Trouble with "addeventlistener" and getting statement "if statement" to run - onclicklistener

I'm trying to get my game to run based on the click of a button. Please bear with me! I'm new to coding. I want when a button is clicked, to assign a variable to that button.
To recap:
I have 3 buttons for a player to choose from, essentially rock, paper scissors.
-the player clicks a button and it is automatically played against a randomly computer generated number
-I cannot get from the button click to assigning a value to the player's choice variable.
//calls game variables
const gameChoices = ["Scalpellus","Papyrus","Lapis"];
let playerChoice = null;
let computerChoice = null;
// The computer random choice.
function computerChooses(){
const randomChoiceComputer = Math.floor(Math.random() * gameChoices.length);
//the computer chooses their "weapon" & updates computer function
CompRandoChoice = gameChoices[randomChoiceComputer];
return CompRandoChoice;
// Player chooses by clicking a button
// Defining variables for event listening, gets the button Id from HTML, calls the function for the computer's randomly generated choice
const scalpellusButton = document.getElementById("scalpellus").addEventListener("click", computerChooses);
const papyrusButton = document.getElementById("papyrus").addEventListener("click", computerChooses);
const lapisButton = document.getElementById("lapis").addEventListener("click", computerChooses);
// if statement to stores the choice from the button that was clicked
if (scalpellusButton === true) {
playerChoice = gameChoices[0];
else if (papyrusButton === true) {
playerChoice = gameChoices[1];
else {
playerChoice = gameChoices[2];


Is "cancel" a keyword or reserved word in Photoshop?

Is "cancel" a keyword or reserved word?
My simple dialog box:
var dlg = new Window("dialog");
dlg.text = "Proceed?";
dlg.preferredSize.width = 160;
// ======
var group1 = dlg.add("group", undefined, {name: "group1"});
group1.preferredSize.width = 160;
// add buttons
var button1 = group1.add ("button", undefined);
button1.text = "OK";
var button2 = group1.add ("button", undefined);
button2.text = "Cancel";
var myReturn =;
if (myReturn == 1)
// code here
Works fine. All is well. However replace the string "Cancel" with "Can" and the button no longer functions.
You need to add extra code in order to regain functionality.
button2.onClick = function()
// alert("Byas!");
dialogResponse = "cancel";
So, what's going on, is "cancel" a keyword?
"Cancel" is not a reserved word. If you change it to can, the dialog will return "can" if clicked (and not "cancel"). Maybe you need to update your code somewhere else to reflect it.
It works with your extra code because you're forcing the return of "cancel".

Stop rotating for a click right on the game object

I have a unity game and in it, a rotating game object, which increases its speed when it is clicked.
My problem is that the game does not work as I want it to. Right now, if I click any part of the screen, it increases the game object's speed of rotation. On the other hand, if I keep my finger on the screen, the game object starts to slow down and then starts rotating in the opposite direction.
I want the rotation of the object to increase when I click on it, not just if I click on any part of the screen. Furthermore, I don't know why holding down reverses the direction of rotation.
var speed = 1;
var click = 0;
Screen.orientation = ScreenOrientation.LandscapeLeft;
function Update (){
if(speed != 0)
speed = 0;
} else {
speed = click;
You must use Input.GetMouseButtonUp or Input.GetMouseButtonDown, NOT A Input.GetMouseButton, this method used for clamping.
Try use this code:
var speed = 1;
var click = 0;
Screen.orientation = ScreenOrientation.LandscapeLeft;
function Update (){
if(speed != 0)
speed = 0;
} else {
speed = click;
A few issues here:
To increase speed upon clicking on the object only, use raycasting from camera, and check if it hits your object. Your object needs need a collider component on it for this to work.
RaycastHit hit;
Ray ray = camera.ScreenPointToRay(Input.mousePosition);
if (Physics.Raycast(ray, out hit))
Transform objectHit = hit.transform;
Refer to -> Raycasting section, for more information.
Input.GetMouseButtonDown(..) // returns true at the instance your mouse button transits from up to down
Input.GetMouseButton(..) // returns true as long as your mouse button is held down
Use Input.GetMouseButtonDown(..) in your Update() method if you want to to do something when you click on it.

