ESP32S3 Feather - data sketch upload problem - esp32

Im working with ESP32S3 feather right now. I wanted to make web server with it, as I did long time ago with ESP32 Dev board. First, as I write program in VS Code, I tried to upload Filesystem Image through VS, there were no error but when I checked in setup() if SPIFFS works, but got message that error occured. I used just simple example from
#include "SPIFFS.h"
void setup() {
Serial.println("An Error has occurred while mounting SPIFFS");
File file ="/test_example.txt");
Serial.println("Failed to open file for reading");
Serial.println("File Content:");
void loop() {
Then I tried with arduino as I did previously with ESP32 Dev board, but there I cant even upload, as when clicking ESP32 Sketch Data Upload in Arduino Tools, I get error that port is unaviable. Whats more after clicking this option, I hear this USB sound when something is disconnected. After sound in Port option, my board is no longer ESPS3 Feather 2MB PSRAM but its ESP32S3 Dev and ofcourse upload will fail as this is different board. After pressing reset button the Port option shows again my board but the same thing happen after trying to upload sketch data. Doeas any one have and idea what is the problem?
HEre is my board:


P5.js not loading sound

I am trying to load an mp3 files (according to the examples) but I am getting
Unable to load bg.mp3.
The request status was: 0 ()
The error stack trace includes: loadSound
I have referenced my problem to this Github issue but I am unable to find a solution.
Also, I am using Brackets editor which starts a local server and opens a new Chrome instance.
let mySound;
function preload() {
soundFormats('mp3', 'ogg');
mySound = loadSound("bg.mp3");
function setup(){
Strange, the Sound: Load and Play Sound example seems to work fine.
The error seems to point to on an XHR load error, but it's unclear why.
It's worth trying the full version of loadSound() including the error callback:loadSound(path, [successCallback], [errorCallback], [whileLoading]).
Hopefully the errorCallback details will help solve the problem
let mySound;
function onSoundLoadSuccess(e){
console.log("load sound success",e);
function onSoundLoadError(e){
console.log("load sound error",e);
function onSoundLoadProgress(e){
console.log("load sound progress",e);
function preload() {
soundFormats('mp3', 'ogg');
mySound = loadSound("bg.mp3",onSoundLoadSuccess,onSoundLoadError,onSoundLoadProgress);
function setup(){
Also try to navigate to the web server Brackets launches and access the file manually.
(e.g. http://localhost:BRACKETS_HTTP_PORT_HERE/bg.mp3). If everything is ok (bg.mp3 is in the same folder as the index.html file), your browser should load and display the default audio playback controls.
It's worth noting there are many other http servers you could try, here a few examples:
if you're on OSX you can use Python's HTTP Server (python -m SimpleHTTPServer in python 2 or python -m http.server)
if you use node.js there' an http-server module (e.g. npm install http-server then http-server in your project folder)
Apache variants (depending on OS, MAMP/WAMP/XAMPP, etc.), though might be overkill
The quick fix for anyone having this issue is to use a Local web server. (mamp/xamp/local etc). Then reference it in the preload/setup
sound = loadSound('http://localhost/audio.mp3', loaded);
The documentation does state -
you will need the p5.sound library and a running local server

