How to make stateless app when using laravel passport with laravel? - laravel

I want to build the application in a completely stateless architecture. Can I do this with Laravel? Think of it this way. The session information of a person logging into server A is registered with server A, and when there is a new request, LB sends this request to server B, and server B does not recognize this session information. I can keep my session information in the db with redis, but instead I want to use a completely stateless structure. Honestly I'm wondering if I can do this with laravel passport on the web ui side.If you have such an example, please do not hesitate to share it.


Secure SPA - OAuth Confidential Client (BFF pattern)

i want to reach a confidential client for my backend-system.
The SPA is an angular app. The backend a spring-boot application with different rest-endpoints which stores the objects in a postgres-db.
Actual my SPA got a login page which are connected to the oauth-server. My SPA is currently a public client (client-credentials are stored there). I want to reach a confidential client.
I attached a picture above. The SPA triggers the login. The backend now takes over the authentication, so that the backend is now the client. The backend receives the access token and stores it in a session db. The backend then issues an httponly cookie to the SPA so that the session is secured accordingly.
Is my architecture possible? Are there any examples somewhere? I have no experience in session management and want to programming as less as possible to avoid mistakes and vulnerabilities.
Thanks for help!
yes, you can setup a reverse proxy in the backend that will perform the OAuth 2.0 BFF task, for example see:

Laravel authentication between different back-end project

I have two or more back-end API(Laravel) projects and a single front-end React JS project. From the front-end app, I will call all of the back-end API projects.
When the user login, authentication will check in App 1(with Laravel passport) and return access_token.
I want to use these access_token when calling API from both App 1 and App 2. But, the main problem is how to check access_token validation from App 2 to App 1 server.
To solve this problem, I think but not sure it is the correct way or not, I can create middleware in the App 2 server and get every incoming access_token and send it to check validation to App 1. If return true, user can access, else can't access.
But, I think this way is inappropriate because every incoming request needs to check access_token validation from App 2 to App 1, it will slow down the server and bottleneck problem.
I already search a lot of posts on google but, not yet find the best way for me. I found one way OAuth server implementation but, I think that way is not working well in my project structures because I have a lot of customization.
I'm also read the discussion on reddit( but, I still didn't understand very well.
You have several options here:
I expect you have a database containing all your access and refresh tokens for your users - so just create a database access from the App2 backend server to the database containing your access and refresh tokens and just check them directly in the App2 via the new database connection.
Create the middleware that will check user authentication from App2 to App1, but as you correctly pointed out, that would cause an extra loading time.
Depending on whether you need the end user to know that he's connecting to "another server" - meaning App2 - you can use Oauth2 authorization -
Option 1. seems like the best solution to me

Authentication system in frontend - backend services

I'm very new in Spring and never really used java for making web. And I'm making a web with a separated frontend and backend services and I'm trying to make an authentication system using Spring Boot Security. How can I do it? Do I put the security on both the service or just one of them? What's the best way to implement it?
The question is subjective and can have too many interpretations based on context. My understanding is that putting security on both front-end and backend is the best way to implement. After a successful backend authentication you should issue a unique cookie to the browser as it allows users to continue using a site without having to log in to every single page. For each subsequent call, the website recognizes the user from cookie data.
You can use this link for a better understanding of dual authentication mechanism.

Best practices in a laravel & vuejs application authentication and routing

I am going to build an SPA with Laravel and Vuejs.
Since this will be my first large application using this combination, I had some questions that I wanted to ask because I didn't find a clear answer:
1: Authentication. When searching on the internet I found a lot of topics about authenticating with a JWT token. What is the advantage of using such a token instead of normal authentication? If I authenticate in the "normal" way and check for auth()->check() in my application I have the same result no?
2: Routing. Since I will be using Vue-router, my application will have Vue and Laravel based routes. Does that mean that the Laravel routes are defined as API calls? And should they be in the API route group then? Or are they just normal routes that belong to the application?
JWT tokens have some advantages over traditional session base authentication. For example you don store session data on server and save server resources , jwt tokens are available in your request amoung multiple servers and so on...
For further reading check this article :
2.Yes you should use laravel routes as restful apis

Repeating logic in each ASP.NET Web API request, where should that go?

I need to store some information in session(or in whatever in ASP.NET Web API) that I need to retrieve in each API request. We will have one api IIS web site and multiple web site binding will be added through host header. When any request comes in for example,, host header will be checked and store that website information in session that will be used in each subsequent api request when making a call to database. Hope this is clear.
I found a way to handle session in ASP.NET Web API. ASP.NET Web API session or something?.
I know lot more about web forms where we can override PreRequestHandler. I am looking for similar in ASP.NET Web API where I can have my logic to get database id for api domain(for example, and store it in session which I want to access in each API GET/POST request.
Somebody will definitely say by adding session I am making it stateful but REST is stateless. But I wanted to save database trip for each api request. If I don't use session or something similar, I end up repeating the same logic for each api request.
Is there a better way to handle this situation? how?
If that logic needs to happen for all requests, you better use an Implementation of delegating handlers.
