Right alignment of a FMX.TStringGrid column after data binding at runtime in C++builder - firemonkey

I am struggling to right align a column in a TStringGrid populated after data binding at runtime in C++builder 10.4. I followed the Delphi snippets found here
and there
, but without any success.
As result of the code below, the grid rows are drawn, but without text. Scrolling can be done in empty rows.
// .h
class fLinkGridToDataSource : public TLinkGridToDataSource
virtual void __fastcall Reactivate() {};
virtual bool __fastcall RequiresControlHandler() {return true;};
__fastcall virtual fLinkGridToDataSource(System::Classes::TComponent* AOwner) override : TLinkGridToDataSource(AOwner) {};
__fastcall virtual ~fLinkGridToDataSource()override {};
class TForm1 : public TForm
{/* ... */
public: // Déclarations utilisateur
__fastcall TForm1(TComponent* Owner);
TRESTClient *RESTClient1;
TRESTRequest *RESTRequest1;
TRESTResponse *RESTResponse1;
TBindSourceDB *BindSourceDB1;
TClientDataSet *ClientDataSet1;
TRESTResponseDataSetAdapter *RESTResponseDataSetAdapter1;
fLinkGridToDataSource *LinkGridToDataSource1;
class fThread : public TThread
void __fastcall Execute();
__fastcall fThread(bool CreateSuspended);
// .cpp
void __fastcall TForm1::FormShow(TObject *Sender)
{AniIndicator1->Enabled = false;
AniIndicator1->Visible = false;
StringGrid1->DefaultDrawing = false;
RESTClient1 = new TRESTClient(this);
RESTRequest1 = new TRESTRequest(this);
RESTResponse1 = new TRESTResponse(this);
BindSourceDB1 = new TBindSourceDB(this);
ClientDataSet1 = new TClientDataSet(this);
LinkGridToDataSource1 = new fLinkGridToDataSource(this);
RESTResponseDataSetAdapter1 = new TRESTResponseDataSetAdapter(this);
fThread *Thread1 = new fThread(true); Thread1->Start();
__fastcall fThread::fThread(bool CreateSuspended)
: TThread(CreateSuspended)
{FreeOnTerminate = true;
void __fastcall fThread::Execute()
{Synchronize([this](){Form1->AniIndicator1->Align = TAlignLayout::Contents;
Form1->AniIndicator1->Enabled = true;
Form1->AniIndicator1->Visible = true;
Form1->RESTClient1->BaseURL = "my.URL.php";
Form1->RESTRequest1->AddParameter("ID", "3");
Form1->RESTRequest1->Client = Form1->RESTClient1;
Form1->RESTRequest1->Response = Form1->RESTResponse1;
Form1->RESTResponse1->ContentType = "application/json";
Form1->RESTResponseDataSetAdapter1->Dataset = Form1->ClientDataSet1;
Form1->RESTResponseDataSetAdapter1->Response = Form1->RESTResponse1;
Form1->RESTResponseDataSetAdapter1->Active = true;
Form1->BindSourceDB1->DataSet = Form1->ClientDataSet1;
Form1->LinkGridToDataSource1->DataSource = Form1->BindSourceDB1;
Synchronize([this](){Form1->LinkGridToDataSource1->GridControl = Form1->StringGrid1;
if(Form1->StringGrid1->ColumnCount == 2)
{Form1->StringGrid1->Columns[0]->Width = (Form1->StringGrid1->Width/4)*3;
Form1->StringGrid1->Columns[1]->Width = (Form1->StringGrid1->Width/4)*1;
} }
Synchronize([this](){Form1->AniIndicator1->Enabled = false;
Form1->AniIndicator1->Visible = false;
void __fastcall TForm1::StringGrid1DrawColumnCell(TObject *Sender, TCanvas * const Canvas,
TColumn * const Column, const TRectF &Bounds, const int Row,
const TValue &Value, const TGridDrawStates State)
{TTextLayout *TextLayout1 = TTextLayoutManager::TextLayoutForClass(TTextLayoutManager::DefaultTextLayout);
try{if(Column->Index == 0) {TextLayout1->HorizontalAlign = TTextAlign::Leading; /*Column->DefaultDrawCell(Canvas, Bounds, Row, Value, State);*/}
if(Column->Index == 1) {TextLayout1->HorizontalAlign = TTextAlign::Trailing; /*Column->DefaultDrawCell(Canvas, Bounds, Row, Value, State);*/}
__finally {TextLayout1->EndUpdate();}
__finally {FreeAndNil(TextLayout1);}
Uncommenting Column->DefaultDrawCell(Canvas, Bounds, Row, Value, State);
just leads again to the default left alignment. This is the case also when DefaultDrawing is set to true.
