Is it possible to accessing GraphQL validation errors from a Relay mutation? - graphql

I'm somewhat new to GraphQL, so, still piecing all moving parts together in my head.
On my server side I'm using TypeGraphQL which uses class-validator to perform validation of the queries coming in. On the client side I'm using Relay. When the validations fail, my commitMutation call in Relay calls onError and passes a string representation of the error, but the actual response from the server looks like this:
"errors": [
"message": "Argument Validation Error",
"locations": [
"line": 2,
"column": 3
"path": [
"extensions": {
"exception": {
"validationErrors": [
"target": {
"name": "ueoa",
"nickname": "ueoa",
"email": ""
"value": "",
"property": "email",
"children": [],
"constraints": {
"isEmail": "email must be an email"
"stacktrace": [
"Error: Argument Validation Error",
" at Object.validateArg (C:\\Users\\pupeno\\Documents\\Flexpoint Tech\\imok\\node_modules\\type-graphql\\dist\\resolvers\\validate-arg.js:24:15)",
" at runMicrotasks (<anonymous>)",
" at processTicksAndRejections (internal/process/task_queues.js:97:5)",
" at async Promise.all (index 0)"
"data": null
In this case, I left the email blank and thus on errors[0].extensions.exception.validationErrors[0].constraints.isEmail I have the error: "email must be an email".
Is there a way for Relay to let me access this structure to turn this errors into UI errors for the user? Or are these errors the equivalent of a 500 and I should implement my own separate error handling (equivalent of a 401)?
I do most of my validation on the client, but uniqueness can only be on done on the server and I'm trying to figure out the protocol between the two.

I don't know much about relay but I have used Typegraphql for sometime. What I can tell is that error from class-validator is nested differently from standard error (I am talking about throw new Error('this will be different'). I would advice for you to have an error formatter function on back-end so that regardless of type of error is thrown you can just return a standard graphql error. In apollo server there is option for formating error I believe other graphql servers has one too. Here is how it looks
const apolloServer = new ApolloServer({
formatError: (error) => error,
If class-validator's error is thrown error above will be ArgumentValidationError So if error is instance of ArgumentValidationError you need to proper format it and return to the client with all constraints values extracted and appended on message field. In this way all errors will behave the same on front-ent.

It is really hard to handle the error when it comes to graphQL as at the end of the result you will going to get 200 OK responses.
These errors you are getting are the INTERNAL SERVER ERROR, Equivalent to 500.
So, in this case, you'll need to handle it on your own.
As Nux wrote, Apollo has error handling modules, you can refer it from here This might be helpful.
Also As you mention that you are doing most of the validation from the client end, it is not a good idea to do validations only client-side as it can be brack and might become the Major breach.


Laravel validation error message show only short form

I got used to request to validate before entering the API side function itself, but recently, when I moved the controller function to services then, the error message became like the below sample.
"message": "validation.min.string",
"errors": {
"password": [
But when I use the same way build in the new project, the error message show as usual as below
"message": "The name must only contain letters.",
"errors": {
"name": [
"The name must only contain letters."
I found that I had added an en language file under res resources\lang\en, which caused this issue, so may I know how I can change back to this version without removing the en file? Thanks

Can I create a single validation error bag for Lighthouse PHP, include GraphQL validation issues

Is there a way when using Lighthouse PHP to get the GraphQL validation error to appear side by side with the Laravel validation errors? Currently the graph QL validations cause a different type of error, before the Laravel error are run.
For example if I submit the following mutation:
mutation register(
password: 123456
) {
I will get back just an error back
{ "message": "Variable username not present. Expected type String",
"extensions": {
"category": "graphql"
Then when I submit:
mutation register(
username: somethingStupid
password: 123456
) {
Then I will get this error:
{ "message": "Validation failed for the field [register].",
"extensions": {
"validation": {
"username": [
"Username must be unique."
"password": [
"Password must contain letters and numbers"
"category": "validation"
For my front end I'd like them only to have to expect a single error bag, but this seems to require them to expect two different types of errors. Assuming my Laravel validations cover the schema definition, I would like for them never to see the GraphQl errors. Or am I missing the concept of GraphQL somehow?

Micronaut GraphQL: How to respond with a non-200 HTTP status code from within GraphQL handler?

Following the docs and here's my exception handler (Kotlin):
#Requirements(Requires(classes = [ForbiddenException::class, ExceptionHandler::class]))
class ForbiddenExceptionHandler : ExceptionHandler<ForbiddenException, HttpResponse<*>> {
override fun handle(request: HttpRequest<*>, exception: ForbiddenException): HttpResponse<*> {
return HttpResponse.status<String>(HttpStatus.FORBIDDEN, exception?.message)
Throwing a ForbiddenException from within my GraphQL handler bubbles the message into the response body, but the status code is always 200.
Example response:
"errors": [
"message": "Exception while fetching data (/createUser) : FORBIDDEN",
"locations": [
"line": 2,
"column": 3
"path": [
"extensions": {
"classification": "DataFetchingException"
"data": null
Micronaut version: 1.3.3
Micronaut GraphQL version: 1.3.0.RC1
GraphQL is not REST. You are here asking a question related to the core foundation of graphql specification (and any implementations of graphql in general).
They made the choice to embed most errors encountered in the execution of the queries but yet always return a 200 HTTP status. Therefore, you won't be able to change that in your project. It is not a configuration of graphql-java.
The good news is that the format of errors is known. Therefore, you are able to deserialize the error return payload in your application and handle correctly any error that would be thrown by graphql.
Please have a look at this link for in-depth explanations about the main difference between REST and Graphql.

Mailchimp API 2.0 lists/subscribe responding with error 250 List_MergeFieldRequired MMERGE4 is required

I'm attempting to use the lists/subscribe Mailchimp API 2.0 endpoint to subscribe an email to a list, but I keep getting a puzzling error. My request looks like:
I'm sending this to and getting this response:
"status": "error",
"code": 250,
"name": "List_MergeFieldRequired",
"error": "MMERGE4 must be provided - Please enter a value"
And if I specify "merge_vars": {} I still get the same error. What am I missing here?
It means you need to provide a value for MMERGE4 merge field. How you do this depends on what type of merge field MMERGE4 is, but It would be like this:
"merge_vars": {
"MMERGE4": "something"
But you should look and see what type of data that is, otherwise you might cause issues for whomever set that up as a required field.

How to handle (failed) validation when creating multiple entities with a REST API

Let's say I have an endpoint user/1/results and I want to upload multiple results at a time.
So I send it JSON like:
"data": [
"date": "2014-02-14 03:15:41",
"score": 18649,
"time": 42892
"date": "2013-11-18 09:21:46",
"score": 7856,
"time": 23568.8
Let's say time needs to be an integer, so the second entity fails validation.
What's the best thing to do:
Fail both, nothing saves, respond with error message..
Save first entity, respond with error message.
In either case, what would an error message look like? i.e. how/does it specify that it's the second entity that fails validation.
I think you should fail both and respond with an error message because it might be cumbersome again to track the remaining results.
Error message should give the details of failing location. for example if it fails at the second one then specify it in json response.