Wifi WPS client start in Windows 10 in script or code

I can not find how to start WPS client in Windows 10 from command prompt or powershell. When I used Linux, everything was really ease with wla_supplicant (wpa_cli wps_pbc). Is there something similar in Windows?
Does anyone know how to set up Wi-Fi network (over WPS) key without human input in Windows?
I also tried WCN (Windows Connect Now) from Microsoft as it implements WPS features. I got also samples from Windows SDK on WCN, but they could not get key by WPS (it faild). But if I use Windows user interface to connect wiothout PIN, everyting seems to be pretty fine.
I am sure that there is possibility to do that, it is very important to perform Wifi Protected Setup by button start from the command prompt or app (C++/C#) without human intrusion or input (once WPS is on air, Windows should automatically get the network key and connect then).
I don't know if it's too late to answer, just put what I know in here and hope it can help.
First, if your system has updated to 16299(Fall Creator Update), you can just simply use new wifi api from UWP.
Install newest Windows SDK, create a C# console project, target C# version to at least 7.1, then add two reference to the project.
C:\Program Files (x86)\Reference Assemblies\Microsoft\Framework.NETCore\v4.5\System.Runtime.WindowsRuntime.dll
C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\UnionMetadata\10.0.16299.0\Windows.winmd
After all of that , code in below should work.
using System;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Windows.Devices.Enumeration;
using Windows.Devices.WiFi;
class Program
static async Task Main(string[] args)
var dic = await DeviceInformation.FindAllAsync(WiFiAdapter.GetDeviceSelector());
if (dic.Count > 0)
var adapter = await WiFiAdapter.FromIdAsync(dic[0].Id);
foreach (var an in adapter.NetworkReport.AvailableNetworks)
if (an.Ssid == "Ssid which you want to connect to.")
// Fouth parameter which is ssid can not be set to null even if we provided
// first one, or an exception will be thrown.
await adapter.ConnectAsync(an, WiFiReconnectionKind.Manual, null, "",
Build and run the exe, then push your router's button, your pc will be connect to the router.
But if you can not update to 16299, WCN will be your only choice. You may already notice that if call IWCNDevic::Connect frist with push-button method, the WSC(Wifi Simple Configuration) session will fail. That's because WNC would not start a push-button session as a enrollee, but only as a registrar. That means you have to ensure that router's button has been pushed before you call IWCNDevic::Connect. The way to do that is using Native Wifi api to scan your router repeatedly, analyse the newest WSC information element from the scan result, confirm that Selected Registrar attribute has been set to true and Device Password Id attribute has been set to 4. After that, query the IWCNDevice and call Connect function will succeed. Then you can call IWCNDevice::GetNetworkProfile to get a profile that can use to connect to the router. Because it's too much of code, I will only list the main wifi api that will be used.
WlanEnuminterfaces: Use to get a available wifi interface.
WlanRegisterNotification: Use to register a callback to handle scan an connect results.
WlanScan: Use to scan a specified wifi BSS.
WlanGetNetworkBsslist: Use to get newest BSS information after scan.
WlanSetProfile: Use to save profile for a BSS.
WlanConnect: Use to connect to a BSS.
And about the WSC information element and it's attributes, you can find all the information from Wi-Fi Simple Configuration Technical Specification v2.0.5.
For Krisz. About timeout.
You can't cast IAsyncOperation to Task directly. The right way to do that is using AsTask method. And also, you should cancel ConnectAsync after timeout.
Sample code:
var t = adapter.ConnectAsync(an, WiFiReconnectionKind.Manual, null, "",
if (!t.Wait(10000))

How can I test the background scan and launch the application in background with iBeacon-Android?

I am using the pro library.
But I just found doc for free library
I cannot find any doc for pro version.
Also, I don't know how to implement the background mode even using the pro sample.
Here are the steps:
Build the pro sample project
start the iBeacon source(using iPad) and it can be detected
start the application and then press home button the make it in
Turn off the iBeacon source
Turn on the iBeacon source
However, more than 5 minutes, the application does not launch
So, can anyone verify the step I did?
How can I test the background mode more easily?
Also, for the BootstrapNotifier, is it just work only first time when the device reboot?
After that, even I put application in background, the application will not launch when it detect iBeacon?
Your testing method sounds fine. I think the issue is that the reference app for the pro library only auto launches the app on the first detection after boot. After that, it sends a notification instead, and tapping on that notification launches the app.
This is purely for demonstration purposes. You can change it to auto launch on every detection if you wish. Simply alter the haveDetectedIBeaconsSinceBoot logic in this code:
public void didEnterRegion(Region arg0) {
// In this example, this class sends a notification to the user whenever an iBeacon
// matching a Region (defined above) are first seen.
Log.d(TAG, "did enter region.");
if (!haveDetectedIBeaconsSinceBoot) {
Log.d(TAG, "auto launching MainActivity");
// The very first time since boot that we detect an iBeacon, we launch the
// MainActivity
Intent intent = new Intent(this, MainActivity.class);
// Important: make sure to add android:launchMode="singleInstance" in the manifest
// to keep multiple copies of this activity from getting created if the user has
// already manually launched the app.
haveDetectedIBeaconsSinceBoot = true;
} else {
// If we have already seen iBeacons and launched the MainActivity before, we simply
// send a notification to the user on subsequent detections.
Log.d(TAG, "Sending notification.");
The javadoc link was missing from the main documentation page when you posted this question. That is fixed now.

