How can I make motor turn on automatically? - nodemcu

Here I am working on a smart irrigation project but I am unable to fix this problem as shown in below. Here I am trying to make it automatic but the motor does not turn off automatically it stays on forever.
This is the whole code:
I have tried else and if conditions but were not successful so pls help if you could. Thank YOU.


Form1.vb [Design] is empty

so I have this project that I use for work, and I went in to add some features.
It's basically a customized calculator.
While I was working, I clicked on my Form1.vb [Design] to look at my form. (Which is my main form)
I got a Windows Forms Designer error page. It had a problem with a particular line of code, even though the app ran and functioned correctly. I've come across this before a few times. I always clicked "Ignore and continue" and it was fine. This time my main form (Form1) was completely blank as if it was a new form. all of the code for my buttons/text boxes, etc... is still there.
is there a way to get it back? is it just hidden somewhere?
If anyone knows what's going on, I would really appreciate any help you could offer.
I attached a screenshot of my last working version of the app. Before the additions I was trying to implement.
I'm not super knowledgeable with coding, but I get by with some intermediate projects.
So I apologize if I don't know a lot of the terminology.
Thank you.

Why doesn't my list view load instantly in Xcode-12-Beta?

When using the List View in SwiftUI, it doesn´t render properly. When using the simulator, it works just fine, so I only get the behavior when using on device testing.
Has anyone else seen this and knows how to fix it?
This is the behavior I get
Btw I´m totally new to this, so please be nice ;)
I suspect you just need to add a listStyle to your list. For example
List {

Selenium webdriver alerts

I am facing an issue in which my script is getting stuck in chrome because of an alert. The script is neither getting passed or failed, it's just stuck there and doesn't go forward at all due to an alert.
I have tried Driver.switch().alert() but no use. It seems nothing works if that alert comes up.
Could any one suggest any way to handle this kind of alert? The alert is nothing but a normal alert having an OK button and a check box which says to prevent any additional dialogues.
Could anyone please help here as this small issue has caused the script to stop at that point itself.
Thanks in advance.
Please note that I am using selenium 3.0 and it was all working fine till yesterday. Since today, I am facing this issue.
Please find the below link it may useful for your problem.

How to deal with buttons with Physic2D and Images (PNG)?

I want to know how to create button with my Images(PNG).
I'm not gonna use the GUIButton because of creating the default button image.
I copied the images in my Unity Project and changed to sprite(2D and UI). Then, create the sprites simply by dragging. I also added the script which includes 'onTouchDown() and onMouseDown'. However, it didn't work so I tired again with layermask but it didn't work as well with no error code. Maybe the physic2D is the reason.
How can i make button with simple image. Could you guys help me to do so?
Please let me know does anyone have idea. Thank you.
Why don't you use a button from the new UI system?
Sorry guys. I didn't recognize that i typed 'OnMouseDown' to 'onMouseDown'. I didn't used capital letter. It's really annoying thing.

FileMaker Pro UI Scripting

I'm trying to import a script from one DB into another in FMP12 and found no other way then using UI scripting.
Most of the time the script stuck when I need to mark the checkbox, complaining that the UI element cannot be found, but as visible on the picture, it is referenced properly, at least this is how I see it:
Pls visit the link for the picture showing the problem, it is much clearer then if I write it down:
The funny think is that sometimes the script works fine and I cannot figure out what is making it working fine sometimes.
Any idea what am I doing wrong, or if there is some other way to refer to that UI element?
