Testing a 4-bit adder - logic

I am trying to make a 4-bit adder and test it. I decided to use wait to determine when the adder circuit is done by checking when my sum and carry_out are >= 0. The inputs for the circuit are given as command line arguments. I am constructing my 4-bit adder using my full adder which I was able test successfully using this method.
//Behavioral Verilog
module full_adder (input a, input b, input cin, output s, output cout);
assign s = a ^ b ^ cin;
assign cout = (a && b) || (a && cin) || (b && cin);
module four_bit_adder(input [0:3] x, input [0:3] y, input carry_in, output [0:3] sum, output carry_out);
full_adder add1(x[0], y[0], sum[0], carry_in, carry1);
full_adder add2(x[1], y[1], sum[1], carry1, carry2);
full_adder add3(x[2], y[2], sum[2], carry2, carry3);
full_adder add4(x[3], y[3], sum[3], carry3, carry_out);
module four_bit_adder_test;
reg [0:3]x;
reg [0:3]y;
reg carry_in;
wire sum;
wire carry_out;
four_bit_adder adder(x, y, carry_in, sum, carry_out);
initial begin
if (!$value$plusargs("x=%d", x)) begin
$display("ERROR: please specify +x=<value> to start.");
if (!$value$plusargs("y=%d", y)) begin
$display("ERROR: please specify +y=<value> to start.");
if (!$value$plusargs("carry_in=%d", carry_in)) begin
$display("ERROR: please specify +carry_in=<value> to start.");
wait(sum >= 0 && carry_out>= 0) $display("sum=%d, carry_out=%d", sum, carry_out);
The problem is that carry_out remains at x so the sum and carry_out variables never get printed. I tried printing out the value of carry_out, and I think the logic in my circuits should work. Is this a valid way of testing my Verilog code?

That not a recommended way of testing because you get no output if the data is incorrect.
A better way is checking if the output matches what you expect
$display("Expected %b + %b + %b = %b", x,y,carry_in, {x+y+carry_in});
#1 // let output propagate
if ( {carry_out,sum} == x + y + carry_in )
$display("passed sum=%b, carry_out=%b", sum, carry_out);
$display("failed sum=%b, carry_out=%b", sum, carry_out);
This gives you a better picture of what is going wrong. You sill see that the output is z which means you have not connected thing up properly.
Also, get rid of all warning messages.

You need to pay close attention to your simulator log files because there should be warning messages which will point out the problem in your code. For example, on EDA Playground, I see this warning:
Warning-[PCWM-W] Port connection width mismatch
testbench.sv, 21
"four_bit_adder adder(x, y, carry_in, sum, carry_out);"
The following 1-bit expression is connected to 4-bit port "sum" of module
"four_bit_adder", instance "adder".
Expression: sum
Instantiated module defined at: "testbench.sv", 8
The warning goes away when you change:
wire sum;
wire [0:3] sum;
You can use wait, but you should account for the situation when the expression is never true. In this case, you could add a testbench timeout which ends the simulation cleanly after a reasonable amount of time. For example, add a second initial block in four_bit_adder_test:
initial begin
#50 $display("Error: timeout");


Why does this error in indexing BCD adder appear?

