Optimizely - Updating rollout out rules with additional audience condition in feature returns 400 bad request - optimizely

I need to modify rollout rules with additional audience condition for features using Optimizely APIs.
Trying to call with url [PATCH] api.optimizely.com/v2/features/{feature_id}, returns 400 BAD Request.
"archived": false,
"description": "Parsing of response fails when there is an unknown property",
"environments": {
"scale01": {
"is_primary": false,
"rollout_rules": [
"audience_conditions": "[\"or\", {\"audience_id\": 0733}]",
"enabled": true,
"percentage_included": 100
"audience_conditions": "everyone",
"enabled": true,
"percentage_included": 0
"key": "fail_for_unknown_property",
"name": "Fail parsing for unknown property"
Tried configuring this audience condition from UI, then did a GET call for this feature.
Whatever payload did the GET call gave me, used it for configuring this feature with modified rollout rules. Still it gives me 400 bad request.
Only time it returns 200 success is when I match the rollout rules with the configured ones.
Whats the correct way to modify rollout rules for a feature?


Is it possible to accessing GraphQL validation errors from a Relay mutation?

I'm somewhat new to GraphQL, so, still piecing all moving parts together in my head.
On my server side I'm using TypeGraphQL which uses class-validator to perform validation of the queries coming in. On the client side I'm using Relay. When the validations fail, my commitMutation call in Relay calls onError and passes a string representation of the error, but the actual response from the server looks like this:
"errors": [
"message": "Argument Validation Error",
"locations": [
"line": 2,
"column": 3
"path": [
"extensions": {
"exception": {
"validationErrors": [
"target": {
"name": "ueoa",
"nickname": "ueoa",
"email": ""
"value": "",
"property": "email",
"children": [],
"constraints": {
"isEmail": "email must be an email"
"stacktrace": [
"Error: Argument Validation Error",
" at Object.validateArg (C:\\Users\\pupeno\\Documents\\Flexpoint Tech\\imok\\node_modules\\type-graphql\\dist\\resolvers\\validate-arg.js:24:15)",
" at runMicrotasks (<anonymous>)",
" at processTicksAndRejections (internal/process/task_queues.js:97:5)",
" at async Promise.all (index 0)"
"data": null
In this case, I left the email blank and thus on errors[0].extensions.exception.validationErrors[0].constraints.isEmail I have the error: "email must be an email".
Is there a way for Relay to let me access this structure to turn this errors into UI errors for the user? Or are these errors the equivalent of a 500 and I should implement my own separate error handling (equivalent of a 401)?
I do most of my validation on the client, but uniqueness can only be on done on the server and I'm trying to figure out the protocol between the two.
I don't know much about relay but I have used Typegraphql for sometime. What I can tell is that error from class-validator is nested differently from standard error (I am talking about throw new Error('this will be different'). I would advice for you to have an error formatter function on back-end so that regardless of type of error is thrown you can just return a standard graphql error. In apollo server there is option for formating error I believe other graphql servers has one too. Here is how it looks
const apolloServer = new ApolloServer({
formatError: (error) => error,
If class-validator's error is thrown error above will be ArgumentValidationError So if error is instance of ArgumentValidationError you need to proper format it and return to the client with all constraints values extracted and appended on message field. In this way all errors will behave the same on front-ent.
It is really hard to handle the error when it comes to graphQL as at the end of the result you will going to get 200 OK responses.
These errors you are getting are the INTERNAL SERVER ERROR, Equivalent to 500.
So, in this case, you'll need to handle it on your own.
As Nux wrote, Apollo has error handling modules, you can refer it from here This might be helpful.
Also As you mention that you are doing most of the validation from the client end, it is not a good idea to do validations only client-side as it can be brack and might become the Major breach.

