Adobe Dynamic Tag Manager: Event-Based Rule Upon Unordered List - web-analytics

If there are no Class or DIV designations for the items within this unordered list, how would you go about using the %this.innerHTML% notation to pull which link was clicked in an Event-Based rule?
< div class="relatedCategories rowBottomSpace" >
< strong class="header black short">Related Categories</strong>
<li>LINK 3

Solution #1: Update your selector to be more specific
This is the solution I mentioned in my comment above. Assumption is that your Condition's Element Tag or Selector is something like div.relatedCategories. If you change it to specifically target links within it: div.relatedCategories a then this will reference the link that was clicked.
Solution #2: Use a custom condition and data element
Let's say for whatever reason(s) you want to keep the original higher level selector:
Leave it as such, and then under
Rule Conditions > Criteria
choose Data > Custom and then click "Add Criteria".
In the Custom code box, add the following:
var target = ( ? : event.srcElement;
return true;
This will create a data element called linkTarget which will hold an html element object reference to the clicked link. So then you can use %linkTarget.innerHTML% or alternatively, back up in the Custom code box you can set linkTarget to be target.innerHTML and then reference with %linkTarget%.


Vue2: Change data inside of v-for loop

I have the following loop which displays images in a gallery:
<a href="#" v-for="(file, index) in files" v-bind:key="" #click="file.selected = !file.selected">
<img :src="file.url" />
<i v-show="file.selected" class="fa fa-check-square"></i>
I would like to be able to select any image by clicking on it.
But nothing happens when I click on the image.
I did it the way I would do it in AngularJs - I modify the item within the loop.
I was expecting that:
- the view (inside of the loop) will be updated
- the change of the item will be taken over into the data array (files)
Ok, that was easy - it did not work the way I wanted, because I did not add a key "selected" to my initial data array.
In AnguarJS this would not matter - the key would just be added, but here the element is not known / watched if it does not exist from the beginning.

ublock, adblock: block elements with dynamical id

Bottom of page imperiyanews
Where is div and table with dinamical id
Them look like <div id="ZzRwXzE3NzMwXzE1MzY5NDQ0MDA" data-ids="1587700,1586609,1586068,1587550,1587700,1586609,1587550,1586068,1586068,1588089,1588041,1587131"><table id="ZzRwXzE3NzMwXzE1MzY5NDQ0MDA_table_17730"
I tried to filter them out by rules like[id$="A_table_17730"][class^="Z"][id^="Z"] > div > div:nth-of-type(3)
But rules didnt work for me.
In element picker mode - these rules hilighted right element, but after reload page - element not filtered

document.querySelectorAll("span + a") didn't work?

I have a HTML like this.
<span class="vm-video-side-notification-text-item">
Includes copyrighted content
I use
var x = document.querySelectorAll("span + a");
the alert is "0"... I don't know why.
I see the w3school says
div + p
Selects all <p> elements that are placed immediately after <div> elements
so I try span + a. Can anyone correct my mistake?
You're conflating elements with tags.
While the start tag of the a is directly after the start tag of the span indeed, the a element is inside the span element.
So, in order for your example to work, you can either
change the query selector to "span > a" for "any a directly inside a span"
var x = document.querySelectorAll("span > a");
or change the html to have the a element after the span element
<span class="vm-video-side-notification-text-item">
Includes copyrighted content
(... but not both!)

document type does not allow element "div" here; missing one of "object", "applet", "map", "iframe", "button", "ins", "del" start-tag

I am getting a w3c validation error here as
The mentioned element is not allowed to appear in the context in which you've placed it; the other mentioned elements are the only ones that are both allowed there and can contain the element mentioned. This might mean that you need a containing element, or possibly that you've forgotten to close a previous element.
One possible cause for this message is that you have attempted to put a block-level element (such as "<p>" or "<table>") inside an inline element (such as "<a>", "<span>", or "<font>").
This is my source code
<ul class="link">
<li><span>1<div class="clr"> </div><label>Vul Postcode in </label></span></li>
<li><span>2<div class="clr"> </div><label>Restaurants </label></span></li>
<li><span>3<div class="clr"> </div><label>Menukaart</label></span></li>
<li><span>4<div class="clr"> </div><label>Afrekenen</label></span></li>
Please help me to find out the issue,
You have a block element (div) inside of an inline element (span). This is not allowed.
Solution 1: Change span to div:
<div>2<div class="clr"> </div><span class="label">Restaurants </span></div>
(You have to use HTML5 (<!DOCTYPE html>), otherwise block elements wouldn’t be allowed inside of a elements.)
Solution 2: Change div to span:
<span>2<span class="clr"> </span><span class="label">Restaurants </span></span>
Note that you can’t have label inside of an a element (I changed the label to span here). Use the label element only when you have a form.

Templating issues with Backbone.js views : this.el attributes

I'm trying to find the best way to render a li-element :
I've read that i should never replace this.el
So it seems that i have to unwrap my template in my LiView render() function :
// replace element content with html generated from template
var $rendered = $.tmpl(this.template, this.model.toJSON());
I just get the contents inside the $rendered li, since i should not replace it.
But how should i transfer attributes ?
I tried :
this.el.attr('class', $rendered.attr('class'));
this.el.attr('title', $rendered.attr('title'));
But it replaces attributes... And some (like jQuery ui ui-draggable) could be lost.
All this seems a bit clunky...
Thanks !
I'm not sure I fully grasp what you're trying to do Olouv, but I'll have a stab at answering your question regardless :)
You have an liView that corresponds to an li dom element
So you need to specify
el: "li"
Do not have an li in your template. Then the result of your render will be
contents of template
Now you want to add attributes to this li element?
Class names are pretty simple, just add the className attribute to your view
className: "ui-draggable myGreatClass ui-corner-all"
If you need to add additional attributes to your root (li) element
$(el).attr("title","your title")
If that doesn't work for you, and you want to put the li attributes in your template perhaps consider some form of the following:
Tolerating HTML of the form:
Instead of an liView (list item view), just have a ulView (List view), and put a loop construct in your template