I am not sure, what exactly the error is. I think, my indexing in the for-loop is not Verilog-compatible, but I might be wrong.
Is it allowed to index like this (a[(4*i)+3:4*i]) in a for-loop just like in C/C++?
Here is a piece of my code, so the for-loop would make more sense
module testing(
input [399:0] a, b,
input cin,
output reg cout,
output reg [399:0] sum );
// bcd needs 4 bits + 1-bit carry --> 5 bits [4:0]
reg [4:0] temp_1;
always #(*) begin
for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) begin
if (i == 0) begin // taking care of cin so the rest of the loop works smoothly
temp_1[4:0] = a[3:0] + b[3:0] + cin;
sum[3:0] = temp_1[3:0];
cout = temp_1[4];
else begin
temp_1[4:0] = a[(4*i)+3:4*i] + b[(4*i)+3:4*i] + cout;
sum[(4*i)+3:4*i] = temp_1[3:0];
cout = temp_1[4];
This might seem obvious. I'm doing the exercises from:
HDLBits and got stuck on this one in particular for a long time (This solution isn't the one intended for the exercise).
Error messages Quartus:
Error (10734): Verilog HDL error at testing.v(46): i is not a constant File: ../testing.v Line: 46
Error (10734): Verilog HDL error at testing.v(47): i is not a constant File: ../testing.v Line: 47
But I tried the same way in indexing and got the same error
The error appears because Verilog does not allow variables at both indices of a part select (bus slice indexes).
The most dynamic thing that can be done involves the indexed part select.
Here is a related but not duplicate What is `+:` and `-:`? SO question.
Variations of this question are common on SO and other programmable logic design forums.
I took your example and used the -: operator rather than the : and changed the RHS of this to a constant. This version compiles.
module testing(
input [399:0] a, b,
input cin,
output reg cout,
output reg [399:0] sum );
// bcd needs 4 bits + 1-bit carry --> 5 bits [4:0]
reg [4:0] temp_1;
always #(*) begin
for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) begin
if (i == 0) begin // taking care of cin so the rest of the loop works smoothly
temp_1[4:0] = a[3:0] + b[3:0] + cin;
sum[3:0] = temp_1[3:0];
cout = temp_1[4];
else begin
temp_1[4:0] = a[(4*i)+3-:4] + b[(4*i)+3-:4] + cout;
sum[(4*i)+3-:4] = temp_1[3:0];
cout = temp_1[4];
The code will not behave as you wanted it to using the indexed part select.
You can use other operators that are more dynamic to create the behavior you need.
For example shifting, and masking.
Recommend you research what others have done, then ask again if it still is not clear.

Johnson Counter Syntax error. Unexpected token: generate

My college teacher asked for me to implement a Johnson Counter and it's test bench, with an width<=32 (he calls it an N parameter), and the implementation has to use generate/for structures. Although I had learned a little about Johnson Counter, I don't know how to use generate in this case, and I had some errors when I tried to run the test bench. Here is my implementation so far:
module johnsonCounter #(parameter N = 32)
input clk,
input rstn,
output reg [N-1:0] out
always # (posedge clk) begin
if (!rstn)
out <= 1;
else begin
out[N-1] <= ~out[0];
for (int i = 0; i < N-1; i=i+1) begin
out[i] <= out[i+1];
Here is the test bench:
module tb;
parameter N = 32;
reg clk;
reg rstn;
wire [N-1:0] out;
johnsonCounter u0 (.clk (clk),
.rstn (rstn),
.out (out));
always #10 clk = ~clk;
initial begin
{clk, rstn} <= 0;
$monitor ("T=%0t out=%b", $time, out);
repeat (2) #(posedge clk);
rstn <= 1;
repeat (15) #(posedge clk);
initial begin
These are the errors:
ERROR VCP2000 "Syntax error. Unexpected token: generate[_GENERATE]. This is a Verilog keyword since IEEE Std 1364-2001 and cannot be used as an identifier. Use -v95 argument for compilation." "design.sv" 13 7
ERROR VCP2020 "begin...end pair(s) mismatch detected. 2 <end> tokens are missing." "design.sv" 17 7
ERROR VCP2020 "module/macromodule...endmodule pair(s) mismatch detected. 1 <endmodule> tokens are missing." "design.sv" 17 7
ERROR VCP2000 "Syntax error. Unexpected token: endgenerate[_ENDGENERATE]. This is a Verilog keyword since IEEE Std 1364-2001 and cannot be used as an identifier. Use -v95 argument for compilation." "design.sv" 17 7
Any help is welcome =)
It is illegal to use generate in that way.
For your code, just a for loop is needed (without generate):
always # (posedge clk) begin
if (!rstn)
out <= 1;
else begin
out[N-1] <= ~out[0];
for (int i = 0; i < N-1; i=i+1) begin
out[i] <= out[i+1];
For generate syntax, refer to the IEEE Std 1800-2017, section 27. Generate constructs.
I tried implementing it using the generate construct. I am also new at this, so if anybody sees any problem or error, or could provide any suggestion to improve performance, I would appreciate it.
Regarding your question, I always use generate to instantiate several modules, I think it makes my code cleaner and easier to understand. So what I did is to define a simple D flip-flop module, which I will use to instantiate it. If you want to use generate, you have to define an iterative variable with genvar. Also, you should use generate outside an always block (I don't know if there is a situation where you could use it inside the always block). Below, you can see the code.
module ff
input clk,
input rstn,
input d,
output reg q,
output reg qn
always #(posedge clk)
q <= 0;
qn <= 1;
q <= d;
qn <= ~d;
module johnsonCounter #(parameter N = 4)
input clk,
input rstn,
output [N-1:0] out,
output [N-1:0] nout
genvar i;
for (i = 0; i < N-1; i=i+1) begin
ff flip (.clk(clk), .rstn(rstn), .d(out[i+1]), .q(out[i]), .qn(nout[i]));
ff lastFlip (.clk(clk), .rstn(clk), .d(nout[0]), .q(out[N-1]), .qn(nout[N-1]));
Here you have the testbench, too. One thing I changed from your code is the dumpfile line. It should go before dumpvar.
module tb;
parameter N = 4;
reg clk;
reg rstn;
wire [N-1:0] out;
johnsonCounter u0 (.clk (clk),
.rstn (rstn),
.out (out));
always #10 clk = ~clk;
initial begin
{clk, rstn} <= 0;
$monitor ("T=%0t out=%b", $time, out);
repeat (2) #(posedge clk);
rstn <= 1;
repeat (15) #(posedge clk);
initial begin
This code was tested using EDA Playground and it worked fine but, as I said, I am not an expert, so if anybody finds any error or have any suggestion, it is welcome.