Any idea to fix the issue?


QDockWidget does not remember floating size and location when IsFloat is toggled

QDockWidget has a feature where you can double click on the title bar and the dock will toggle to a floating window and back to its docked state. The problem is if you move and resize the floating window and then toggle back to the dock and then back to floating again, your position and size are lost.
I've looked for solutions to resize and move a QDockWidget and I've taken a look at the Qt source code for QDockWidget. I've created a small subclass of QDockWidget that appears to solve the problem. It overrides the mouseDoubleClick, resize and move events, filtering out the unwanted "random" resizing and positioning by Qt and stores the information about screen, position and size in a struct that I store in QSettings for persistence between sessions.
// header
#include <QDockWidget>
#include "global.h"
class DockWidget : public QDockWidget
DockWidget(const QString &title, QWidget *parent = nullptr);
QSize sizeHint() const;
void rpt(QString s);
struct DWLoc {
int screen;
QPoint pos;
QSize size;
DWLoc dw;
bool ignore;
bool event(QEvent *event);
void resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *event);
void moveEvent(QMoveEvent *event);
// cpp
#include "dockwidget.h"
DockWidget::DockWidget(const QString &title, QWidget *parent)
: QDockWidget(title, parent)
ignore = false;
bool DockWidget::event(QEvent *event)
if (event->type() == QEvent::MouseButtonDblClick) {
ignore = true;
if (isFloating()) {
// move and size to previous state
QRect screenres = QApplication::desktop()->screenGeometry(dw.screen);
move(QPoint(screenres.x() + dw.pos.x(), screenres.y() + dw.pos.y()));
ignore = false;
ignore = false;
return true;
return true;
void DockWidget::resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *event)
if (ignore) {
if (isFloating()) {
dw.screen = QApplication::desktop()->screenNumber(this);
QRect r = geometry();
QRect a = QApplication::desktop()->screen(dw.screen)->geometry();
dw.pos = QPoint(r.x() - a.x(), r.y() - a.y());
dw.size = event->size();
QSize DockWidget::sizeHint() const
return dw.size;
void DockWidget::moveEvent(QMoveEvent *event)
if (ignore || !isFloating()) return;
dw.screen = QApplication::desktop()->screenNumber(this);
QRect r = geometry();
QRect a = QApplication::desktop()->screen(dw.screen)->geometry();
dw.pos = QPoint(r.x() - a.x(), r.y() - a.y());
dw.size = QSize(r.width(), r.height());
While this appears to be working is there a simpler way to accomplish this? What do I do if a QDockWidget was on a screen that is now turned off?

