QGraphicsScene/QGraphicsView performance - performance

I am using QGraphicsScene/QGraphicsView pair in my project
I have performance issue with this pair.
I added my custom graphics items to scene and displayed the contents with view. After that my custom graphics items paint method continuously called by scene(just like infinite loop). This makes %25 of CPU usage(approximately 400 items on scene). What may cause this behaviour?
Here is one my item implementation:
class LevelCrossingItem : public QGraphicsWidget
LevelCrossingItem(QString _id,qreal _x,qreal _y);
QRectF boundingRect() const;
QSizeF sizeHint(Qt::SizeHint which, const QSizeF &constraint = QSizeF()) const;
void paint(QPainter *painter, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem *option, QWidget *widget /* = 0 */);
void readStateBits();
bool isClosed();
bool isGateArmBroken();
bool isOpenedDuringRouteTanzimCompleted();
bool hasDataConsistencyWarning();
int type() const {return Type;}
private slots:
void setVisible(bool);
QString m_id;
QString m_source;
short m_closedState;
short m_brokenGateArmState;
short m_openedDuringRouteTanzimCompletedState;
short m_dataConsistencyWarningState;
QBitArray stateBitArray;
qreal x,y;
QSvgRenderer *renderer;
#include "levelcrossing.h"
LevelCrossingItem::LevelCrossingItem(QString _id,qreal _x,qreal _y):m_id(_id),x(_x),y(_y),stateBitArray(4)
m_source = LEVELCROSSING_RESOURCE_PATH.arg("open");
renderer = new QSvgRenderer;
delete renderer;
void LevelCrossingItem::setVisible(bool visible)
QRectF LevelCrossingItem::boundingRect() const
return QRectF(QPointF(x,y),sizeHint(Qt::PreferredSize));
QSizeF LevelCrossingItem::sizeHint(Qt::SizeHint which, const QSizeF &constraint) const
return QSizeF(50,270);
void LevelCrossingItem::readStateBits()
m_closedState = property("Closed").toInt();
m_brokenGateArmState = property("Broken").toInt();
m_openedDuringRouteTanzimCompletedState = property("OpenedOnRouteWarning").toInt();
m_dataConsistencyWarningState = property("DataConsistencyWarning").toInt();
void LevelCrossingItem::paint(QPainter *painter, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem *option, QWidget *widget )
m_closedState == Positive ? m_source = LEVELCROSSING_RESOURCE_PATH.arg("closed")
: m_source = LEVELCROSSING_RESOURCE_PATH.arg("open");
m_brokenGateArmState == Positive ? m_source = LEVELCROSSING_RESOURCE_PATH.arg("broken")
: m_source = m_source;
if(m_openedDuringRouteTanzimCompletedState == Positive)
emit itemAlarmOccured(m_id,LevelCrossingIsOpenDuringTanzimCompleted);
if(m_dataConsistencyWarningState == Positive)
emit itemAlarmOccured(m_id,LevelCrossingDataConsistency);
bool LevelCrossingItem::isClosed()
return m_closedState == Positive;
bool LevelCrossingItem::isGateArmBroken()
return m_brokenGateArmState == Positive;
bool LevelCrossingItem::isOpenedDuringRouteTanzimCompleted()
return m_openedDuringRouteTanzimCompletedState == Positive;
bool LevelCrossingItem::hasDataConsistencyWarning()
return m_dataConsistencyWarningState == Positive;
I read x and y coordinates from xml file. For this item x and y coordinates are 239,344 respectively

Most likely your graphics item has mistakes in the implementation. I had similar behavior, but I was unable to figure out what exactly causes it. I suspect that this happens when you draw outside of the bounding rect. This triggers some clean up routine, which in turn causes redraw of the item, and here goes the loop. Eventually I resolved the issue by carefully inspecting the implementation of my custom graphics item and making sure that:
These is no painting outside of the MyGraphicsItem::boundingRect. Use painter->setClipRect(boundingRect())
MyGraphicsItem::shape does not cross with the MyGraphicsItem::boundingRect.
If you override any other QGraphicsItem functions, make sure that your implementation is correct.
Hope this helps. Feel free to post the source code of your graphics item, it will be easier to find the problem.