VHDL to Verilog [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
What is the difference between reg and wire in a verilog module?
(3 answers)
Closed 2 years ago.
I have some code in VHDL I am trying to convert to Verilog.
The VHDL code works fine
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
entity find_errors is port(
a: bit_vector(0 to 3);
b: out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
c: in bit_vector(5 downto 0));
end find_errors;
architecture not_good of find_errors is
my_label: process (a,c)
if c = "111111" then
b <= To_StdLogicVector(a);
b <= "0101";
end if;
end process;
end not_good;
The Verilog code I have, gets errors "Illegal reference to net "bw"."
Register is illegal in left-hand side of continuous assignment
module find_errors(
input [3:0]a,
output [3:0]b,
input [5:0]c
wire [0:3]aw;
wire [3:0]bw;
reg [5:0]creg;
assign aw = a;
assign b = bw;
assign creg = c;
always #(a,c)
if (creg == 4'b1111)
bw <= aw;
bw <= 4'b0101;
It looks pretty close but there are a few things that are problems/errors that need to be fixed, see inline comments in fixed code:
module find_errors(
input wire [3:0] a, // Better to be explicit about the types even if
// its not strictly necessary
output reg [3:0] b, // As mentioned in the comments, the error youre
// seeing is because b is a net type by default; when
// describing logic in any always block, you need to
// use variable types, like reg or logic (for
// SystemVerilog); see the comment for a thread
// describing the difference
input wire [5:0] c);
// You dont really need any local signals as the logic is pretty simple
always #(*) begin // Always use either always #(*), assign or
// always_comb (if using SystemVerilog) for combinational logic
if (c == 6'b111111)
b = a; // For combinational logic, use blocking assignment ("=")
// instead of non-blocking assignment ("<="), NBA is used for
// registers/sequential logic
b = 4'b0101;
aw and creg are unnecessary, and bw needs to be declared as reg.
module find_errors(
input [3:0] a,
output [3:0] b,
input [5:0] c
reg [3:0] bw;
assign b = bw;
always #(a,c)
if (c == 4'b1111)
bw <= a;
bw <= 4'b0101;
Since there is no sequential logic, you don't even need an always block:
module find_errors(
input [3:0] a,
output [3:0] b,
input [5:0] c
assign b = (c == 4'b1111) ? a : 4'b0101;