No suitable method found in my overriden methods mono for android

I'm trying to draw a line based on touch event. Basically it draws line as the finger moves. I'm getting an error when overriding ontouchevent and onsizechanged. It was originally written in JAVA. I just translated it to C#. Here's the code:
protected override void OnCreate(Bundle bundle)
currentLevel = Intent.GetIntExtra("gameLevel", 0);
playerScore = Intent.GetIntExtra("score", 0);
SetContentView(new SampleView(this));
// Create your application here
private class SampleView : View
private Paint mPaint;
private static Bitmap m_bitmap;
private DisplayMetrics m_metrics;
private Canvas m_canvas;
private Path m_path;
private Paint m_bitmapPaint;
private float m_X, m_Y;
static bool m_pathDrawn = false;
private static float TOUCH_TOLERANCE = 4;
public SampleView(Context context)
: base(context)
Focusable = true;
mPaint = new Paint();
mPaint.AntiAlias = true;
mPaint.Dither = true;
mPaint.StrokeWidth = 12;
mPaint.StrokeJoin = Paint.Join.Round;
mPaint.StrokeCap = Paint.Cap.Round;
m_metrics = context.Resources.DisplayMetrics;
m_bitmap = Bitmap.CreateBitmap(m_metrics.WidthPixels, m_metrics.HeightPixels, Bitmap.Config.Argb8888);
m_canvas = new Canvas(m_bitmap);
m_bitmapPaint = new Paint();
public void onerase()
m_canvas = null;
protected override void onSizeChanged(int p_w, int p_h, int p_oldw, int p_oldh)
this.onSizeChanged(p_w, p_h, p_oldw, p_oldh);
protected override void OnDraw(Canvas canvas)
canvas.DrawBitmap(m_bitmap, 0, 0, m_bitmapPaint);
canvas.DrawPath(m_path, mPaint);
private void touch_start(float p_x, float p_y)
m_path.MoveTo(p_x, p_y);
m_X = p_x;
m_Y = p_y;
private void touch_move(float p_x, float p_y)
float m_dx = Math.Abs(p_x - m_X);
float m_dy = Math.Abs(p_y - m_Y);
m_path.QuadTo(m_X, m_Y, (p_x + m_X) / 2, (p_y + m_Y) / 2);
m_X = p_x;
m_Y = p_y;
m_pathDrawn = true;
private void touch_up()
m_path.LineTo(m_X, m_Y);
// commit the path to our offscreen
m_canvas.DrawPath(m_path, mPaint);
// kill this so we don't double draw
public override bool onTouchEvent(MotionEvent p_event)
float m_x = p_event.GetX();
float m_y = p_event.GetY();
switch (p_event.Action)
case MotionEventActions.Down:
touch_start(m_x, m_y);
case MotionEventActions.Move:
touch_move(m_x, m_y);
case MotionEventActions.Up:
return true;
Another thing. I want to make my image view from a layout as my canvas and draw the line there ontouchevent. How should I do this? Thanks!
Method name should use pascal casing.
Android.Views.View.OnTouchEvent Method
Android.Views.View.OnSizeChanged Method
public override bool OnTouchEvent(MotionEvent e)
protected override void OnSizeChanged(int w, int h, int oldw, int oldh)
Mono coding guidelines.

xCode 3.2.6. Audio unit programming. IIR filter

My name's Antonio from Italy.
I'm trying to create an Audio Unit using xCode 3.2.6, starting from the example at
this link.
This is my first AU project, and I have no other examples to follow.
My project consists of an IIR notch filter. The algorithm I made works fine (I tested in on Matlab), but the AU doesn't work properly (tested on AU Lab). The .mp3 file sounds filtered, but something like a square wave (I suppose by ear) is overlapped with it.
The frequency of that noise seems to be proportional to the f0 parameter.