Google Speech API: the requested URL was not found on this server

I am attempting some simple tests on the Google Speech API, and when my server makes a request to this url (below), I get the 404. that's an error response. Not sure why.
The body of my request looks like this:
"config": {
"languageCode": "en-US",
"encoding": "LINEAR16",
"sampleRateHertz": 16000,
"enableWordTimeOffsets": true,
"speechContexts": [{
"phrases": ["Some", "Helpful", "Phrases"]
And here is the response:
As you can see, that is a valid resource path, unless I'm totally mistaken about something (I'm sure I am): https://cloud.google.com/speech-to-text/docs/reference/rest/v1/speech/recognize
Update 1:, Whenever I try this with the Google API explorer tool, I get this quota exceeded message (even though I have not yet issued a successful request to the API).
"error": {
"code": 429,
"message": "Quota exceeded for quota metric 'speech.googleapis.com/default_requests' and limit 'DefaultRequestsPerMinutePerProject' of service 'speech.googleapis.com' for consumer '[MY_API_KEY]'.",
"details": [
"#type": "type.googleapis.com/google.rpc.Help",
"links": [
"description": "Google developer console API key",
"url": "https://console.developers.google.com/project/[my_project_id]/apiui/credential"
Update 2: Interestingly, I was able to get some 200 ok's using the Restlet client, but even in those cases, the response body is empty (see screenshot below)
I have made a test by using the exact URL and Body content you added to the post, however, I was able to execute the API call correctly.
I noticed that if I add some extra character to the URL, it fails with the same 400 error since it doesn't exist. I would suggest you to verify that the URL of your request doesn't contain a typo and that the client you use is executing the API call correctly. Also, ensure that your calling code is not encoding the url, which could cause issues given the colon : that appears in the url.
I recommend you to perform this test by using the Try this API tool directly or Restlet client which are the ones that I used to replicate this scenario.

GoCardless API using Classic ASP

I'm creating the following request in vbscript and sending to the gocardless sandbox:
Set xml = Server.CreateObject("MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP")
xml.Open typ, url, False
xml.setRequestHeader "Authorization", "Bearer " & GCAccessToken
xml.SetRequestHeader "GoCardless-Version", "2015-07-06"
xml.SetRequestHeader "Accept","application/json"
xml.SetRequestHeader "Content-Type", "application/json"
GetGC = xml.responseText
Set xml = Nothing
The response I always get despite any tweaks I do is:
{"error":{"message":"not found","errors":[{"reason":"not_found","message":"not found"}],"documentation_url":"https://developer.gocardless.com/api-reference#not_found","type":"invalid_api_usage","request_id":"0AA4000DECCD_AC121CEB1F90_5BE18701_19AD0009","code":404}}
Any help would be appreciated. Have successfully done similar for Stripe but now need to use GC.
If you read the response from the API
"error": {
"message": "not found",
"errors": [{
"reason": "not_found",
"message": "not found"
"documentation_url": "https://developer.gocardless.com/api-reference#not_found",
"type": "invalid_api_usage",
"request_id": "0AA4000DECCD_AC121CEB1F90_5BE18701_19AD0009",
"code": 404
The error appears to be a HTTP status code (as is common with RESTful APIs) - 404 Not Foundlooking at the documentation link provided in the response;
Not Found. The requested resource was not found or the authenticated user cannot access the resource. The response body will explain which resource was not found.
So the issue could be;
You have failed to authenticate using the token in the code provided.
You authenticated but don't have permission to access the resource.
The resource you are looking for does not exist.
In this particular instance, I would suggest it is because the resource doesn't exist as the code doesn't specify a resource, only the base URL of the API which won't constitute an API endpoint you can interact with.
Looking at the documentation it's clear you need to provide a valid endpoint in the URL, at the time of writing there are 15 core endpoints to interact with along with 2 helper endpoints.
For example, a create payment request/response would look like;
POST https://api.gocardless.com/payments HTTP/1.1
"payments": {
"amount": 100,
"currency": "GBP",
"charge_date": "2014-05-19",
"reference": "WINEBOX001",
"metadata": {
"order_dispatch_date": "2014-05-22"
"links": {
"mandate": "MD123"
HTTP/1.1 201 (Created)
Location: /payments/PM123
"payments": {
"id": "PM123",
"created_at": "2014-05-08T17:01:06.000Z",
"charge_date": "2014-05-21",
"amount": 100,
"description": null,
"currency": "GBP",
"status": "pending_submission",
"reference": "WINEBOX001",
"metadata": {
"order_dispatch_date": "2014-05-22"
"amount_refunded": 0,
"links": {
"mandate": "MD123",
"creditor": "CR123"
Unfortunately, the code sample provided in the question doesn't really do anything so it's difficult to suggest what you are trying to do. In conclusion, I would suggest re-visiting the documentation for the API and look through the samples provided.