Synthesizable VHDL recursion, Vivado: simulator has terminated in an unexpected manner

I would like to implement a count min sketch with minimal update and access times.
Basically an input sample is hashed by multiple (d) hash functions and each of them increments a counter in the bucket that it hits. When querying for a sample, the counters of all the buckets corresponding to a sample are compared and the value of the smallest counter is returned as a result.
I am trying to find the minimum value of the counters in log_2(d) time with the following code:
entity main is
Port ( rst : in STD_LOGIC;
a_val : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(63 downto 0);
b_val : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(63 downto 0);
output : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(63 downto 0);
. .
. .
. .
CM_read_ready : out STD_LOGIC;
clk : in STD_LOGIC);
end main;
architecture Behavioral of main is
impure function min( LB, UB: in integer; sample: in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(long_length downto 0)) return STD_LOGIC_VECTOR is
variable left : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(long_length downto 0) := (others=>'0');
variable right : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(long_length downto 0) := (others=>'0');
if (LB < UB)
left := min(LB, ((LB + UB) / 2) - 1, sample);
right := min(((LB + UB) / 2) - 1, UB, sample);
if (to_integer(unsigned(left)) < to_integer(unsigned(right)))
return left;
return right;
end if;
elsif (LB = UB)
-- return the counter's value so that it can be compared further up in the stack.
return CM(LB, (to_integer(unsigned(hasha(LB)))*to_integer(unsigned(sample))
+ to_integer(unsigned(hashb(LB)))) mod width);
end if;
end min;
CM_hashes_read_log_time: process (clk, rst)
if (to_integer(unsigned(instruction)) = 2)
output <= min(0, depth - 1, sample);
end if;
end if;
end process;
end Behavioral;
When I run the above code, I get the following errors:
The simulator has terminated in an unexpected manner. Please review
the simulation log (xsim.log) for details.
[USF-XSim-62] 'compile' step failed with error(s). Please check the
Tcl console output or '/home/...sim/sim_1/behav/xsim/xvhdl.log' file
for more information.
[USF-XSim-62] 'elaborate' step failed with error(s). Please check the
Tcl console output or
'/home/...sim/sim_1/synth/func/xsim/elaborate.log' file for more
I was not able to find any file called xsim.log and xvhdl.log was empty, but elaborate.log had some content:
Vivado Simulator 2018.2
Copyright 1986-1999, 2001-2018 Xilinx, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Running: /opt/Xilinx/Vivado/2018.2/bin/unwrapped/lnx64.o/xelab -wto c199c4c74e8c44ef826c0ba56222b7cf --incr --debug typical --relax --mt 8 -L xil_defaultlib -L secureip --snapshot main_tb_behav xil_defaultlib.main_tb -log elaborate.log
Using 8 slave threads.
Starting static elaboration
Completed static elaboration
INFO: [XSIM 43-4323] No Change in HDL. Linking previously generated obj files to create kernel
Removing the following line solves the above errors:
output <= min(0, depth - 1, sample);
My questions:
Why am I not able to simulate this code?
Will this code be synthsizable once it is working?
Is there a better (and/or faster) way to obtain the minimum of all relevant hash buckets?
not that I was able to find any real world use for recursion, but just to surprise #EML (as requested in the comments above): you actually can define recursive hardware structures in VHDL.
In Quartus at least, this only works if you give the compiler a clear indication of the maximum recursion depth, otherwise it will try to unroll the recursion to any possible input, eventually dying from a stack overflow:
entity recursive is
clk : in std_ulogic;
n : in natural;
o : out natural
end recursive;
architecture Behavioral of recursive is
function fib(max_depth : natural; n : natural) return natural is
variable res : natural;
if max_depth <= 1 then
res := 0;
return res;
end if;
if n = 0 then
res := 0;
elsif n = 1 or n = 2 then
res := 1;
res := fib(max_depth - 1, n - 1) + fib(max_depth - 1, n - 2);
end if;
return res;
end function fib;
p_calc : process
wait until rising_edge(clk);
end process;
end Behavioral;
With a MAX_RECURSION_DEPTH of 6, this generates one single combinational circuit with more than 500 LEs (so the pracical use is probably very limited), but at least it works.
Is recursion possible in VHDL?
I would say, yes, but not recursion as we know it. That's the short answer. I have code (if anyone is interested that implements Quicksort) and it will synthesize quite happily. If anyone knows about Quicksort, it normally won't be anywhere near the context of synthesis. But I managed to do it.
The trick (which is vexatious and hard to follow) is to emulate recursion with a strange state machine that backtracks to the beginning state, after pushing a "state" onto a (hardware) stack. You can synthesize this sort of data structure quite easily if you want.
I recall some fascinating stuff written by Thatcher, Goguen and Wright about semantic transformations from one kind of coding domain to others (different models of computation, in short).
It does strike me that this is possibly a genesis point for actual recursive expressions in a more general sense. But do be warned, it's very difficult.