Here is the .cpp file code:
// Filtro.cpp
#include "Filtro.h"
#define pi 3.1415926535
// Filtro::Filtro
Filtro::Filtro (AudioUnit component) : AUEffectBase (component) {
CreateElements ();
Globals () -> UseIndexedParameters (kNumberOfParameters);
SetParameter (kParameter_Gain, kDefaultValue_Gain);
SetParameter (kParameter_f0, kDefaultValue_f0);
SetParameter (kParameter_Q, kDefaultValue_Q);
// code for setting default values for the audio unit parameters
// Filtro::GetParameterInfo
#pragma mark ____Parameters
ComponentResult Filtro::GetParameterInfo (
AudioUnitScope inScope,
AudioUnitParameterID inParameterID,
AudioUnitParameterInfo &outParameterInfo
) {
ComponentResult result = noErr;
outParameterInfo.flags = kAudioUnitParameterFlag_IsWritable
| kAudioUnitParameterFlag_IsReadable;
if (inScope == kAudioUnitScope_Global) {
switch (inParameterID) {
case kParameter_Gain:
AUBase::FillInParameterName (
outParameterInfo.unit = kAudioUnitParameterUnit_Decibels;
outParameterInfo.minValue = kMinimumValue_Gain;
outParameterInfo.maxValue = kMaximumValue_Gain;
outParameterInfo.defaultValue = kDefaultValue_Gain;
case kParameter_f0: // 9
AUBase::FillInParameterName (
outParameterInfo.unit = kAudioUnitParameterUnit_Hertz;
outParameterInfo.minValue = kMinimumValue_f0;
outParameterInfo.maxValue = kMaximumValue_f0;
outParameterInfo.defaultValue = kDefaultValue_f0;
outParameterInfo.flags |= kAudioUnitParameterFlag_DisplayLogarithmic;
case kParameter_Q: // 9
AUBase::FillInParameterName (
outParameterInfo.unit = kAudioUnitParameterUnit_Generic;
outParameterInfo.minValue = kMinimumValue_Q;
outParameterInfo.maxValue = kMaximumValue_Q;
outParameterInfo.defaultValue = kDefaultValue_Q;
outParameterInfo.flags |= kAudioUnitParameterFlag_DisplayLogarithmic;
result = kAudioUnitErr_InvalidParameter;
} else {
result = kAudioUnitErr_InvalidParameter;
return result;
// Filtro::GetPropertyInfo
OSStatus Filtro::GetPropertyInfo ( AudioUnitPropertyID inID,
AudioUnitScope inScope,
AudioUnitElement inElement,
UInt32 &outDataSize,
Boolean &outWritable)
return AUEffectBase::GetPropertyInfo (inID, inScope, inElement, outDataSize, outWritable);
// Filtro::GetProperty
OSStatus Filtro::GetProperty( AudioUnitPropertyID inID,
AudioUnitScope inScope,
AudioUnitElement inElement,
void *outData )
return AUEffectBase::GetProperty (inID, inScope, inElement, outData);
#pragma mark ____FiltroEffectKernel
// Filtro::FiltroKernel::FiltroKernel()
Filtro::FiltroKernel::FiltroKernel (AUEffectBase *inAudioUnit) :
AUKernelBase (inAudioUnit), mSamplesProcessed (0), mCurrentScale (0) // 1
mSampleFrequency = GetSampleRate ();
// Filtro::FiltroKernel::Reset()
void Filtro::FiltroKernel::Reset() {
mCurrentScale = 0;
mSamplesProcessed = 0;
// Filtro::FiltroKernel::Process
void Filtro::FiltroKernel::Process (const Float32 *inSourceP,
Float32 *inDestP,
UInt32 inSamplesToProcess,
UInt32 inNumChannels,
bool &ioSilence
) {
if (!ioSilence) {
const Float32 *sourceP = inSourceP;
Float32 *destP = inDestP, inputSample, outputSample;
Float32 Fs= mSampleFrequency;
int f0;
float w0, alpha, b0, b1, b2, a0, a1, a2;
float gain, dBgain, Q, coeff[5], x[5]={0,0,0,0,0} , out = 0;
dBgain = GetParameter (kParameter_Gain); //Get parameter from interface
if (dBgain < kMinimumValue_Gain) dBgain = kMinimumValue_Gain; //Check the right range
if (dBgain > kMaximumValue_Gain) dBgain = kMaximumValue_Gain;
f0 = GetParameter (kParameter_f0);
if (f0 < kMinimumValue_f0) f0 = kMinimumValue_f0;
if (f0 > kMaximumValue_f0) f0 = kMaximumValue_f0;
Q = GetParameter (kParameter_Q);
if (Q < kMinimumValue_Q) Q = kMinimumValue_Q;
if (Q > kMaximumValue_Q) Q = kMaximumValue_Q;
w0 = 2*pi*f0/Fs;
alpha = sin(w0)*sinh(log(2)/(log(exp(1))*2) * Q * w0/sin(w0));
b0 = 1;
b1 = -2*cos(w0);
b2 = 1;
a0 = 1 + alpha;
a1 = -2*cos(w0);
a2 = 1 - alpha;
coeff[0] = b0/a0;
coeff[1] = b1/a0;
coeff[2] = b2/a0;
coeff[3] = -a1/a0;
coeff[4] = -a2/a0;
// y(n) = b0/a0 * x(n) + b1/a0 * x(n-1) + b2/a0 * x(n-2) * -a1/a0 * y(n-1) * -a2/a0 * y(n-2) //
for (int i = inSamplesToProcess; i > 0; --i) {
int index = static_cast<long>(mSamplesProcessed * mCurrentScale) % 512; //?
