I am unable to convert OS on hardware platform from Centos8 to RHEL8 with convert2rhel-0.23-1.el8.noarch.rpm, while the same works perfectly fine on Centos 8VM.
TASK - [Prepare: Checking the firmware interface type (BIOS/UEFI)] ********
CRITICAL - Conversion of UEFI systems is currently not supported
convert2rhel --no-rhsm --enablerepo RHEL8-AppStream --enablerepo RHEL8-BaseOS --enablerepo RHEL8-Supplementary
I inherited a Memgrpah 1.6.0 based project. When I try to run the docker on my M1 power Apple I get the following error message:
m1lap ~> docker run -p 7687:7687 memgraph/memgraph
WARNING: The requested image's platform (linux/amd64) does not match the
detected host platform (Linux/arm64/v8) and no specific platform was requested
You are running Memgraph v1.6.0-community
What can I do about this?
Docker support for running Memgraph on Apple M1 machines was added in Memgraph 2.2. You will need to obtain Memgraph 2.2 (or newer) and transfer your data from existing Memgraph 1.6.
i started an already installed qcow2 image as in https://www.arthurkoziel.com/qemu-ubuntu-20-04/.
macos 11.0 host and ubuntu 2004 client.
Everything works fine. But i also need copy and paste throw vm and host. So i did an
apt-get install qemu-guest-agent
as descripted in https://pve.proxmox.com/wiki/Qemu-guest-agent
But the
systemctl start qemu-guest-agent
failed because of
a dependency job for qemu-guest-agent.service failed
So what was going wrong? How can i enable copy and paste?
I'm trying to setup crc on my mac os laptop:
$ crc setup --help
Set up local virtualization and networking infrastructure for the OpenShift cluster
crc setup [flags]
-h, --help help for setup
-d, --vm-driver string The driver to use for the OpenShift cluster. Possible values: [hyperkit virtualbox] (default "hyperkit")
However, it seems the flag is ignored and it attempts to setup HyperKit:
$ crc setup -d virtualbox
INFO Checking if running as non-root
INFO Caching oc binary
INFO Setting up virtualization with HyperKit
The crc version:
$ crc version
crc version: 1.2.0+c2e3c0f
OpenShift version: 4.2.8 (embedded in binary)
My mac is version:
$ sw_vers
ProductName: Mac OS X
ProductVersion: 10.14.6
BuildVersion: 18G95
Any idea why the crc -d flag is ignored and it sets up crc with Hyperkit?
Support for VirtualBox was removed https://github.com/code-ready/crc/issues/838
How to install kubeadm for Kubernetes in macOS. When tempting to use
brew install kubeadm
I get this error
Error: No available formula with the name "kubeadm"
==> Searching for a previously deleted formula (in the last month)..
NB : In macOS I can't use apt-get
Not sure about MAC OS
The supported platforms on their list are:
Ubuntu 16.04+
Debian 9
CentOS 7
Fedora 25/26 (best-effort)
HypriotOS v1.0.1+
Container Linux (tested with 1800.6.0)
KubeAdm is not for Desktop local environment.
You can install Docker For MAC that will install the minikube environment for you.
You are not able to directly install kubeadm and set up kubernetes cluster locally on MAC OS because of docker.
Unfortunately for MAC we should have VirtualBox where Docker will run + boot2docker.
And the best option here(as #Ijaz Ahmad Khan mentioned) is to use Docker Desktop for Mac
You can use below guide to correctly configure your cluster: How to Install Kubernetes on Mac
At the moment kubernetes server components doesn't ship any Darwin OS(MAC OS) binaries so the control plane component can't directly run under MACOS. Although they ship kubectl for Darwin OS which can use any API Server to connect to and deploy the applications.
However I was able to run the Hyperkube Binary inside the container that can support the all control plane components but this would all be under docker container so that isn't essentially a Darwin OS supported Control Plane.
You can try this if you just want to use local installs:
also If you are really looking to do everything in MAC , then possibly Install Hyperkit driver and that will allow you do pretty much the same thing to pull up the control plane images and built it up.
Damn, since this is 3 years old question, might be too late but you can use cluster on MacOS with using brew install kind.
Kind is short for Kubernetes IN Docker.
Here the documentation on more details about kind.
Hello there guys i have been trying to use hcitool on mac os terminal but whenever i type hcitool scan the following error is appeared -bash: hcitool: command not found i have tried pip install hci and pip install hcitool but the following error is shown
ERROR: Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement gatttool (from versions: none)
ERROR: No matching distribution found for gatttool
please help me with this
Commands such as hcitool, gatttool, hciconfig, etc. are part of the BlueZ package which works on Linux only. MacOS on the other hand is UNIX-core and therefore the commands will not run on a MacOS operating system. There have been hacks before to get some sort of functionality on MacOS OSs but the solution is always incomplete.
Your next best bet will be to use a Virtual Machine running a Linux guest (e.g. Ubuntu) and then use the BlueZ commands from within that VM OS.
I hope this helps.
Get yourself a Docker container up and running. You can write scripts that you keep in a shared volume between the host and the container (meaning you don't have to log into the container). You can then execute those scripts from your OSX terminal, to run in the container.