Jade, dropdown menu inside another dropdown menu - drop-down-menu

I have a piece of code in Jade and I would like to have a menu that is a dropdown list with n elements and one of the elements should be expanded into another dropdown
This is what I have in terms of code
a.nav-link.dropdown-toggle(href="#" id="navbarDropdown" role="button" data-toggle="dropdown")
| Main Title
a.dropdown-item(href="/page1.html") Page1
a.dropdown-item(href="/page2.html") Page2
a.dropdown-item(href="/page3.html") Page3
a.nav-link.dropdown-toggle(href="#" id="navbarDropdown" role="button" data-toggle="dropdown")
| Nested Dropdown
a.dropdown-item(href="/page4.html") Page4
a.dropdown-item(href="/page5.html") Page5
a.dropdown-item(href="/page6.html") Page6
The main problem is that the element "Nested Dropdown" is not displayed inside the first dropdown menu but I can click on it, and it expands as it should and the sub menu shows Page4, 5 and 6 as intended. An idea on how I should modify the code so that I can see "Nested Dropdown" in the main dropdown?Thanks!
I was able to solve it, not the most elegant solution but it worked for what I needed. Here is how I changed the code
a.nav-link.dropdown-toggle(href="#" id="navbarDropdown" role="button" data-toggle="dropdown")
| Main Title
a.dropdown-item(href="/page1.html") Page1
a.dropdown-item(href="/page2.html") Page2
a.dropdown-item(href="/page3.html") Page3
a.dropdown-item(href="#" id="navbarDropdown" role="button" data-toggle="dropdown") Nested Dropdownâ–¼
a.dropdown-item(href="/page4.html") Page4
a.dropdown-item(href="/page5.html") Page5
a.dropdown-item(href="/page6.html") Page6


NVDA screen Reader ignores aria-current ="date" in top-bottom Navigation

I am working on an application for disabled people in which NVDA screen reader is supposed to read out the current date if the user hit on element(date picker/calendar/cleave) with tab. When Navigating from top to bottom of page NVDA is ignoring aria=current="date" ( doesn't reads out as current date), but reads out the same date when navigating from b0ttom-top of the page.
reference of code snippet:
<input /calendar (could be calendar in place of input)
more attributes
aria-current is supposed to tell you which element within a set of elements is the current one. It has various values with the most common one being "true".
I just tried the various values with NVDA on both Firefox and Chrome and they all seemed to work.
<button aria-current="true">foo</button>
<button aria-current="page">foo</button>
<button aria-current="step">foo</button>
<button aria-current="location">foo</button>
<button aria-current="date">foo</button>
<button aria-current="time">foo</button>
The results from NVDA were:
"foo button"
"foo button, current"
"foo button, current page"
"foo button, current step"
"foo button, current location"
"foo button, current date"
"foo button, current time"

Is there a way to fix when I reload the current page in the browser after I click the next button it works like the next button?

I have a program where I'm going through tabs by clicking input submit buttons by pressing next or previous. My problem is when I click next it go to the next page and I click to reload the page up in the browser box it it basically go the the next page without me pressing next when I just want to reload the page here is my code for my page action for Next.
app_xval = session("app_xval")
if app_xval="X" then
upl.MaxFileSize = 50000000
page_action = upl.form("btnAction")
has_setup = upl.form("has_setup")
end if
if page_action = "Next" then
app_pg = app_pg + 1
session("app_pg") = app_pg
end if
<input type="submit" class="btn btn-sm btn-primary me-2" name="btnAction" value="Next">

Vue2: Change data inside of v-for loop

I have the following loop which displays images in a gallery:
<a href="#" v-for="(file, index) in files" v-bind:key="file.id" #click="file.selected = !file.selected">
<img :src="file.url" />
<i v-show="file.selected" class="fa fa-check-square"></i>
I would like to be able to select any image by clicking on it.
But nothing happens when I click on the image.
I did it the way I would do it in AngularJs - I modify the item within the loop.
I was expecting that:
- the view (inside of the loop) will be updated
- the change of the item will be taken over into the data array (files)
Ok, that was easy - it did not work the way I wanted, because I did not add a key "selected" to my initial data array.
In AnguarJS this would not matter - the key would just be added, but here the element is not known / watched if it does not exist from the beginning.

Adobe Dynamic Tag Manager: Event-Based Rule Upon Unordered List

If there are no Class or DIV designations for the items within this unordered list, how would you go about using the %this.innerHTML% notation to pull which link was clicked in an Event-Based rule?
< div class="relatedCategories rowBottomSpace" >
< strong class="header black short">Related Categories</strong>
<li>LINK 3
Solution #1: Update your selector to be more specific
This is the solution I mentioned in my comment above. Assumption is that your Condition's Element Tag or Selector is something like div.relatedCategories. If you change it to specifically target links within it: div.relatedCategories a then this will reference the link that was clicked.
Solution #2: Use a custom condition and data element
Let's say for whatever reason(s) you want to keep the original higher level selector:
Leave it as such, and then under
Rule Conditions > Criteria
choose Data > Custom and then click "Add Criteria".
In the Custom code box, add the following:
var target = (event.target) ? event.target : event.srcElement;
return true;
This will create a data element called linkTarget which will hold an html element object reference to the clicked link. So then you can use %linkTarget.innerHTML% or alternatively, back up in the Custom code box you can set linkTarget to be target.innerHTML and then reference with %linkTarget%.

Click drop down menu

I have a span:
<span class="ToolbarLinkButton" id="ComparisonReports" onclick="function_which_shows_dropdown_menu">
When I click on it I get drop down menu:
<div id="divPopupTemplateComparisonReports">
<div class="ToolbarButtonMenu">
<div class="ToolbarLinkButton" id="ComparisonReportsView" onclick="some_functions">
But when I try to click on element (id="ComparisonReportsView"), it says that: "Selenium::WebDriver::Error::ElementNotVisibleError: Cannot click on element"
on(Main) do |page|
page.spnComprReptVer_element.fire_event ("onclick")
sleep 2
And when via fire_event it says that step passed but nothing was executed (no menu item clicked).
on(Main) do |page|
page.spnComprReptVer_element.fire_event ("onclick")
page.divComprReptView_element.fire_event ("onclick")
sleep 2
How I can click on it somehow other way, or what I can use?
I do not know your definition for divComprReptView_element but I assume it has #when_present just use it and give it a block to execute click(e.g. page.divComprReptView_element.when_present.click).
