How to programatically scroll CollectionView after its rendering - xamarin

I want to programatically scroll CollectionView after its rendering however, I can't seem to find the lifecycle hook to call the scroll function in.
Calling the scroll function in OnAppearing hook is out of the question because that hook exists only in ContentPage and my CollectionView exists in a LazyView that gets initialized after clicking a button on a page.
private void ScrollToItemAtPosition(int idx) {
PhotoCollection.ScrollTo(idx, position: ScrollToPosition.Center);
Any ideas? Thanks!


.net maui CarouselView is not quite compatible with Slider control: CarouselView swipe operation takes over Slider's drag action

.net maui app.
Dragging value element along the slider bar does not work if the the slider put into CarouselView's template like this:
<CarouselView ItemsSource="{Binding Items}">
<Slider Minimum="0" Maximum="30" WidthRequest="200" />
CarouselView takes over the swipe event for scrolling through the items, and Slider does not get the event (DragStarted is not even called). You can actually click along the slider bar to change its value, so it's not completely frozen, but not how it's supposed to work. Drag & drop is main way user deal with slider control.
Could anyone advise any workaround? I want users to be able scroll through carousel view items also. It's just if they swipe inside the control, event should not handed over to its parent container, if it's possible to do so.
If I add it outside of the corouselview, combine both in Grid and use padding to align slider inside the corouselview, it works as expected, but I need to add lots of additional code, calculate the desirable location and redirect all bindings, which ends up to be an awkward workaround.
At first, I don't suggest you use the slider in the CarouselView. Becasue you want the same behavior has two effects. There is a conflict between them.
But for the android, you can use the custom handler to deal with the swipe event.
Put the Handler class in the /Platform/Android:
public class MySliderHander : SliderHandler
protected override void ConnectHandler(SeekBar platformView)
platformView.SetOnTouchListener(new SliderListener());
// the listener will make the slider deal with the swip event not the CarouselView.
Put the SliderListener class in the /Platform/Android
public class SliderListener : Java.Lang.Object, IOnTouchListener
public bool OnTouch(global::Android.Views.View v, MotionEvent e)
if (e.Action == MotionEventActions.Down || e.Action == MotionEventActions.Move)
return false;
And in the MauiProgram.cs:
                  .ConfigureMauiHandlers(handlers => {
                        handlers.AddHandler(typeof(Slider), typeof(YourProjectName.Platforms.Android.MySliderHander));
In addition, the Slider's height is same as the CarouselView. So you can use a frame to contain the Slider and swipe the CarouselView by swiping the frame.

How to create a custom WebView Control Xamarin forms

I am trying to create a custom control for webview, i am trying to get a checkbox inside a webview Reason :- we have a bunch of text to be displayed and unless the user reaches the end of the scroll he cannot move to the next page and at the end of the scroll there is a checkbox where user has to check the the checkbox and then he can process. here i have tried putting the checkbox and webview inside the stacklayout but the issue is webview have its own scroll bar and and stacklayout scroll bar does not work when a user try to scroll as the webview scroller scrolls out also when i try to close the Webview Page with back button the webview gets close and not the page
i am not sure what approach should i apply here.
i am getting my html data from my webapi.
anyone with some solution would be appreciable
here is my custom renderer which i have wrote but the piece missing here is how can i add another xamarin control inside this
public class CustomPdfViewRenderer : WebViewRenderer
public CustomPdfViewRenderer(Context context) : base(context)
protected override void OnElementChanged(ElementChangedEventArgs<WebView> e)
if (Control != null)
Control.Settings.BuiltInZoomControls = true;
Control.Settings.DisplayZoomControls = false;
Control.Settings.LoadWithOverviewMode = true;
Control.Settings.UseWideViewPort = true;
You can try the following approach:
Add checkbox to HTML
When the user check checkbox call some JavaScript function
When JavaScript function is called, call C# function (Xamarin) which will enable the user to process to the next page (or some other Xamarin side stuff)
Here is how you can call C# function from JavaScript :HybridWebView

Change background color (of entire view) on button click in Xamarin

I'm using iOS/Xamarin
When the user clicks a button, I'd like to change the background color of my view controller's main view (View).
In the button click event, I tried this:
partial void MyButton_TouchUpInside(UIButton sender)
InvokeOnMainThread(() =>
but it doesn't work. I tried a few other main thread/uithread things but no luck.
If I call SetBackgroundColor(View) from the ViewDidLoad of course it works. I suspect this is a UI thread issue.
Any advice?
You can use the BackgroundColor property on the UIViewController's View property.
partial void MyButton_TouchUpInside(UIButton sender)
View.BackgroundColor = UIColor.Red;
Turns out the above code is good - somewhere else in the code someone was setting another layer on top of the background so I never saw it =/

How to override the functionality of Back button when using Navigation Controller in Xamarin.ios?

I'm working on Xamarin.iOS.When i move from one view controller to another a navigation bar is added to the view on which i just moved and a back button appears. On clicking the back button it returns me to the parent view. But i want some different functionality rather than returning to the parent view.
Can anyone help me out!
This can be accomplished by creating a custom button, and then setting that button as the back button for the view controller, such as:
public override void ViewDidLoad()
// Perform any additional setup after loading the view, typically from a nib.
UIBarButtonItem backButton = new UIBarButtonItem("title", UIBarButtonItemStyle.Bordered, handleBack);
this.NavigationItem.LeftBarButtonItem = backButton;
public void handleBack(object sender, EventArgs e)
I hope this helps!

Can we override NAVIGATION BACK BUTTON press in Xamarin.forms?

Can we override navigation back button pressed in Xamarin.forms?
I have one navigation back button and the one save button in navigation bar.Save button hits the web service and saves in asynchronous way. While saving although i used progressing bar, navigation back button can be pressed and hence the app crashes due to index out of range exception on navigation stack.I tried using OnDisappearing() , did not work. I wanna cancel the PopUpAsync(),if the save is not done completely, but failed to achieve that. Is there any solution for this scenario? Can we override the navigation back button press event using any custom renderer ?
For controlling the back button to do what I want, I used this method in Xamarin:
public override bool OnKeyDown(Keycode HWkeyCode, KeyEvent e)
if (HWkeyCode == Keycode.Back)
return true;
return false;
