Laravel authentication between different back-end project - laravel

I have two or more back-end API(Laravel) projects and a single front-end React JS project. From the front-end app, I will call all of the back-end API projects.
When the user login, authentication will check in App 1(with Laravel passport) and return access_token.
I want to use these access_token when calling API from both App 1 and App 2. But, the main problem is how to check access_token validation from App 2 to App 1 server.
To solve this problem, I think but not sure it is the correct way or not, I can create middleware in the App 2 server and get every incoming access_token and send it to check validation to App 1. If return true, user can access, else can't access.
But, I think this way is inappropriate because every incoming request needs to check access_token validation from App 2 to App 1, it will slow down the server and bottleneck problem.
I already search a lot of posts on google but, not yet find the best way for me. I found one way OAuth server implementation but, I think that way is not working well in my project structures because I have a lot of customization.
I'm also read the discussion on reddit( but, I still didn't understand very well.

You have several options here:
I expect you have a database containing all your access and refresh tokens for your users - so just create a database access from the App2 backend server to the database containing your access and refresh tokens and just check them directly in the App2 via the new database connection.
Create the middleware that will check user authentication from App2 to App1, but as you correctly pointed out, that would cause an extra loading time.
Depending on whether you need the end user to know that he's connecting to "another server" - meaning App2 - you can use Oauth2 authorization -
Option 1. seems like the best solution to me


How to access a secured API in the frontend?

There is a lot of good content on the internet that explains how to secure a Spring API with Keycloak: Create a Client that represents the API Service in Keycloak and use a link like the one below to get the access and refresh token:
<Domain>/auth/realms/<realm>/protocol/openid-connect/auth/{some parameters}
This yields both tokens. So far so good.
Now, however, I am not sure how the flow for the frontend accessing the API should look like.
Should the frontend directly access this endpoint and, therefore, obtain the access and refresh token? That would mean that the API can only have the access-type public because there is no way to store the client (the API) secret securely.
Or should there be a third server that somehow stores the refresh token for each user, that the user can call if his access token is no longer valid. This server would then use the client's refresh token (and the client secret that could be stored securely, since it would be in the backend) to get a new access token from Keycloak and would forward it to the user.
I guess the main question that I am asking is, whether the client/user should get the refresh token.
If one needs to implement a logic according to the second option, I would be interested in a link or description of how something like this can be done in Spring.
I think, in either case you need to use the Authorization Code Flow. The implicit flow, which was recommended for SPAs (frontends without a backend server) in former versions of OAuth2 must not be used anymore.
The best option is to have a backend server, so the user retrieves the auth code via redirection and the backend server exchanges this auth code with the access and refresh tokens (and keep them without forwarding them to the frontend).
If there is no backend in place and your frontend needs to retrieve and hold the tokens directly, I would recommend to use the Authorization Code Flow with a public client and the PKCE extension (which - put simply - ensures that the entity asking for the auth code is the same as the entity asking for the tokens and that the auth code was not stolen and used by a foreign entity). There are several sources with more detailed explanations, which might help you, for example:
Hope this helps you with your architectural considerations.

AWS Cognito alternatives to set/comunicate session to different domains using cookies or callbacks or any aws cognito endpoint

currently, I'm working on an application in which we want to offer a single sign-on experience, but let me put you in the context:
We have two different Cognito clients created for the same Cognito pool, both are configured to allow the users to login into two different applications:
App A:
App B:
well, the thing is that when a user uses the hosted UI to log in to the first application, I noticed that the Cognito server creates a cookie called "Cognito" as can see in the image:
Cookie set by the auth server
Then, when a user tries to access the other application, and the application, instead of showing the hosted UI, the user automatically enters the application without going to all the login process again, and this is possible because of the cookie I mentioned (when I delete that cookie, then the user is requested to login again using its credentials).
So, that's nice because the user doesn't need to go through all the login process again. But my situation is the following:
I want to create a login page in with my own customized form and using the Cognito SDK. I already have the backend working, also the frontend. The backend can authenticate users to get the JWT tokens (IDtoken, refresh token, etc.) as you can see in the next image:
Tokens I get when I authenticate a user
But at this point I'm not able to redirect the user to with a valid session, I mean, I have the JWT tokens, and I tried to do the same thing that the hosted UI clients are doing, that is setting a cookie somehow containing the JWT session. But I don't know how to make the application to be able to detect this cookie. But the most important problem is that I really don't know how to construct a valid cookie (like Cognito's) to be detected by (this domain is shared for both Hosted UI clients).
I don't know if this approach is feasible, or if there is another approach to send a JWT token to the auth server with a callback to redirect the user to the
without going to all the login process again or something like that.
Do you have any advice on how to implement this kind of SSO Experience? I'm using .Net Core in the backend.