How to use a Manager class to manage Characters and their animations in C++ using the SFML library

I'm trying to create a 2D sidescroller mini-game. For now, I only have a character with a sprite and one animation, which i'm trying to move using the left/right arrows. At first, I only had a Character class, storing the sprite of the character and its running animation. And it worked. But now, I'm trying to add a CharacterManager class, which will create all the characters to avoid doing it in the main, and which will manage their movements and draw them.
And it doesn't work anymore. I think my problems come from the fact that I have trouble using pointers, which I'm not really familiar with.
Here are the different classes I'm using :
Animation.h :
#pragma once
#include <vector>
#include <SFML/Graphics.hpp>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <ctime>
#include "Constants.h"
class Animation {
void SetFrames(std::vector<sf::IntRect> frames) { m_frames = frames; }
sf::IntRect Play();
std::vector<sf::IntRect> m_frames;
unsigned int m_currentFrame;
float m_updateTime;
float m_timeSinceLastFrame;
float m_lastCallTimestamp;
float m_currentTimestamp;
bool m_firstCall;
Animation.cpp :
#include "Animation.h"
Animation::Animation() {
m_currentFrame = 0;
m_updateTime = 1.0f / ANIMATION_SPEED;
m_timeSinceLastFrame = 0.0f;
m_firstCall = true;
Animation::~Animation() {
sf::IntRect Animation::Play() {
if (m_frames.size() == 0) {
throw std::length_error("The frames vector is empty");
// Advance time and add the elapsed time to timeSinceLastFrame
m_currentTimestamp = std::clock();
// Ignore elapsed time if first call
if (m_firstCall) {
m_timeSinceLastFrame = 0.0f;
m_lastCallTimestamp = m_currentTimestamp;
m_firstCall = false; // Not first call anymore
else {
m_timeSinceLastFrame += (m_currentTimestamp - m_lastCallTimestamp) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
m_lastCallTimestamp = m_currentTimestamp;
// Next frame
if (m_timeSinceLastFrame >= m_updateTime) {
m_timeSinceLastFrame = 0;
// Check animation end
if (m_currentFrame >= m_frames.size()) {
m_currentFrame = 0; // Reset frame progression
m_firstCall = true; // Next passage will be the first call of a new animation
/* TODO : return something to alert the end of the animation
(like a specific rectint or set a variable to true and get it on the other side) */
return m_frames[m_currentFrame];
Character.h :
#pragma once
#include <SFML/Graphics.hpp>
#include <vector>
#include <map>
#include "Constants.h"
#include "Animation.h"
class Character : public sf::Drawable {
Character(std::string name);
void Move(float value);
// Setters
void SetTexture(std::string filename);
void SetPosition(sf::Vector2f pos) { m_position = pos; };
void SetAnimations(std::map<std::string, Animation*> animations) { m_animations = animations; };
virtual void draw(sf::RenderTarget& target, sf::RenderStates states) const;
std::string m_name;
unsigned int m_orientation; // 0 (default) = right | 1 = left
std::map<std::string, Animation*> m_animations;
Animation runningAnimation;
sf::Vector2f m_position;
sf::Texture m_texture;
sf::Sprite m_sprite;
Character.cpp :
#include "Character.h"
Character::Character() {}
Character::Character(std::string name) {
m_name = name;
m_orientation = 0;
runningAnimation = Animation();
Character::~Character() {
void Character::draw(sf::RenderTarget& target, sf::RenderStates states) const {
target.draw(m_sprite, states);
void Character::Move(float value) {
m_position.x += value;
void Character::SetTexture(std::string filename) {
filename = TEXTURE_FILES_PREFIX + filename;
// Load the entire texture file
if (!m_texture.loadFromFile(filename))
std::cout << "Error loading texture file : " << filename << std::endl;
// Set the texture (by default, initialize to idle state) and the position
std::vector<sf::IntRect> runningFrames{
sf::IntRect(67, 45, 19, 28),
sf::IntRect(116, 46, 20, 27),
sf::IntRect(166, 48, 20, 25),
sf::IntRect(217, 45, 22, 28),
sf::IntRect(266, 46, 19, 27),
sf::IntRect(316, 48, 20, 25)
CharacterManager.h :
#pragma once
#include <vector>
#include <map>
#include <iostream>
#include <SFML\Graphics.hpp>
#include "AliveCharacter.h"
#include "Npc.h"
#include "Animation.h"
#include "CharacterStats.h"
enum CharacterType
// Class containing a vector of character entities and creates the animations of these entities from a data file (later)
class CharacterManager : public sf::Drawable {
public :
// Loads the file and stores the content inside data string (not used for now)
void LoadDataFile(std::string filename);
// Create a character and add it to the list
void CreateCharacter(std::string name, std::string textureFilename, CharacterType characterType, sf::Vector2f pos);
void CreateCharacter(std::string name, std::string textureFilename, CharacterType characterType, sf::Vector2f pos, std::map<std::string, Animation*> animations);
void CreateCharacter(std::string name, std::string textureFilename, CharacterType characterType, sf::Vector2f pos, std::map<std::string, Animation*> animations, CharacterStats stats);
void Move(float value);
Character* GetCharacter(std::string name) { return m_characters[name]; }
private :
// Calls the draw() function of each stored Character
virtual void draw(sf::RenderTarget& target, sf::RenderStates states) const;
std::string m_data;
std::map<std::string, Character*> m_characters;
CharacterManager.cpp :
#include "CharacterManager.h"
CharacterManager::CharacterManager() {
m_characters = std::map<std::string, Character*>();
CharacterManager::~CharacterManager() {
//delete m_characters;
void CharacterManager::LoadDataFile(std::string filename) {