Amazon Alexa Device Discovery for Smart Home API with Lambda Failing

I have setup an Alexa Smart Home Skill, all settings done, oauth2 processed done and skill is enabled on my Amazon Echo device. Lambda function is setup and linked to the skill. When I "Discover Devices" I can see the payload hit my Lambda function in the log. I am literally returning via the context.succeed() method the following JSON with a test appliance. However Echo tells me that it fails to find any devices.
"header": {
"messageId": "42e0bf9c-18e2-424f-bb11-f8a12df1a79e",
"name": "DiscoverAppliancesResponse",
"namespace": "Alexa.ConnectedHome.Discovery",
"payloadVersion": "2"
"payload": {
"discoveredAppliances": [
"actions": [
"applianceId": "0d6884ab-030e-8ff4-ffffaa15c06e0453",
"friendlyDescription": "Study Light connected to Loxone Kit",
"friendlyName": "Study Light",
"isReachable": true,
"manufacturerName": "Loxone",
"modelName": "Spot"
Does the above payload look correct?
According to https://developer.amazon.com/public/solutions/alexa/alexa-skills-kit/docs/smart-home-skill-api-reference#discovery-messages the version attribute is required. Your response seems to be missing that attribute.
In my (very short) experience with this, even the smallest mistake in the response would generate a silent error like the one you are experiencing.
I had the same problem. If you are creating discovery for "Entertainment Device", make sure you have wrapped the output in 'event' key for context.succeed
var payload = {
"endpointId": "My-id",
"manufacturerName": "Manufacturer",
"friendlyName": "Living room TV",
"description": "65in LED TV from Demo AV Company",
"displayCategories": [ ],
"cookie": {
"data": "e.g. ip address",
"interface": "Alexa.Speaker",
"version": "1.0",
"type": "AlexaInterface"
var header = request.directive.header;
header.name = "Discover.Response";
context.succeed({ event: {
header: header, payload: payload
} });
Although, in the sample code, this is never mentioned and an incorrect example is given (https://developer.amazon.com/public/solutions/alexa/alexa-skills-kit/docs/steps-to-create-a-smart-home-skill). However, the response body provided includes the "event" key.
Recreating lambda function helped me fix the issue. I also set "Enable trigger" check button while creating, though I'm not sure if that matters. After that my device provided by skill was found successfully.
Edit: Answer was wrong. Only useful information was this
This context.fail syntax is actually deprecated. Look up the Lambda context object properties, it should look more like "callback(null, resultObj)" now.
Did you include the return statement in your function?
return {
"header": header,
"payload": payload
It was missing in the example and after adding it, I was able to 'discover' my device.

MailChimp API 3.0 batch request returns 400 Invalid Resource error

I've been trying to use the batch endpoint of MailChimp API (version 3.0) to subscribe new users to a list, but can't make it work.
Here is the request:
POST /3.0/batches
"operations": [
"method" : "POST",
"path" : "lists/c852ce5c86/members",
"body": "{\"email_address\":\"email#domain.tld\", \"status\":\"subscribed\"}"
The request seems ok cause I get a 200 response:
"id": "49abca6ef3",
"status": "finished",
"total_operations": 1,
"finished_operations": 1,
"errored_operations": 1,
"submitted_at": "2015-09-21T18:11:16+00:00",
"completed_at": "2015-09-21T18:11:23+00:00",
"response_body_url": "https://mailchimp-api-batch.s3.amazonaws.com/49abca6ef3-response.tar.gz?..."
However, as you can see, the only operation in my batch is errored.
Here is the response_body_url for this operation:
\"title\":\"Invalid Resource\",
\"detail\":\"The resource submitted could not be validated. For field-specific details, see the 'errors' array.\",
\"message\":\"Schema describes object, NULL found instead\"
which is not very helpful :(
Note that if I directly hit POST lists/c852ce5c86/members with {"email_address":"email#domain.tld", "status":"subscribed"} payload, it's working properly.
That was actually a bug in the mailchimp API. After reaching them they quickly fixed it.
