updating table does not update the form - visual-foxpro

In the main form after creating or editing a supplier this is not updated, add in the init method and in the refresh method this code
but the main form is still not updated. I must close the main form so that the data is updated.
Is it possible from CreateSupplier or EditSupplier, access and refresh the text boxes of the main form?

(would be a mess as a comment)
You are not referencing what you call "main" form. You are refreshing thisform, IOW the form where that code runs. And you don't need individual refresh() calls. Thisform.refresh() would call refresh on all of its objects contained within. You need that "main" form's reference to refresh it. While calling CreateSupplier, EditSupplier forms pass main form's reference. ie:
* Main form button calling CreateSupplier
Do form CreateSupplier with thisform
* CreateSupplier init
lparameters toCallerForm
this.AddProperty('oCaller', m.toCaller)
Then anywhere in CreateSupplier you could call:


Data-view is not updating when entity is updated in Mendix

Question is: How to show data in data-view in such a way that if entity is updated some how dataview is updated too.
This is my Entity named latestReading.
Here is my page LatestReading that show latest readings. It contains three data views.
This page is not called directly, as it expect a object latestReading. Hence a micro-flow named showLatestReadingPage is executed that fetches or create latestReading object and pass it to the LatestReading page and display LatestReading page.
Here is that micro-flow.
getOrCreateLatestReading is a micro-flow that returns us the a latestReading object if it is available or create a new latestReading object if it is not already created and then returns it.
Here is that micro-flow.
These are the properties of first of the three data-views in LatestReading page as shown diagram of LatestReading Page above. Name of this DataView is TemperatureDataView
These are the properties of text widget that is inside TemperatureDataView data-view. Its name is temperatureText. It shows value of temperature in the TemperatureDataView.
And this is the caption of temperatureText text widget:
Problem is when another micro-flow updates the value of latestReading the text widget is not updated. I need to reload it by clicking on navigation link of LatestReading page again.
I need my text widget in data view to keep updating value of latestReading when it is updated my some other micro-flow
The issue is that ‘refresh in client’ only works if the microflow is executed in the same context as the page (client) that the user is seeing. For example if there is a button on the page that triggers a microflow that refreshes the client then it will update the widget. However, if the microflow is triggered by the system (e.g. a scheduled event) then these changes are in a different context. Also if another user triggers a refresh it will only refresh that user’s client. Also if one user is logged in through multiple browsers (i.e. has multiple sessions, it also means that for each session there is a different user context.
The simplest solution in this case would likely be to use an appstore widget that periodically triggers a refresh on the object displayed in the dataview, such as this one: https://appstore.home.mendix.com/link/app/27/ . Simply create nanoflow or microflow with a change action that changes no attributes but refreshes the object.

Validations not working on page submit of oracle apex

I know that all validations get executed on Page Submit, but i have actions defined on page submit which i want to be executed first followed by the validations, ie decide the execution options for these dynamic actions to be executed first and then the validations, because right now my validations don't seem to work.My dynamic actions are defined in function and global declaration as $("#submit").click( function (){ })
Don't override events in Javascript. I forget, but you may interfere with how Apex handles them. What you want to do is:
Set your button's action to be Defined By Dynamic Action
Create a Click Dynamic Action on your button
Add a True event for whatever it is you're trying to do
Your final True event should be Submit, with an appropriate Request value
If your Validations are not executing correctly, turn on debugging mode and look in the debug log for why they're not working.

Joomla modal popup target url does not get session value

I have a problem regarding modal popup and session.
I have two component name test and test1 respectively.
In test there is a form in view in which i put "Anchor" tag with "modal" class. has also class name "class1".
When i clicked on Anchor tag it call click function(on click "class1") in which i put ajax code for set data using "Session".
// Ajax code here for set data using session
with above function it also called modal popup. here targer url is seted which is the view of 2nd component which is "test1".
Here in test1 there is a view.html , we are getting session data here and displaying in view.
Problem is that , here in 2nd component , in view i am getting session data but i need to click on button two time , only after i getting data properly.
When i click on it give me a old session data. and when i click on it second time it will give me a proper data.
What is the solution for above problem. if anyone know please let me know.
Session data is altered only after we click on Anchor tag.
Both thing is done on Anchor click , one is for set data in session and second is for modal popup. in popup i am getting data which set in session.
when is the session data is being altered?
Is it altered by ajax call too?
In this case, javascript, is unsynchronous. It doesn't wait for something to happen in order to fire the next line of code. In that case there are several techniques you may find to do so.

refresh msflexgrid from another form

Working on some old code at the moment and a bit stuck
I have a main form that has a msflexgrid populated with data from SQL and on this form there is a button, which opens a modal form that allows me to enter data and save it to SQL (then closes the form).
The issue is the msflexgrid on the main form doesn't refresh after I save data from the modal, I need a way of automatically refreshing the msflexgrid after the modal form closes.
Any help would be appreciated :)
Maintain a global structure and update it when the changes are committed in the modal form. After modal form is unloaded, control comes back to the command button click event in main form and there, you update the msflexgrid with the data available in the global structure. Like this, explicitly we need to update the msflexgrid and it is not refreshed automatically.
It just hit me that because the second form is a modal form it only return to the main form when the second form unloads, so I can just add the refresh function right after showing the second form, I knew I was doing something stupid :/
Dim AddBusContact As New frmAddBusContact
AddBusContact.SetBusID (clsThisForm.BusID)
AddBusContact.Show (vbModal) 'code stops here until second form is unloaded
refreshgrid 'and I can just call the function that refreshes the grid here
I would suggest one more idea. If the modal form allows the user to cancel action, or to give up what started to do, probably it is better to trigger the grid refresh function before the modal form unloads and only if changes have been made...

Joomla 1.7 custom toolbar button usage

I've added a custom button into my component's backend toolbar with this code:
This button needs that the admin checks one of the entries listed in the table.
You can see a screenshot here if you haven't understood what I'm talking about
The button is the one called "Dettagli" (no image at the moment).
I'm having some problems:
How do I append the checked entry's id to the address generated from the button?
I've put a details() method into the controller, it calls an instance of the model and a method inside it. The model's method returns to the controller the result of a query. How do I say to the controller to pass that result to a view called libro?
All information in the page will be sent through POST to the Joomla controller (in this case, libri). In your controller, you can use JRequest::getVar('varNameHere'); to retrieve it.
$this->setRedirect($urlOfView, $someStatusMessage)