// TODO : load file content
void CharacterManager::CreateCharacter(std::string name, std::string textureFilename, CharacterType characterType, sf::Vector2f pos) {
Character new_character(name); // Create a generic character...
// ... and specialise it depending on the character type param
switch (characterType)
case NPC:
new_character = Npc(name);
case ALIVE:
new_character = AliveCharacter(name);
new_character = Character(name);
// Set texture, position and add to the characters list
m_characters.insert({ name, &new_character });
void CharacterManager::CreateCharacter(std::string name, std::string textureFilename, CharacterType characterType, sf::Vector2f pos, std::map<std::string, Animation*> animations) {
CreateCharacter(textureFilename, name, characterType, pos);
void CharacterManager::CreateCharacter(std::string name, std::string textureFilename, CharacterType characterType, sf::Vector2f pos, std::map<std::string, Animation*> animations, CharacterStats stats) {
CreateCharacter(textureFilename, name, characterType, pos);
void CharacterManager::Move(float value) {
for each (std::pair<std::string, Character*> pair in m_characters) {
Character* character = pair.second;
void CharacterManager::draw(sf::RenderTarget& target, sf::RenderStates states) const {
for each (std::pair<std::string, Character*> pair in m_characters) {
Character* character = pair.second;
And finally the Main.cpp, where you can see in comments the things I tried without success :
#include "Map.h"
#include "CharacterManager.h"
int main()
sf::RenderWindow window(sf::VideoMode(WINDOW_SIZE_X, WINDOW_SIZE_Y), WINDOW_TITLE);
Map map;
int pos = WINDOW_SIZE_X / 2 - MAP_SIZE_X / 2;
float movement = 0;
CharacterManager charManager;
charManager.CreateCharacter("main", "Characters/test-character.png", ALIVE, sf::Vector2f(400, WINDOW_SIZE_Y - HEIGHT_OF_GROUND - 28));
while (window.isOpen())
sf::Event event;
while (window.pollEvent(event))
if (event.type == sf::Event::Closed)
if (event.type == sf::Event::KeyPressed)
if (event.key.code == sf::Keyboard::Left)
movement = -MOVING_SPEED;
else if (event.key.code == sf::Keyboard::Right)
movement = MOVING_SPEED;
else if (event.type == sf::Event::KeyReleased)
movement = 0;
// Move the map
/*Character* mainPerso = charManager.GetCharacter("main");
return 0;
The error I'm getting is on the return m_frames[m_currentFrame] line in Animation.cpp, in the end of the Play() function. A pop-up window opens saying : "Expression: vector subscript out of range". This error only happens the second time the code goes through this line. The first time it's called from the SetTexture() function of Character.cpp (m_sprite.setTextureRect(runningAnimation.Play())), itself called from the CreateCharacter() function of the CharacterManager (new_character.SetTexture(textureFilename)), and at this point the Animation object looks as it should.
But the second time, it's called from the Move() function of Character (m_sprite.setTextureRect(runningAnimation.Play())), itself called from the Move() function of the CharacterManager (character->Move(value)). And at this point, all of the Animation object absolutely doesn't look like it should. In debug mode, I can see this :
Debug screenshot
As I said earlier, I think the problem comes from the use of pointers. When I'm trying to remove them, the code runs, but I get a white square problem.
I tried to find some sort of tutorial on how to use this kind of architecture, but didn't find anything relevant. If you know one, I'll be glad to look at it.
As I said earlier, I think the problem comes from the use of pointers.
When I'm trying to remove them, the code runs, but I get a white
square problem.
yep, it is a common issue for SFML when using Texture and Sprite when shallow copy is used.
Let's look at sf::Sprite::setTexture reference:
The texture argument refers to a texture that must exist as long as
the sprite uses it. Indeed, the sprite doesn't store its own copy of
the texture, but rather keeps a pointer to the one that you passed to
this function. If the source texture is destroyed and the sprite tries
to use it, the behavior is undefined.
So, a class like below, with default generated copy operation by compiler:
class Foo {
void setT() {
// generate texture {t}
sf::Sprite s;
sf::Texture t;
will bring troubles to you. Because when a copy is made by Foo f(otherFoo);, sprite in newly created instance of Foo will have pointer to texture of otherFoo - it is shallow copy of pointer to sf::Texture. Deleting otherFoo will make a dangle pointer inside new constructed object.
In this case, you should implement assignment operation which makes deep copy of texture for sprite. If you don't know how to do it, you should mark assignment operations as deleted:
class Character : public sf::Drawable {
Character(std::string name);
// added
Character& operator=(const Character&) = delete;
Character(const Character&) = delete;
void Move(float value);
Then, compiler will give you an error for each attempt of copying of Character instance.
In case of deleted copy operation, you should rely on pointers. Your attempt failed, because you store pointer to local variables. Local variables are deleted at the end of a function scope, and referring to them later is undefined behaviour.
You have to create Character by operator new:
void CharacterManager::CreateCharacter(std::string name, std::string textureFilename, CharacterType characterType, sf::Vector2f pos) {
Character* new_character = new Character(name); // Create a generic character...
// Set texture, position and add to the characters list
m_characters.insert({ name, new_character });