Cannot update label on Google Apps Script GUI Builder Interface at runtime

I have an interface that calls a script for spreadsheet creation using data taken from other spreadsheet. I want the interface to update its labels at runtime in order to give visual feedback to the user and let him know the script is running and it's not stuck. When I try to update the label I put in the interface, it doesn't update the first time, but updates correctly after myFunction() reaches its end. Which means I can see the message "Creation Completed", but the message "Creating file..." is never shown. Also, the button buttonCompile is never disabled so it seems that the instructions before myFunction() are not executed at all. How can I get the labels updated and the button disabled before myFunction() starts executing? (I already double-checked variable references)
function doGet() {
var app = UiApp.createApplication();
app.add(app.loadComponent("File creation"));
var buttonCreate = app.getElementById('createBtn');
var handlerCrea = app.createServerHandler('createClickHandler');
return app;
function createClickHandler(e) {
var app = UiApp.getActiveApplication();
var label = app.getElementById('createLbl');
label.setText("Creating file...");
var buttonCompile = app.getElementById('compileBtn');
label.setText("Creation completed.");
return app;
The cause of this behavior is that the GUI is updated only after leaving a handler. A workaround is to use two handlers. The 1st one sets the label text to Creating file... and disables the button, the 2nd one executes the myFunction function, changes the text to Creation completed, and eanbles the button. Here is an example. It disables/enables the button and the worker handler simply waits 5 seconds.
function doGet(e) {
var app = UiApp.createApplication();
var container = app.createHorizontalPanel().setId('container');
var btnPerformance = app.createButton("Performance Demo").setId('btnPerformance');
var handlerPerformance = app.createServerHandler('onBtnPerformanceClick');
var handlerWait = app.createServerHandler('onWait');
return app;
function enableControls(enable) {
var lstControls = [ 'btnPerformance' ];
var app = UiApp.getActiveApplication();
for (var i = 0; i < lstControls.length; i++) {
var ctl = app.getElementById(lstControls[i]);
function onWait(e) {
return UiApp.getActiveApplication();
function onBtnPerformanceClick(e) {
return UiApp.getActiveApplication();

Store & retrieve the identifiers of a multipliable widget's instances

The aim is to remove only the last row at any time and only by the last remove button.
There is a user interface which building up as a multiplication of the same row. The number of rows are controlled by 'Add' & 'Remove' buttons which are also elements of the row. The problem is that the hidden widgets - that are applied for each row to distinguish the instances by storing their row numbers - are storing the very same number which is the last one. Except the first (0) hidden widget which stores the proper number (0). Where am I missing the point? How should this be resolved?
As per the remove buttons have two different purposes (not detailed here), we use a cacheService to distinguish the last row from all the others. Only the last row should be removed at any time.
var cache = CacheService.getPrivateCache();
we clear the cache and create the first instance
function doGet() {
var app = UiApp.createApplication();
return app; }
each instance is held by a horizontal panel which contains the mentioned hidden widget, a label which informs about the instance number, and the Add & Remove buttons.
function ui(instance) {
var app = UiApp.getActiveApplication();
var eventContainer = app.createHorizontalPanel()
.setId('eventContainer' + instance);
var instanceContainer = app.createHidden('instanceContainer',instance);
var showInstance = app.createLabel(instance)
.setId('showInstance' + instance);
var addButton = app.createButton('Add')
.setId('add' + instance)
.forEventSource().setEnabled(false)) //avoiding multiple click during server response
var removeButton = app.createButton('X')
return app; }
and the event handling...
function add(inst) {
var app = UiApp.getActiveApplication();
var instance = Number(inst.parameter.instanceContainer);
return app; }
function remove(inst) {
var app = UiApp.getActiveApplication();
var instance = Number(inst.parameter.instanceContainer);
var numberOfInstances = cache.get('numberOfInstances')
if( (instance != 0) && (instance = numberOfInstances) ) {
app.getElementById('mainContainer').remove(app.getElementById('eventContainer' + instance));
app.getElementById('add' + (instance-1)).setEnabled(true); } //avoiding multiple click during server response
return app; }
The aim is to remove only the last row at any time and only by the last remove button.
Many Thanks.
Why don't you simply use a clientHandler just as you did on the 'add' button? You could target the preceding 'remove' button and disable it each time you create a new one and change /update each time you remove one row.
EDIT : I can suggest you something, feel free to have a look, I changed a bit the approach but it is working and I hope you'll find it at least interesting ;-)
Link to the online test
function doGet() {
var app = UiApp.createApplication();
var counter = app.createHidden().setName('counter').setId('counter').setValue('1');
var mainContainer = app.createVerticalPanel().setId('mainContainer')
var event1Container = app.createHorizontalPanel()
var showInstance = app.createLabel('1')
var addButton = app.createButton('Add')
.forEventSource().setEnabled(false)) //avoiding multiple click during server response
var removeButton = app.createButton('X')
return app; }
function add(inst) {
var app = UiApp.getActiveApplication();
var hiddenVal =inst.parameter.counter;
var counterVal = Number(hiddenVal);
var mainContainer = app.getElementById('mainContainer')
var counter = app.getElementById('counter')
++ counterVal
var eventContainer = app.createHorizontalPanel().setId('eventContainer'+counterVal)
var showInstance = app.createLabel(counterVal.toString())
var addButton = app.createButton('Add')
.forEventSource().setEnabled(false)) //avoiding multiple click during server response
var removeButton = app.createButton('X')
return app; }
function remove(inst) {
var app = UiApp.getActiveApplication();
var counterVal = Number(inst.parameter.counter);
var counter = app.getElementById('counter')
if(counterVal ==1) {return app}
var maincontainer = app.getElementById('mainContainer')
app.getElementById('eventContainer' + counterVal).setVisible(false)
return app;
NOTE : I didn't make use of .remove(widget) since this is a fairly new method and I don't know exactly how it works... I'll test it later. Until then I used setVisible(false) instead, sorry about that :-)
Note 2 : I didn't use the cache since the hidden widget is sufficient to keep track of what is going on... if you needed it for something else then you could always add it back .

