Manual overflow stack in freeRTOS - stack-overflow

How I will to call a
vApplicationStackOverflowHook() function for studying task?


Do any computer languages not use a stack? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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Do any computer languages not use a stack data structure to keep track of execution progress?
Or is the use of this data structure an emergent requirement stemming from something inherent to most computer languages or turing machines?
With a traditional "C-style" stack, certain language features are difficult or impossible to implement. For example, closures can't easily be implemented with a traditional stack because closures require a pointer to an old activation record to work correctly and that memory is automatically reclaimed in a C-style stack. As another example, generators and coroutines need their own memory to store local variables and relative offset information and therefore can't easily be implemented if you use a standard stack implementation.
Hope this helps!

Fast Implementation of Prim aLgorithm [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I was using geeksforgeeks C++ implementation of Prim's Algorithm but I am getting Time Limit Exceeded in few testcases. So is there any faster implementation? Here is implementation I am currently using. To make question general, which is fastest implementation of Prim Algo in C++?
This implementation of Prim is very inefficient. On each iteration it looks for the smallest edge doing an iteration over all edges. If you use a binary heap for instance you will have an implementation that is asymptotically faster(m*log(n) vs m*n for your current implementation). Also you are supposed to write your own code not to use something someone's already written for you.

Libraries in any programming language to implement Round-Robin, First come first serve and Shortest Job first [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I need libraries in java or C or C++ or python or perl or pascal that implements Round-Robin, First come first serve and Shortest Job first scheduling algorithms??
This is not reasonably factored out into a library. Instead, it can be trivially be implemented inline.
FIFO is a linked list. Round-Robin is an array of linked lists + an iterator. Shorted Job needs additional information not commonly available in a uniform manner; but then boils down to a priority queue.
All data structures should be available already in basic libraries in most programming languages. You just need to use them as desired.

Are there any examples of applying machine learning to improve code performance? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I saw a talk by Keith Adams of Facebook comparing machine learning techniques to tuning code for improved performance in the real world. Are there examples of such automation techniques being applied in real projects? I
I know of profile guided optimizations in certain compilers and also some techniques JIT compilers use to improve performance, but I am thinking of more fundamental ways to improve code performance that could require changing the code itself and not code generation. Things like:
Choosing the optimal buffer size in a particular network application or choosing the right stack size for particular application.
Selecting the struct layout in a multi-threaded application that improves local cache performance while reducing false sharing.
Selecting different data structures all together for a certain algorithm.
I read a paper on Halide, an image processing framework that uses genetic algorithms to auto-tune image processing pipelines to improve performance. Examples like this one or any pointers to research would be useful.
Have a look at Remy
It uses kind of genetic optimization approach to generate algorithm for congestion control in networks, significantly increasing network's performance. One specifies assumptions about network being used, and Remy generates control algorithm to be run on data nodes of this network. The results are amazing, Remy outperforms all human-developed so far optimization techniques.
FFTW is a widely used software package which uses OCaml to generate optimized C code. This paper has more details on the process:
You might also look into Acovea, a genetic algorithm to optimize compiler flags:

Function Plotter [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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There is a nice function plotter built into OSX. Has anyone found something free that runs on windows (with out having to go through Cygwin)?
How about MathGV - Function Plotting Software?
Also, DME Calculator is a calculator that can plot functions.
The DME calculator is an advanced
calculator for Windows. It is a part
of the program package for controlling
our instruments. However, in its basic
version it can be of use for anyone
who wishes to make calculations with a
PC or wishes to solve somewhat more
complex problems without having to use
a large spreadsheet program package.
The DME calculator fits on a diskette
and starts without any notable waiting
If by functions, you mean mathematical functions, there is a nice list here which has plenty of suggestions.
excellent for many branches of academia. it also plots.