No viable conversion from 'shared_ptr<Pin>' to 'shared_ptr<Component>s'

I have an assignment of creating a Circuit Sim and I'm having issues with NotGate class when I try to use it.
Components is an abstract class.
class Component
virtual bool getOutput() = 0;
virtual void prettyPrint(string padding) = 0;
virtual void linearPrint() = 0;
Then I have Pin and NotGate, they inherit through dependency of Components.
class Pin {
bool value;
string label;
Pin::Pin(string theLabel) {
label = theLabel;
bool Pin::getOutput() {
return value;
void Pin::setValue(bool newVal) {
this->value = newVal;
class NotGate {
shared_ptr<Component> input;
NotGate::NotGate() {
input = make_shared<Component>();
bool NotGate::getOutput() {
if (input == 0) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
void NotGate::setInput(shared_ptr<Component> in) {
this->input = in;
I created a Pin "c" and a notGate "n1", I want to have "c" as the input for "n1". When I try to do it with the command:
It tells me that: No viable conversion from 'shared_ptr<Pin>' to 'shared_ptr<Component>s'
I tried creating a new shated_ptr of Components and a bunch of different things that didn't work.
The error message from the compiler is clear. If you want to be able to use a shared_ptr<Pin> when a shared_ptr<Component> is expected, you should make Pin a sub-class of Component. From an abstraction standpoint, it makes sense to me that Pin be a sub-class of Component.
class Pin : public Component