if ((mNextScale != mCurrentScale) && (index == 0)) { //??
mCurrentScale = mNextScale;
mSamplesProcessed = 0;
if ((mSamplesProcessed >= sampleLimit) && (index == 0)) { // ??
mSamplesProcessed = 0;
gain = pow(10, dBgain/20);
inputSample = *sourceP;
x[0] = inputSample; //x(n)
x[3] = outputSample; //y(n-1)
for (int h = 0; h < 5; h++) { // Processing output sample
out = out+x[h]*coeff[h];
for (int h = 4; h > 0; h--) {
x[h]=x[h-1]; //I/O array shifting
outputSample = out * gain;
out = 0;
*destP = outputSample;
sourceP += 1;
destP += 1;
mSamplesProcessed += 1;
And that's the header file:
// Filtro.h
#include "AUEffectBase.h"
#include "AUEffectBase.h"
#include "FiltroVersion.h"
#include "AUDebugDispatcher.h"
#ifndef __Filtro_h__
#define __Filtro_h__
#pragma mark ____Filtro Parameter Constants
static CFStringRef kParamName_Gain = CFSTR ("Gain");
static const double kDefaultValue_Gain = 0;
static const double kMinimumValue_Gain = -40;
static const double kMaximumValue_Gain = 0;
static CFStringRef kParamName_f0 = CFSTR ("f0");
static const int kDefaultValue_f0 = 1048;
static const int kMinimumValue_f0 = 50;
static const int kMaximumValue_f0 = 20000;
static CFStringRef kParamName_Q = CFSTR ("Q");
static const double kDefaultValue_Q = 0.1;
static const double kMinimumValue_Q = 0.001;
static const double kMaximumValue_Q = 10;
// parameter identifiers
enum { // Defines constants for identifying the parameters; defines the total number of parameters
kParameter_Gain = 0,
kParameter_f0 = 1,
kParameter_Q = 2,
kNumberOfParameters = 3
#pragma mark ____Filtro
class Filtro : public AUEffectBase
Filtro(AudioUnit component);
virtual ~Filtro () { delete mDebugDispatcher; }
virtual AUKernelBase * NewKernel() { return new FiltroKernel(this); }
virtual OSStatus GetParameterInfo(AudioUnitScope inScope,
AudioUnitParameterID inParameterID,
AudioUnitParameterInfo &outParameterInfo);
virtual OSStatus GetPropertyInfo(AudioUnitPropertyID inID,
AudioUnitScope inScope,
AudioUnitElement inElement,
UInt32 & outDataSize,
Boolean & outWritable );
virtual OSStatus GetProperty(AudioUnitPropertyID inID,
AudioUnitScope inScope,
AudioUnitElement inElement,
void * outData);
virtual bool SupportsTail () { return false; } // FIND
/*! #method Version */
virtual OSStatus Version() { return kFiltroVersion; }
// virtual ComponentResult GetPresets (CFArrayRef *outData) const;
// virtual OSStatus NewFactoryPresetSet (const AUPreset &inNewFactoryPreset);
class FiltroKernel : public AUKernelBase {
FiltroKernel (AUEffectBase *inAudioUnit); // 1
virtual void Process (
const Float32 *inSourceP,
Float32 *inDestP,
UInt32 inFramesToProcess,
UInt32 inNumChannels, // equal to 1
bool &ioSilence
virtual void Reset();
Float32 mSampleFrequency;
long mSamplesProcessed;
enum {sampleLimit = (int) 10E6};
float mCurrentScale;
float mNextScale;
#endif#include "FiltroVersion.h"
#include "AUDebugDispatcher.h"
#ifndef __Filtro_h__
#define __Filtro_h__
#pragma mark ____Filtro Parameter Constants
static CFStringRef kParamName_Gain = CFSTR ("Gain");
static const double kDefaultValue_Gain = 0;
static const double kMinimumValue_Gain = -40;
static const double kMaximumValue_Gain = 0;
