Moving subfolders that match a specific pattern using zsh - for-loop

I've got a lot of files following the pattern
where I'm trying to move every specific folder with the suffix "-hi" to a new directory. I'm kind of new to zsh scripting and can't really figure this one out.
So far I've tried this to no success:
for Folder in */
mv "$Folder/*-hi" newfolder
Automating this would save me a lot of time.


Looking for a script to move files into folders based on a variable in the filename

I have a folder of images I would like to automatically organize into sub folders based on a variable in the filenames. I'm new to scripting and I've tried to best explain what I would like below:
For example:
If files contains "BO" then create new folder called "Boucle" in same directory then add files that contain "BO"
If files contains "CW" then create new folder called "Cross" in same directory then add files that contain "CW"
I would like to run this in Automator and have some ability to add new variables in the future
Ideally, the creation of these new sub folders can happen in the same directory location I feed into the script.
Thank you!
I've tried some basic scripting but I think the variables are throwing me
for f in "$#"
if [[$f == "BO"]]
mkdir in "$#" "${BOUCLE WOOL}"

Move files based on filename using command prompt

I am trying to move files from a location to another one based on filename ONLY by using command line. The below works pretty fine but I do not want to specify both, the file name and the extension:
MOVE C:\firstlocation\file.sdltm "C:\secondlocation\file.sdltm"
The reason behind this is that I have the following files in the firstlocation:
and my aim is to move both files named "file" to the secondlocation regardless the extension.
Sorry if this question has been asked before, - couldn't find any that matches my criteria.

Move files under GCS with renaming

I want to write the following bash script which copies files from one GCS bucket to another with renaming options.
My input folder is gs://test-rtt-integration/result/frd/*.orc
and my destination folder is gs://test-rtt-integration/recent_files/frd
The renaming of the copied file should be done based on the name provided from gs://test-rtt-integration/complex-files/TAN/recent_files/today/frd
once the copy with renaming is done I need to clean gs://test-rtt-integration/result/frd
I tested the following commands, but they are not working properly
NAME = "$(gsutil ls gs://test-rtt-integration/complex-files/TAN/recent_files/today/frd)"
gsutil mv gs://test-rtt-integration/result/frd/*.orc gs://test-rtt-integration/recent_files/frd/$NAME
gsutil rm -rf gs://test-rtt-integration/result/frd
( all .orc files and other files should be deleted)
But this is not working properly as I have to split the NAME based on / and get the last split , so if the result of split is called SPLIT , I have to do gsutil mv gs://test-rtt-integration/result/frd/*.orc gs://test-rtt-integration/recent_files/frd/$SPLIT
Any idea on how to do this?
The question is a little bit confusing. You say that you want to move files from one Google Cloud Storage bucket to another, but all the operations are made in one single bucket called test-rtt-integration.
However, as soon as you get the file location with the command gsutil ls gs://[BUCKET_NAME]/folder e.g. gs://[BUCKET_NAME]/folder/[FILENAME].orc, since the gs://[BUCKET_NAME]/folder/ part is always the same for all the objects in the folder, just replace it with null and you will get only the object name at the end as [FILENAME].orc etc.
I am not sure if this is exactly what you are looking for, but I did a little bit of coding myself and I have created a bash script that:
Gets the name of each object from gs://[BUCKET_NAME]/from bucket folder
Copy all objects from gs://[BUCKET_NAME]/from bucket folder to the gs://[BUCKET_NAME]/to/ bucket folder
Delete all objects from gs://[BUCKET_NAME]/from bucket folder
Inside there are comments that explain how every operation works in details. If that is not exactly what you are looking for, you can get the basic idea of how that works and implement it in different way that will suit you better. I have tested the scrip myself in Google Cloud Shell and it is working. The example code can be found in GitHub.

I'm looking for a script that will rename files and place them in a new folder

Essentially what I am looking to create is a script that will rename files in a folder, create a new folder with a specific name and place the renamed file in that new folder.
So, for instance, let's say that I had 2 files called:
I would then want to create 2 folders called spa and ger, respectively, place the appropriate file into each folder then rename the file by removing the language component; the resulting files in each folder would be test.txt.
So here is the simple solution I came up with to create folders and place specific files in them. So long as I have the bat file in the same folder it works great:
#echo off
md spa ger
move file.txt EN\file.txt
move file-spa.txt spa\file.txt
move file-ger.txt ger\file.txt
I'm wondering if there is something missing that may cause an issue, such as specifying that this should only work in the current directory?

Terminals - Creating Multiple Identical Folders within Subdirectories and Moving Files

I have a bunch of files I'm trying to organize quickly, and I had two questions about how to do that. I really appreciate any help! I tried searching but couldn't find anything on these specific commands for OSX.
First, I have about 100 folders in a directory - I'd like to place an folder in each one of those folders.
For example, I have
Is there a way I can create a folder inside each of those named "Pricing" in one command, i.e. ->
Cars/Mercedes/Pricing <br>
My second question is a little tougher to explain. In each of these folders, I'd like move certain files into these newly created folders (above) in the subdirectory.
Each file has a slightly different filename but contains the same string of letters - for example, in each of the above folders, I might have
Is there a way to search each subdirectory for a file containing the string "payment" and move that file into a subfolder in that subdirecotry - i.e. into the hypothetical "Pricing" folders we just created above with one command for all the subdirectories in Cars?
Thanks so much~! help with either of these would be invaluable.
I will assume you are using bash, since it is the default shell in OS X. One way to do this uses a for loop over each directory to create the subdirectory and move the file. Wildcards are used to find all of the directories and the file.
for DIR in Cars/*/ ; do
mkdir "${DIR}Pricing"
mv "${DIR}payment*.html" "${DIR}Pricing/"
The first line finds every directory in Cars, and then runs the loop once for each, replacing ${DIR} with the current directory. The second line creates the subdirectory using the substitution. Note the double quotes, which are necessary only if the path could contain spaces. The third line moves any file in the directory whose name starts with "payment" and ends with ".html" to the subdirectory. If you have multiple files which match this, they will all be moved. The fourth line simply marks the end of the loop.
If you are typing this directly into the command line, you can combine it into a single line:
for DIR in Cars/*/ ; do mkdir "${DIR}Pricing"; mv "${DIR}payment*.html" "${DIR}Pricing/"; done