QDockWidget does not remember floating size and location when IsFloat is toggled

QDockWidget has a feature where you can double click on the title bar and the dock will toggle to a floating window and back to its docked state. The problem is if you move and resize the floating window and then toggle back to the dock and then back to floating again, your position and size are lost.
I've looked for solutions to resize and move a QDockWidget and I've taken a look at the Qt source code for QDockWidget. I've created a small subclass of QDockWidget that appears to solve the problem. It overrides the mouseDoubleClick, resize and move events, filtering out the unwanted "random" resizing and positioning by Qt and stores the information about screen, position and size in a struct that I store in QSettings for persistence between sessions.
// header
#include <QDockWidget>
#include "global.h"
class DockWidget : public QDockWidget
DockWidget(const QString &title, QWidget *parent = nullptr);
QSize sizeHint() const;
void rpt(QString s);
struct DWLoc {
int screen;
QPoint pos;
QSize size;
DWLoc dw;
bool ignore;
bool event(QEvent *event);
void resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *event);
void moveEvent(QMoveEvent *event);
// cpp
#include "dockwidget.h"
DockWidget::DockWidget(const QString &title, QWidget *parent)
: QDockWidget(title, parent)
ignore = false;
bool DockWidget::event(QEvent *event)
if (event->type() == QEvent::MouseButtonDblClick) {
ignore = true;
if (isFloating()) {
// move and size to previous state
QRect screenres = QApplication::desktop()->screenGeometry(dw.screen);
move(QPoint(screenres.x() + dw.pos.x(), screenres.y() + dw.pos.y()));
ignore = false;
ignore = false;
return true;
return true;
void DockWidget::resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *event)
if (ignore) {
if (isFloating()) {
dw.screen = QApplication::desktop()->screenNumber(this);
QRect r = geometry();
QRect a = QApplication::desktop()->screen(dw.screen)->geometry();
dw.pos = QPoint(r.x() - a.x(), r.y() - a.y());
dw.size = event->size();
QSize DockWidget::sizeHint() const
return dw.size;
void DockWidget::moveEvent(QMoveEvent *event)
if (ignore || !isFloating()) return;
dw.screen = QApplication::desktop()->screenNumber(this);
QRect r = geometry();
QRect a = QApplication::desktop()->screen(dw.screen)->geometry();
dw.pos = QPoint(r.x() - a.x(), r.y() - a.y());
dw.size = QSize(r.width(), r.height());
While this appears to be working is there a simpler way to accomplish this? What do I do if a QDockWidget was on a screen that is now turned off?

Is there a way to create an elegant class-member window-function?

The Window-Procedure in the Win32 API must be static \ global function since it cannot take a class-object (the this) parameter. One can of-course use workarounds like a hWnd->object dictionary and such.
I wonder if D has a way to elegantly solve it, like create a tiny member function copy for each object (to call the object's real handler) or anonymous function that I can assign to WNDCLASS.lpfnWndProc (I know there are anonymous functions, but I cannot use the extern(Windows) property on them) ?
Can I do something like this :
class Window {
extern (Windows)
LRESULT delegate (HWND hWnd, UINT msg, WPARAM w, LPARAM l) MyWinProcDelegate;
this() {
MyWinProcDelegate = &Events;
extern (Windows)
LRESULT Events (HWND hWnd, UINT msg, WPARAM w, LPARAM l) {
MessageBoxA(null , "Success!!!" , null ,0);
return DefWindowProcA(hWnd, message, wParam, lParam);
(Omitting the registration\creation\msg-loop...)
The Events() doesn't seem to fire... am I missing something ?
Here I made this for you (based on BCS' answer):
version (Windows)
import std.c.windows.windows;
void makeExecutable(ubyte[] code)
DWORD old;
VirtualProtect(code.ptr, code.length, PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE, &old);
version (linux)
import core.sys.posix.sys.mman;
import core.sys.posix.unistd;
static if (!is(typeof(&mprotect)))
extern(C) int mprotect(void*, size_t, int);
void makeExecutable(ubyte[] code)
auto pageSize = sysconf(_SC_PAGE_SIZE);
auto address = ((cast(size_t)code.ptr) & ~(pageSize-1));
int pageCount =
(address/pageSize == (address+code.length)/pageSize) ? 1 : 2;
mprotect(cast(void*)address, pageSize * pageCount,
static assert(0, "TODO");
R function(A) delegate2function(R, A...)(R delegate(A) d)
enum size_t TEMPLATE1 = cast(size_t)0x01234567_01234567;
enum size_t TEMPLATE2 = cast(size_t)0x89ABCDEF_89ABCDEF;
static R functionTemplate(A args)
R delegate(A) d;
d.ptr = cast(typeof(d.ptr ))TEMPLATE1;
d.funcptr = cast(typeof(d.funcptr))TEMPLATE2;
return d(args);
static void functionTemplateEnd() {}
static void replaceWord(ubyte[] a, size_t from, size_t to)
foreach (i; 0..a.length - size_t.sizeof + 1)
auto p = cast(size_t*)(a.ptr + i);
if (*p == from)
*p = to;
auto templateStart = cast(ubyte*)&functionTemplate;
auto templateEnd = cast(ubyte*)&functionTemplateEnd;
auto templateBytes = templateStart[0 .. templateEnd - templateStart];
// must allocate type with pointers, otherwise GC won't scan it
auto functionWords = new void*[(templateBytes.length / (void*).sizeof) + 3];
// store context in word-aligned boundary, so the GC can find it
functionWords[0] = d.ptr;
functionWords[1] = d.funcptr;
functionWords = functionWords[2..$];
auto functionBytes = (cast(ubyte[])functionWords)[0..templateBytes.length];
functionBytes[] = templateBytes[];
replaceWord(functionBytes, TEMPLATE1, cast(size_t)d.ptr );
replaceWord(functionBytes, TEMPLATE2, cast(size_t)d.funcptr);
return cast(typeof(return)) functionBytes.ptr;
void main()
import std.stdio;
auto context = 42;
void del(string s)
auto f = delegate2function(&del);
f("I am a pretty function");
Tested on Windows 32-bit and Linux 64-bit.
How about storing this in the window itself, with SetWindowLong?
One very un-portable solution would be to dynamically create a function that wraps the call. I would do this by writing a function that looks like this:
extern(C) RetType TestFn(Arg arg /* and any others */) {
Class c = cast(Class)(0xDEAD_BEEF);
return c.Method(arg);
You can then compile this function as un-optimized PIC, de-compile it, and find a byte sequence that can be mashed into what you need. The end result would be a type (likely a struct) that has a methoud returning a function pointer and that, when constructed, populates an internal void array with the bytes you found from the above step and pokes the object in question into the appropriate places.
A slightly more advanced solution would populate a delegate with both the object and the method pointer so both can be provided to the constructor. An even more advanced solution would template the type and take advantage of knowledge of the C and D calling conventions to dynamically generate the argument forwarding code.