static CFStringRef kParamName_f0 = CFSTR ("f0");
static const int kDefaultValue_f0 = 1048;
static const int kMinimumValue_f0 = 50;
static const int kMaximumValue_f0 = 20000;
static CFStringRef kParamName_Q = CFSTR ("Q");
static const double kDefaultValue_Q = 0.1;
static const double kMinimumValue_Q = 0.001;
static const double kMaximumValue_Q = 10;
// parameter identifiers
enum { // Defines constants for identifying the parameters; defines the total number of parameters
kParameter_Gain = 0,
kParameter_f0 = 1,
kParameter_Q = 2,
kNumberOfParameters = 3
#pragma mark ____Filtro
class Filtro : public AUEffectBase
Filtro(AudioUnit component);
virtual ~Filtro () { delete mDebugDispatcher; }
virtual AUKernelBase * NewKernel() { return new FiltroKernel(this); }
virtual OSStatus GetParameterInfo(AudioUnitScope inScope,
AudioUnitParameterID inParameterID,
AudioUnitParameterInfo &outParameterInfo);
virtual OSStatus GetPropertyInfo(AudioUnitPropertyID inID,
AudioUnitScope inScope,
AudioUnitElement inElement,
UInt32 & outDataSize,
Boolean & outWritable );
virtual OSStatus GetProperty(AudioUnitPropertyID inID,
AudioUnitScope inScope,
AudioUnitElement inElement,
void * outData);
virtual bool SupportsTail () { return false; }
/*! #method Version */
virtual OSStatus Version() { return kFiltroVersion; }
class FiltroKernel : public AUKernelBase {
FiltroKernel (AUEffectBase *inAudioUnit);
virtual void Process (
const Float32 *inSourceP,
Float32 *inDestP,
UInt32 inFramesToProcess,
UInt32 inNumChannels, // equal to 1
bool &ioSilence
virtual void Reset();
Float32 mSampleFrequency;
long mSamplesProcessed;
enum {sampleLimit = (int) 10E6};
float mCurrentScale;
float mNextScale;
Thank a lot. I hope my English is not too bad.
Your filter implementation does not look correct to me. Maybe it's fine, but it's hard to follow. For example, it looks like you are shifting your stored x values into your stored y values, and even though you clear that up on the next loop, it's all a bit hard to follow.
You might want to check out how I do it here: http://blog.bjornroche.com/2012/08/basic-audio-eqs.html Much cleaner!
Also, are you processing mono samples or multichannel audio, because your Process function looks like it will only work as you intend with mono audio. (I haven't worked with AU's recently enough to be able to answer this myself from looking at your code)
Problem solved!!! After 3 days, I found the right way to avoid the variables reset every audio frame. I just declared those state variables into the Filtro.h file at the fourth line from the bottom, and than I initialised them into the "AUKernelBase (inAudioUnit)" in Filtro.cpp file. I hope it can be helpful to other people. Bye.

QGraphicsScene/QGraphicsView performance

I am using QGraphicsScene/QGraphicsView pair in my project
I have performance issue with this pair.
I added my custom graphics items to scene and displayed the contents with view. After that my custom graphics items paint method continuously called by scene(just like infinite loop). This makes %25 of CPU usage(approximately 400 items on scene). What may cause this behaviour?