Understand Sails Js & Vue.js dialog

I'm learning both Sails and Vue.js and making a full REST app to do that.
So far from now, I've made a multi-step sign-up page in Vue which is working fine and POST all needed informations in my different Controllers in Sails, it also creates the user.
Now, I'm working on my login page. Again, no problem to PUT informations in my Login Controller and I receive an OK (200) response which let me know the user is logged on my backend server.
Now, I would like to understand how I could keep the information the user is logged-in my server and let him access to private content on my front-end app -> securely. I have understood that Sails use Sessions (alias of cookies ?). Also in the common example on the web, people tend to use JWT which transmit a crypted JSON between the two environnement (and so desactivate the cookies ?).
So, could you please give me a semantic explanation on how I can make both app exchange securely and manage it in Vue Js. I just need some "track" to follow.
For those who like me are blocked at this initial step, I resolved my problem this way.
1) My backend Sails app generates a JWT (token) on each login.
2) My frontend Vue app stores that information thanks to Vuex and set the header of each request with an Authorization parameter composed of : 'Barear ' + token.
3) All frontend resquests to any Sails controller are verified thanks to a Policy which compares the token in the header of the request with the one generated at the first step.
Now I just wonder if using built in sessions in Sails is relevant or not.

SSO with Laravel Passport

I'm thinking to develop a full-fledged Identity System in Laravel 5 with Passport.
Following is my requirement:
I should have main identity management app like where all of my users are stored.
I have 2 other applications APP1, APP2.
When user request restricted resource on APP1, (s)he should get authenticated by
Once authenticated, let user access resources on APP1
Meantime, if user decided to access restricted resources on APP2, (s)he should not be asked to put credentials again.
Things I've tried:
simpleSAMLphp - SAML is an option which does these things for me. But it is not as mature as OneLogin and I'm not thinking to go in SaaS model at this stage unless it is necessity.
Laravel Passport - oAuth 2.0 seems tempting. I can even use, Passport Grant Tokens but I'm unsure on how reliable it is over SAML. Also, Laravel Passport is being widely used to authenticate API. Is it going to be useful while authenticating traditional session based apps? I haven't seen any example where the proper SSO is implemented with more than one application and laravel passport.
I know OAuth 2.0 is not an authentication protocol. Rather it uses something called Authorization but we probably can make it work to support Authentication protocol as mentioned here. Is it something, that Laravel passport supports?
This is what I call a resource oriented approach where all the clients(app1, app2...) want to know weather requesting user is authorized to access the resource or not...
Here we need to shift all the authenticating logic to oauth and make all our requesting apps dependent on OAuth. This way if user request app to access resources then if:
Token is present then app will request oauth server to validate given token and if found true then app will provide access to user.
If token is not present then you can solve it by asking for credential and app will transfer user data to oAuth server and validate it respond with the token.
As per my experience I use to implement this approach and I think Laravel Passport is an abstraction layer over top of your authenticating system. You can mold it however you need. There are few more enhancement and advancement can be done but this would work as a basic layer over top of your SSO.
You can achieve this with passport however you are right about the examples as there are not many or lacking on some steps.
You could to create a new middleware in App1 and App2 side that communicates with and gets the user data (token, scopes, etc, id) then it will verify if the token is valid.
On the passport server side you need an endpoint to return whether the token is valid or not and any additional info.
To avoid making too many requests to your passport server i would recommend to create a service that get the TTL of the access token and set it as the time on cache on App1 or App2 for the user data.

Autorization Code Flow with REST API "backend" on a different domain

We are using OIDC and IdentityServer in an enterprise deployment where at the moment we control everything (OP, clients, resources, users).
We have an SPA client that connects to its "own" API and will go through it for everything it requires to do. They are however being served from two different domains. (Let's say the application runs on "my.apps/app" and the API in "my.apis/api").
In our current setup, we use Implicit Flow to have the user authenticated in the SPA and then call the API and verify the token within it. This works very well.
We treat our API as a "resource" even though we don't need to and we don't require the user to give consent.
As mentioned, the SPA needs to go through the API for everything it does and this also includes augmenting user properties upon authentication, so the client doesn't even really let users work with it without going through the API.
Given that scenario, our thinking was that we could even be using Authorization Code flow for our OIDC authentication (treating the API as a backend) and get the security "benefit" of the browser never having access to the tokens.
However, due tue the applications being hosted separately we think this would require us to either:
Initiate the authentication request in the SPA, get the Authorization Code in the fragment but pass it later to the API which will in turn request the tokens and have them live in a cookie or something along those lines.
Initiate the authentication request in the SPA but use redirect_uri to the API domain, thus giving the Authorization Code to it which will request the tokens, have them live in a cookie and then redirect to the SPA again.
Basically we want to know if this is a setup that you think would work, what are the security concerns if any, and if it would be recommended for us to go ahead with this or to keep using Implicit Flow instead (specially from a security standpoint).
