I am getting trouble to use zoho contact api integration in php - zoho

I want to add contact, read contact, add category, read contact in zoho contact using api. Can anyone send sample code (url, parameters), so i can use it in postman to get response.
I have tried like mentioned in documentation but i am getting invalid_token as a response.
I have used "https://www.zoho.com/contacts/api/get-all-categories.html" this documentation.


Google Ads API getting Customer ID

I want to create a ads video reporting tool. So I used Google Ads API. For that I need to get customer ID. There are some programming examples. But I want to use an HTTP request endpoint. I cannot find any method for getting customer ID's with HTTP request. Is there any method for getting customer_id with HTTP request?

difference in API/session in Google API billing

Not able to differentiate between price per request and price per session in Google API
I'm facing difficulty in
understanding some billing related terms for Google API. I know, this question might be more suited for support directly from Google. I tried but not getting satiesfactory response.
I was going through this URL:
Here both 'price per request' and 'price per session' has been provided.
While I understand the difference between request and session, my question
is related to example provided in the same link, which is like this :
Places Autocomplete Request (input=”paris”, session_token: XYZ)
What I know, in google API, we just pass an API KEY to get results, but above seem to have required session_token. This has confused me. How can I pass session_token, when google has provided just an API KEY to me after creating billing account?
Is API key same as Session_token or does that mean, I need to get session token after 'first' passing API_KEY via code.
I'm not able to find good example explaining this till now.
Thanks for your help !!

Is Google Contacts API still available?

I am using Google's People API to fetch contacts associated with my contacts in Google. However, as has been pointed out elsewhere, that API does not access "Other contacts" which are available at https://contacts.google.com/other.
I'm looking for an API that will allow me to access that data. I tried the Contacts API per the instructions at https://developers.google.com/contacts/v3/ which says:
To retrieve all of a user's contacts, send an authorized GET request
to the following URL:
I tried this, replacing {useremail} with my own but only got an error. I am logged into my Google account.
Is the Contacts API still available?
I got it working by using some code to send an authorized request with api secret.

Do I need to get API Key for Google Book search

I am little bit confused interpreting the Google Book API terms. In this page it is written that
Note: Performing a search does not require authentication, so you do
not have to provide the Authorization HTTP header with the GET
request. However, if the call is made with authentication, each Volume
will include user-specific information, such as purchased status.
Does that mean I don't need to use an API key for searching book info or linking cover from google books (to be used in Android App)?
For searching only the informations about books (author, title, etc..) you can write code without have any API key. But probably for the payment service or other (write a book and insert that in google book api) you should have an API Key (with sign up).
Bye bye
For searching only the informations about books (author, title, etc..) you can write code without have any API key. But sometimes google books API gives back HTTP 403. HTTP Status Code 403: The server understood the request but refuses to authorize it. So it is advisable you use the API key generated and also try to mention your country code in it. As sometimes it fails to recognize where the request is coming from so it gives you access denied (403) error.
This query was used by me in a React application as sometimes without key or country name i got HTTP 403 error. countryName is of the form US or UK, etc.

GEt Steam or CSGO backpack/inventory using steam API

Is this possible to get Steam(753) or CsGo(730) full backpack/inventory using steam API?
I found an API where I get the full backpack/inventory of Dota2(570) TF2(440)
Here is the API :
URL : http://api.steampowered.com/IEconItems_/GetSchema/v0001/?key={api_key}
When I put steam or csgo appid , this API return 'NOT FOUND'. Further , I search for many API regarding this but not found any which should help me to get all the items.
I found many API regarding this which should give me the CSGO backpack of a particular user.
Here is the one API.
URL : http://api.steampowered.com/IEconItems_730/GetPlayerItems/v0001/?key={api_key}&SteamID={steam_id64}
From this api I can get any steam user's backpack except steam (753).I also searched many APi regarding this , but the result is same.
I know that there are no official api to get CSGO items but then where from many websites show full csgo backpack on there website for trade and bet.
If anyone know how to get this please reply to my question.
You can construct the API URL using this statement:
string.Format("http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/{0}/inventory/json/{1}/{2}/", steamid.ConvertToUInt64(), appid, contextId)
However, if you're using SteamBot, there's no need to do this manually. The GenericInventory class handles making and parsing the request for you automatically.