Here is one my item implementation:
class LevelCrossingItem : public QGraphicsWidget
LevelCrossingItem(QString _id,qreal _x,qreal _y);
QRectF boundingRect() const;
QSizeF sizeHint(Qt::SizeHint which, const QSizeF &constraint = QSizeF()) const;
void paint(QPainter *painter, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem *option, QWidget *widget /* = 0 */);
void readStateBits();
bool isClosed();
bool isGateArmBroken();
bool isOpenedDuringRouteTanzimCompleted();
bool hasDataConsistencyWarning();
int type() const {return Type;}
private slots:
void setVisible(bool);
QString m_id;
QString m_source;
short m_closedState;
short m_brokenGateArmState;
short m_openedDuringRouteTanzimCompletedState;
short m_dataConsistencyWarningState;
QBitArray stateBitArray;
qreal x,y;
QSvgRenderer *renderer;
#include "levelcrossing.h"
LevelCrossingItem::LevelCrossingItem(QString _id,qreal _x,qreal _y):m_id(_id),x(_x),y(_y),stateBitArray(4)
m_source = LEVELCROSSING_RESOURCE_PATH.arg("open");
renderer = new QSvgRenderer;
delete renderer;
void LevelCrossingItem::setVisible(bool visible)
QRectF LevelCrossingItem::boundingRect() const
return QRectF(QPointF(x,y),sizeHint(Qt::PreferredSize));
QSizeF LevelCrossingItem::sizeHint(Qt::SizeHint which, const QSizeF &constraint) const
return QSizeF(50,270);
void LevelCrossingItem::readStateBits()
m_closedState = property("Closed").toInt();
m_brokenGateArmState = property("Broken").toInt();
m_openedDuringRouteTanzimCompletedState = property("OpenedOnRouteWarning").toInt();
m_dataConsistencyWarningState = property("DataConsistencyWarning").toInt();
void LevelCrossingItem::paint(QPainter *painter, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem *option, QWidget *widget )
m_closedState == Positive ? m_source = LEVELCROSSING_RESOURCE_PATH.arg("closed")
: m_source = LEVELCROSSING_RESOURCE_PATH.arg("open");
m_brokenGateArmState == Positive ? m_source = LEVELCROSSING_RESOURCE_PATH.arg("broken")
: m_source = m_source;
if(m_openedDuringRouteTanzimCompletedState == Positive)
emit itemAlarmOccured(m_id,LevelCrossingIsOpenDuringTanzimCompleted);
if(m_dataConsistencyWarningState == Positive)
emit itemAlarmOccured(m_id,LevelCrossingDataConsistency);
bool LevelCrossingItem::isClosed()
return m_closedState == Positive;
bool LevelCrossingItem::isGateArmBroken()
return m_brokenGateArmState == Positive;
bool LevelCrossingItem::isOpenedDuringRouteTanzimCompleted()
return m_openedDuringRouteTanzimCompletedState == Positive;
bool LevelCrossingItem::hasDataConsistencyWarning()
return m_dataConsistencyWarningState == Positive;
I read x and y coordinates from xml file. For this item x and y coordinates are 239,344 respectively
Most likely your graphics item has mistakes in the implementation. I had similar behavior, but I was unable to figure out what exactly causes it. I suspect that this happens when you draw outside of the bounding rect. This triggers some clean up routine, which in turn causes redraw of the item, and here goes the loop. Eventually I resolved the issue by carefully inspecting the implementation of my custom graphics item and making sure that:
These is no painting outside of the MyGraphicsItem::boundingRect. Use painter->setClipRect(boundingRect())
MyGraphicsItem::shape does not cross with the MyGraphicsItem::boundingRect.
If you override any other QGraphicsItem functions, make sure that your implementation is correct.
Hope this helps. Feel free to post the source code of your graphics item, it will be easier to find the problem.

call a delegate from click event using C++/CLI

In C#, We can call a new function from button click with arguments like this,
////My function
public static void Method1(int x)
Console.WriteLine("Method 1");
and set this function on click event of a command button like this,
button1.Click += delegate { mydelegate with argument };
delegate void Procedure( int x);
public partial class Window1 : Window
public Window1()
Procedure pProcedure = new Procedure(Method1);
button1.Click += delegate { pProcedure(10); };
public static void Method1(int x)
Console.WriteLine("Method 1");
Now when we click on the button1, then the function "Method1" will be invoke.
How can I do the same using C++/CLI?
