somewhere, am I right ? Anyone knows where should i search for that ? I'm new to prestashop.
Why am i asking for this ? I need to add another page for example
<ul id="idTab2" class="bullet">{$test->content}</ul>
- but I can't just simply add another page called test.
The {$agencies} variable is being set in a object derived from either the Controller or Module classes but to be honest it looks like you're working with code that has been customised (via a class override or a module) making it impossible to provide a definitive answer to your question without knowing more detail.
If you can locate the term 'agencies' in a file located under \controllers, \modules or \override in your installation, then you will be closer to finding your answer. It will be contained in a function call similar to:
$this->context->smarty->assign('agencies' , [some-variable]);
Note that the parameters to the function may also be passed as an array for multiple assignments.

Magento: adminhtml Block Directive Not Loading in frontend Email Template

I've been scouring the net in pursuit of this one. Magento Commerce comes us dry for me. grepping core code, reading Alan Storm, perusing Inchoo, and even finding related questions on SO turn up no answers for me.
With that said, my problem is with a transactional email template that works when processed from the backend but not from the frontend. Here's a snippet:
<td width="100%" colspan="2" align="left">
<!-- inject products quote table -->
{{block type="adminhtml/sales_quotation_email" template="sales/quotation/email_quote_items.phtml" inherits=$template quote=$quote salesrep=$salesrep}}
<!-- inject cross-sell products table -->
{{block type="adminhtml/sales_quotation_email" template="sales/quotation/email_quote_cross_sells.phtml" inherits=$template quote=$quote salesrep=$salesrep}}
In the backend, these blocks are rendered as expected. In the front-end, everything above and below these block directives is rendered, but it appears that the directives die in processing when it comes time to render the template. No errors are thrown.
I followed the advice here, but no luck. Originally I tried to use setDesignConfig on the email template model, but that didn't work. I even tried to set the area as an attribute in the directive, but that also did not work. A colleague suggested that I have two copies of the above templates: one set in design/adminhtml and the other design/frontend. I'd rather not have to worry about extra maintenance. Plus, I fear that I'd encounter the same problem if the block type specified in the directive comes from adminhtml. I don't want that solution.
So what am I doing wrong? What do I not understand?
How does Magento resolve the real path to the template, and is a template forced to reside in the area of its parent block?
Help is needed! Thanks.
I found a related post on Magento Commerce that put me back on track. I started dumping out the design configuration in two controllers: 1 in frontend and one in adminhtml. I noticed immediately that theme information was missing in the frontend request. See some sample output from my frontend controller:
Mage_Core_Model_Design_Package Object (
[_store:protected] =>
[_area:protected] => frontend
[_name:protected] => mypackage
[_theme:protected] => Array
[layout] =>
[template] =>
[skin] =>
[locale] => mytheme
[_rootDir:protected] =>
[_callbackFileDir:protected] =>
[_config:protected] =>
[_shouldFallback:protected] => 1 )
Notice that layout, template, and skin are empty in the theme property. When I dumped the design configuration from an adminhtml controller, these properties were set.
So going back to my frontend controller, I added the following line before I instantiated my email template model:
And poof! It worked! My blocks directives were processed and the fully rendered content was returned as expected.
So although my thinking was correct to set the area, that alone wasn't enough. I also has to configure the theme.
I'm happy with the solution. I hope it helps others. But to fully answer this question, I'm still curious if anyone knows why package information is missing from the design configuration during a frontend request. Does it have to do with the block type in the directive coming from adminhtml? That would make sense, because adminhtml has no need to worry about theme information. I just don't know where those decisions would be made in core code. See update below.
Learned even more since the original post. My question gave a code sample that built a block of a type that came from adminhtml. The path to the template, I thought, was resolving to the front-end, and that was why no template could be found. That wasn't actually the case. An adminhtml block, because of its class naming convention, will look in design/adminhtml/package/default/module for your template.
However, in my particular Magento installation, I have a design override in local.xml that changes the admin theme so that it admin requests check design/adminhtml/package/mytheme/module for templates. And that is where my phtml templates are stored. So on a front-end request, the controller has no clue about this override, and is only building up the design configuration based on what is set in the store configuration for the particular package and theme.
In summary, my call to setTheme() must utilize that modified config data, like so:
(string) Mage::app()
I guess that goes to say, then, that a simple call to setArea() would be sufficient for most installations.
Finally, you will need to revert the design configuration changes after your work is done, otherwise subsequent actions might produce undesired results.

Magento - Make a copy of history.phtml and use it in my own way

I’m looking to find a way to copy the page history that we can access from My account/My orders which is available on this directory template/sales/order/history.phtml and use its content on my own way without affecting the original one. I’ve been trying many ways, as copying the whole directory and editing the Xml files related to it in order to setup up the right path and make it work, unfortunately it was a failure. I would like to know if you could give me a solution for this.
To use the functions of a block inside another .phtml I'm quite sure you can use getBlock
$blockFunctions = $this->getLayout()->getBlock('sales/order_history');
$order = $blockFunctions->getOrderHistory();
And to add a block in your custom module you'll need to create a .xml file for your block and add it to your template, you'll also have to add the actual .phtml file. Take a look at the moduleCreator ( this handles most of this quite well.
This is by no means througher its just a rough guide.

Wordpress: How do I convert a generated URL (permalink) to a pretty URL?

In a plugin, I am generating a paginated link to a category,
i.e. http://localhost/?cat=17&paged=5. The category is known by slug and id.
Is there a way to have this URL converted to the user defined "nice permalink" format,
i.e. http://localhost/category/foo/page/5?
(Assuming we're running Wordpress 2.8/2.9+)
Edit: Since there are some misunderstandings about what I'm trying to achieve, here's what I have:
The category ID
The page number (i.e. the fifth page of that category's archive)
With these data I can create the URL to that page, which would be, for example, http://localhost/?cat=17&paged=5, and that works well. The problem is of a visual nature: If the user has pretty permalinks enabled, then this won't fit in very well.
Question is: How do I get the correct, pretty permalink (i.e. http://localhost/category/foo/page/5) from (or for) the information I have?
Edit 2: Obviously if a user has pretty permalinks disabled, then there are no pretty permalinks. I know that, and that is really not subject of the question ... For the moment, let's just assume the user has an arbitrary permalink setting. I generate a link, and it should look like the user wants it to.
Have you looked at the WP_Rewrite?
Does All In One SEO meet your requirements? I actually bought the "pro" version for like $30 USD and it was well worth it.
My Wordpress installation (2.9.2) does this automatically - canonical URLs have been built into Wordpress for some time. Maybe your plugin is disabling this feature?
I'm guessing you already figured it out but I just wanted to put this out for others. I think I understand your situation. If I've read your question correctly, changing admin permalink settings does not apply.
You can get the category ID then use get_category_link() function to get the 'pretty' permalink. Then append the pagination to the end.
You could explode the permalink to get the category ID and pagination number, then use the step above to put it together.
Is this what you were looking for?
The correct way to generate the link would be to use get_category_link and add_query_arg
In your example, the following would work:
$category_link = add_query_arg( array('paged' => 5), get_category_link($category->term_id));
This will generate the URL and Wordpress will redirect to the correct page.
check this page out, it explains pretty permalinks pretty good.
You should find these settings in
I think
in the direction what you want
You can also try to redirect your url using htaccess, here are some examples:
Sorry darf bis jetzt nur ein link posten pfft... :-(
kind regards,