VHDL or verilog SR latch

I'm trying to program my NEXYS2 board with a SR latch with NAND gates with an enable signal C. My inputs are (S, R, C) and outputs are (Q, Qbar). below is some code in VHDL that I tried but keep getting errors. also the schematics are below if that helps anyone to understand my question. if you know it in verilog that's okay too.
Thank you in advance
if (C = '1') then
Q <= (R nand Qbar);
Qbar <= (S nand Q);
end if;
end process;
First off, your implementation of your schematic is incorrect: R should be
~S, and S should be ~R. try tracing the logic through with S or R equal to 1
when C is 1 - the outputs should set high.
Corrected Verilog (I've only got Altera & Verilog here):
module top(
input wire S, R, C,
output reg Q, Qbar);
always #(S, R, C, Q, Qbar)
if(C) begin
Q <= (~R & Q) | S;
Qbar <= (~S & Q) | R;
This synthesises Ok on Altera, with 2 warnings along the lines of
Warning (10240): Verilog HDL Always Construct warning at test.v(5): inferring latch(es) for variable "Q", which holds its previous value in one or more paths through the always construct
and a warning from the timing analyser that it analysed two combinational
loops as latches. The technology view looks plausible, but you have got a
problem with this coding style, which could lead to issues.
The problem is that you explicitly code the only feedback paths, but you also
leave the synthesiser to infer a latch. Your code includes if(C = '1'), so the
synthesiser infers memory behaviour - a latch - when C is not 1. However, this
is pointless, since you're also telling it explicitly where the latch is with
your feedback paths. Don't do both; it's a mistake to assume that any
synthesiser is smart enough to figure out what you really meant. Here's a
version that leaves no doubt about what you want:
module top(
input wire S, R, C,
output wire Q, Qbar);
wire S2 = ~(C & S);
wire R2 = ~(C & R);
assign Q = ~(S2 & Qbar);
assign Qbar = ~(R2 & Q);
This instead gives two 'Found combinational loop of 2 nodes' warnings, as
you'd expect. This also synthesises Ok, and the RTL/technology views look Ok,
at first sight.
Standard disclaimer: timing analsysers are not good at timing designs with
combinational loops. this will probably all just work if you're just playing
around, but if this is a real design you'll need to think hard about your
constraints, and whether the analyser has actually traced through your
feedback path (it probably hasn't). You'll need to do a timing sim with sdf
back-annotation to confirm that it actually works.
Your schematic is correct.
The problem is in your VHDL code, because you didn't specify the circuit's functionalities completely (note that the output values for c='0' were not defined), which causes the inference of latches (only registered circuits can be designed with incomplete specifications because then the resulting signals are stored in D-type flip-flops anyway).
You can do the following (among other alternatives):
entity sr_latch is
port (
s, r, c: in bit;
q, qbar: buffer bit);
end entity;
architecture sr_latch of sr_latch is
q <= (s nand c) nand qbar;
qbar <= (r nand c) nand q;
end architecture