how to make jqgrid advanced search dialog keyboard accessible

Answer in how to enable enter in jqgrid advanced search window describes how to enable enter and other keys in jqgrid advanced search dialog.
After clicking Add group, Add subgrup, Delete rule or Delete group button in advanced search dialog Enter and other keys are still ignored. How set focus to added element or after delete remaining element to enable Enter and other keys?
The current version of the Advanced Searching dialog (see definition of jqFilter in the grid.filter.js) recreate all controls of the dialog on change of someone. See the code of reDraw which looks
this.reDraw = function() {
var t = this.createTableForGroup(p.filter, null);
if($.isFunction(this.p.afterRedraw) ) {, this.p);
How one can see the first line $("",this).remove(); delete the content of all filter. The current focus will be lost and one have the problems which you described.
I suggest to fix the code of reDraw using document.activeElement element which was introduced in Internet Explorer originally (at least in IE4) and which is supported now in all web browsers because it's part of HTML5 standard (see here). The element which has focus originally will be destroyed and one will unable to set focus on it later. So I suggest to save the element name of the element and it's classes (like input.add-group or input.add-rule.ui-add) and to find the position of the element on the searching dialog. Later, after the dialog element will be recreated we'll set focus on the element with the same index.
I suggest to change the code of reDraw to the following
this.reDraw = function() {
var activeElement = document.activeElement, selector, $dialog, activeIndex = -1, $newElem, $buttons,
getButtonClass = function (classNames) {
var arClasses = ['add-group', 'add-rule', 'delete-group', 'delete-rule'], i, n, className;
for (i = 0, n = classNames.length; i < n; i++) {
className = classNames[i];
if ($.inArray(className, arClasses) >= 0) {
return className;
return null;
if (activeElement) {
selector = activeElement.nodeName.toLowerCase();
buttonClass = getButtonClass(activeElement.className.split(' '));
if (buttonClass !== null) {
selector += '.' + buttonClass;
if (selector === "input.delete-rule") {
$buttons = $(activeElement).closest('')
activeIndex = $buttons.index(activeElement);
if (activeIndex > 0) {
// find the previous "add-rule" button
while (activeIndex--) {
$newElem = $($buttons[activeIndex]);
if ($newElem.hasClass("add-rule")) {
activeElement = $newElem[0];
selector = activeElement.nodeName.toLowerCase() + "." +
getButtonClass(activeElement.className.split(' '));
} else if (selector === "input.delete-group") {
// change focus to "Add Rule" of the parent group
$newElem = $(activeElement).closest('')
if ($newElem.length > 1) {
activeElement = $newElem[$newElem.length-2];
selector = activeElement.nodeName.toLowerCase() + "." +
getButtonClass(activeElement.className.split(' '));
$dialog = $(activeElement).closest(".ui-jqdialog");
activeIndex = $dialog.find(selector).index(activeElement);
$(this).append(this.createTableForGroup(this.p.filter, null));
if($.isFunction(this.p.afterRedraw) ) {, this.p);
if (activeElement && activeIndex >=0) {
$newElem = $dialog.find(selector + ":eq(" + activeIndex + ")");
if ($newElem.length>0) {
} else {
Like one can see on the next demo the focus in the Searching Dialog stay unchanged after pressing on the "Add subgroup" or "Add rule" buttons. I set it on the "Add rule" buttons of the previous row group in case of pressing "Delete group".
One more demo use jQuery UI style of the buttons and the texts in the buttons (see the answer). After clicking on the "Delete" (rule or group) button I tried to set the focus to the previous "Add Rule" button because setting of the focus on another "Delete" (rule or group) button I find dangerous.
Additionally in the demo I use
afterShowSearch: function ($form) {
var $lastInput = $form.find(".input-elm:last");
if ($lastInput.length > 0) {
because it seems me meaningful to set initial focus on the last input field at the dialog opening.
UPDATED: I find additionally meaningful to set focus on the current clicked buttons "Add subgroup", "Add rule" or "Delete group". The advantage one sees in the case it one first click some button with the mouse and then want to continue the work with keyboard. So I suggest to change the line
inputAddSubgroup.bind('click',function() {
inputAddSubgroup.bind('click',function(e) {
To change the line
inputAddRule.bind('click',function() {
inputAddRule.bind('click',function(e) {
and the line
inputDeleteGroup.bind('click',function() {
inputDeleteGroup.bind('click',function(e) {
and the line
ruleDeleteInput.bind('click',function() {
ruleDeleteInput.bind('click',function(e) {