Sharing an object between threads

How would you set the object data that is shared between threads and needs to be updated once after the complete cycle of (say) two threads in busy loop?
CRITICAL_SECTION critical_section_;
int value; //needs to be updated once after the cycle of any number of threads running in busy loop
void ThreadsFunction(int i)
while (true)
/* Lines of Code */
Edit: The value can be an object of any class.
Two suggestions:
Make the object itself thread safe.
Pass the object into the thread as instance data
I'll use C++ as a reference in my example. You can easily transpose this to pure C if you want.
// MyObject is the core data you want to share between threads
struct MyObject
int value;
int othervalue;
// all all the other members you want here
class MyThreadSafeObject
MyObject _myojbect;
bool _fLocked;
_fLocked = false
// add "getter and setter" methods for each member in MyObject
int SetValue(int x)
_myobject.value = x;
int GetValue()
int x;
x = _myobject.value;
return x;
// add "getter and setter" methods for each member in MyObject
int SetOtherValue(int x)
_myobject.othervalue = x;
int GetOtherValue()
int x;
x = _myobject.othervalue;
return x;
// and if you need to access the whole object directly without using a critsec lock on each variable access, add lock/unlock methods
bool Lock(MyObject** ppObject)
*ppObject = &_myobject;
_fLocked = true;
return true;
bool UnLock()
if (_fLocked == false)
return false;
_fLocked = false;
return true;
Then, create your object and thread as follows:
MyThreadSafeObject* pObjectThreadSafe;
MyObject* pObject = NULL;
// now initilaize your object
pObject->value = 0; // initailze value and all the other members of pObject to what you want them to be.
pObject->othervalue = 0;
pObject = NULL;
// Create your threads, passing the pointer to MyThreadSafeObject as your instance data
DWORD dwThreadID = 0;
HANDLE hThread = CreateThread(NULL, NULL, ThreadRoutine, pObjectThreadSafe, 0, &dwThreadID);
And your thread will operate as follows
DWORD __stdcall ThreadFunction(void* pData)
MyThreadSafeObject* pObjectThreadSafe = (MyThreadSafeObject*)pData;
MyObject* pObject = NULL;
while (true)
/* lines of code */
/* lines of code */
If you want implement thread safe update of an integer you should better use InterlockedIncrement and InterlockedDecrement or InterlockedExchangeAdd functions. See http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms684122(VS.85).aspx.
If you do need use EnterCriticalSection and LeaveCriticalSection you will find an example in http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms686908(v=VS.85).aspx, but I recommend you to use EnterCriticalSection inside of __try block and LeaveCriticalSection inside of the __finally part of this blocks.