Actionscript 4: NetConnection.connect(...) does not fire a NetStatusEvent event

I downloaded the red5-recorder ( , which fails to allow me to start recording. After debugging I found that the netconnection, needed to record to a media server, created does not fire a NetStatusEvent event, so essentially it fails silently. I have implemented the connection with the following minimal working example:
trace("make net connection");
nc = new NetConnection();
nc.client = { onBWDone: function():void{ trace("bandwidth check done.") } };
trace("add event listener");
nc.addEventListener(NetStatusEvent.NET_STATUS, function(event:NetStatusEvent) {
trace("connect done");
The output of this piece of code is:
make net connection
add event listener
connect done
The actionscript api states that the connect-call always fires such an event:
Moreover, the netconnection is not 'connected' (a state of the NetConnection object) 10 seconds after the call. I also took a look at this: NetConnect fails silently in Flash when called from SilverLight But the fix suggested by the author, swapping rtmp and http in the connection uri, do not work. Also, I tested the uri and in fact the exact same code sniplet in a personal project, where it did work. I just can not seem to find why connecting to a media server fails silently in the red5-recorder project.
The awkward part is that if I pass some random string as a conenction uri, still nothing happens (no event, no exception, no crash). Also not setting nc.client becore nc.connect(), which caused exceptions in my experience, did not cause exceptions.
Any suggestions are welcome.
You are setting the address to localshost instead localhost.
Correct address:

Camera not working on Windows Mobile 6.5

I have an application for Motorola MC9500 series that uses the device camera.
I use the following method to init the Imager:
Symbol.Generic.Device MyDevice;
int i = 0;
if (imager == null)
MyDevice = (Symbol.Generic.Device)Symbol.Imaging.Device.AvailableDevices.GetValue(0);
for (i = 1; MyDevice != null; i++)
if (MyDevice.FriendlyName.Equals("Image Capture Driver for Color Camera"))
MyDevice = (Symbol.Generic.Device)Symbol.Imaging.Device.AvailableDevices.GetValue(i);
if (MyDevice == null)
MessageBox.Show("Camera não foi encontrada.");
imager = new Symbol.Imaging.Imager(MyDevice);
It works fine on WM6.1 but not on WM6.5, where the last line throws the following exception:
Failed to create Imager: IMAGE_Open failed: E_IMG_INVALIDDEVICE
According to the manufacturer documentation, this means: "The physical device driver (PDD). DLL did not contain the required entry points.". However, I have all the drivers up-to-date. They can be found on:
When I'm running the program, I have no other tasks running, since I thought this could be due to another process locking the camera to itself.
Relevant fact is that the camera doesn't seem to work/start in any other application that uses it. However, they seem to work on my client's device (also WM6.5, same device).
Anyone got any suggestion or idea of why this happens, or how to solve it?
I had the same problem, but mine was caused because I also had a Barcode scanner active, disabling the Barcode scanner fixed this for me.
You have to download and install a CAB to enable second source camera from motorola site (SPR23173).
I had this problem with a Motorola MC75A. Turns out it was the Datawedge application that was also installed on the device that was stopping it from working correctly. The camera and the barcode scanner appear to be kind of linked. You can only use one at once and as the DataWedge was already running, my code/project was producing the IMAGE_Open failed: E_IMG_INVALIDDEVICE. Simply going into DataWedge and stopping the process fixed this instantly.