I need to find the added delegate from the click event and need to remove. How can i do this?
If you're asking about how to use anonymous delegates in C++/CLI, then the answer is you can't. In C++/CLI, delegates must be bound to a named function.
To accomplish what inline anonymous delegates actually do in C#, you can use the concept of a 'functor' or function object. The following C++/CLI sample illustrates how to create a function object and "bind" it to a specific value and then show how to use it as an event subscriber.
using namespace System;
// Sample class with one event 'Started'
public ref class Widget
event EventHandler ^ Started;
void Start()
Started(this, EventArgs::Empty);
// Declare 'functor' class to capture state
private ref class Functor
Functor(int input)
: input_(input)
// This is what we will use as the handler method
void Handler(Object ^ sender, EventArgs ^ e)
Console::WriteLine(L"Invoked with input {0}.", input_);
int input_;
// Entry point
int wmain(int argc, wchar_t ** argv)
// Create a functor to capture value '10'
Functor ^ f = gcnew Functor(10);
Widget ^ widget = gcnew Widget();
// Subscribe to event using functor's handler
// (note that we bind to the instance 'f' here)
EventHandler ^ handler = gcnew EventHandler(f, &Functor::Handler);
widget->Started += handler;
// Should print "Invoked with input 10."
// Remove the handler
widget->Started -= handler;
// Should not print anything extra now
return 0;
Thank you for your help.
With your help I can solve my problem.
The solution is like this,
#pragma once
using namespace System;
using namespace System::Windows;
using namespace System::Windows::Controls;
ref class Functor;
ref class FirstWindow : Window
Canvas^ maincanvas;
Button^ addbutton1;
Button^ addbutton2;
Functor^ pFunctor;
void InitControls(void);
void MyFunction( int x, int y );
#include "FirstWindow.h"
#include "Functor.h"
Title = "First Avalon App";
Width = 400;
Height = 400;
ResizeMode = System::Windows::ResizeMode::NoResize;
void FirstWindow::InitControls(void)
addbutton1 = gcnew Button();
addbutton1->Width = 80;
addbutton1->Height = 25;
addbutton1->Content = "Add";
pFunctor = gcnew Functor(this, 10, 20);
addbutton1->Click += gcnew RoutedEventHandler( pFunctor, &Functor::Handler);
Canvas::SetTop(addbutton1, 45);
Canvas::SetLeft(addbutton1, 200);
pFunctor = gcnew Functor(this, 100, 200);
addbutton2 = gcnew Button();
addbutton2->Width = 80;
addbutton2->Height = 25;
addbutton2->Content = "Add";
addbutton2->Click += gcnew RoutedEventHandler(pFunctor, &Functor::Handler);
Canvas::SetTop(addbutton2, 85);
Canvas::SetLeft(addbutton2, 200);
maincanvas = gcnew Canvas();
Content = maincanvas;
void FirstWindow::MyFunction( int x, int y )
MessageBox::Show("This function is call by Button Click with values " + x.ToString() + " , " + y.ToString() );
#pragma once
using namespace System;
using namespace System::Windows;
using namespace System::Windows::Controls;
ref class FirstWindow;
private ref class Functor
Functor(FirstWindow^ pFirstWindow, int pFirstArg, int pSecArg);
// This is what we will use as the handler method
void Handler(Object ^ sender, RoutedEventArgs ^ e);
int m_pFirstArg;
int m_pSecArg;
FirstWindow^ m_pFirstWindow;
#include "Functor.h"
#include "FirstWindow.h"
Functor::Functor(FirstWindow^ pFirstWindow, int pFirstArg, int pSecArg) : m_pFirstWindow( pFirstWindow ), m_pFirstArg(pFirstArg), m_pSecArg( pSecArg )
void Functor::Handler(Object ^ sender, RoutedEventArgs ^ e)
if ( m_pFirstWindow )
m_pFirstWindow->MyFunction(m_pFirstArg, m_pSecArg );
Now when we click on button one, then the application call the function "MyFunction" with value 10,20 and when we click on button 2 then the same function "MyFunction" with value 100,200.
Thank you for your help.
