Can we override NAVIGATION BACK BUTTON press in Xamarin.forms? - xamarin

Can we override navigation back button pressed in Xamarin.forms?
I have one navigation back button and the one save button in navigation bar.Save button hits the web service and saves in asynchronous way. While saving although i used progressing bar, navigation back button can be pressed and hence the app crashes due to index out of range exception on navigation stack.I tried using OnDisappearing() , did not work. I wanna cancel the PopUpAsync(),if the save is not done completely, but failed to achieve that. Is there any solution for this scenario? Can we override the navigation back button press event using any custom renderer ?

For controlling the back button to do what I want, I used this method in Xamarin:
public override bool OnKeyDown(Keycode HWkeyCode, KeyEvent e)
if (HWkeyCode == Keycode.Back)
return true;
return false;


Custom Popup designed with Content View Closing Issue on Hardware Click in Android Xamarin forms

We have designed a custom popup with Content View, which will be invoked in a content page. When clicked on hardware back custom popup is getting closed, because Content View as no property to hand hardware back button Pressed. OnBackButtonPressed() is used only for Content Page. Can I get any solution to handle hardware back for content view to stop popup from closing.
To manage hardware back button you must override OnBackPressed() method in MainActivity class, in android project. In your popup you may have some property to check if can be closed and then check it from MainActivity class.
public override void OnBackPressed()
if (CheckIfCanBePressedMethod())
// back pressed will be ignored
// code here
// default behavior
Set the flag on Contentpage when you open popup make the bool as true.
bool isShowPopup = false;
public override void OnBackPressed()
if (!isShowPopup)

Detect Back Arrow Press Of The NavigationPage in Xamarin Forms

Is there any way to detect the press of the back button of the Navigation Page in Xamarin forms?
You can override your navigation page "OnBackButtonPressed" method:
protected override bool OnBackButtonPressed()
Device.BeginInvokeOnMainThread(async () =>
if (await DisplayAlert("Exit?", "Are you sure you want to exit from this page?", "Yes", "No"))
await App.Navigation.PopAsync();
return true;
If you are using the shell, you can override the Shell's OnNavigating event:
void OnNavigating(object sender, ShellNavigatingEventArgs e)
// Cancel back navigation if data is unsaved
if (e.Source == ShellNavigationSource.Pop && !dataSaved)
OnBackButtonPressed event will get fired ONLY on Android when user press the Hardware back button.
Seems like you are more interested to implement when any page get disappeared you want to do something!
In that case:
You have the page's two methods -
protected override void OnAppearing()
Console.WriteLine("Hey, Im coming to your screen");
protected override void OnDisappearing()
Console.WriteLine("Hey, Im going from your screen");
You can override those 2 methods on any page to track when they appear and disappear.
Recent updates to Xamarin forms mean you can now do this in an application made with Shell Navigation for navigation back arrow on both platforms.
Use the Shell.SetBackButtonBehavior method, for example running this code in the constructor of your page object will allow the back navigation to take place only when the bound viewmodel is not busy:
Shell.SetBackButtonBehavior(this, new BackButtonBehavior
Command = new Command(async() =>
if (ViewModel.IsNotBusy)
await Shell.Current.Navigation.PopAsync();
In the body of the Command you can do whatever you need to do when you are intercepting the click of the back button.
Note that this will affect only the navigation back button, not the Android hardware back button - that will need handling separately as per the answers above. You could write a shared method called from both the back button pressed override and the command on shell back button behaviour places to share the logic.
You must override native navigationbar button behavior with custom renderer. OnBackButtonPressed triggers only physical device button. You can read good article how to achive this here

How to create a action for UIReturnKeyType.Done in UITextView in xamarin iOS

I am trying to change the UITextView keyboard return button in to Done button.
I need to close the keyboard when I press the Done button.
I have create a UITextView and change the return button in to Done button.
This is my code
PhotoTitle = new UITextView
TranslatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false, Editable = true, AccessibilityIdentifier = "PhotoTitle",
ReturnKeyType = UIReturnKeyType.Done
The keyboard showing Done button successfully. if I press it just behave like return button.
And I can not find a particuler event for fire when tap on Done button.
First of all you have to keep remember that, UITexiView is a scrollable UI widget. So, when you change the keyboard's default Return key in to Done button, you are hiding the opportunity of go to new line inside your UITextView. Therefore my suggestion is, if you are using a UITextView and you need a Done button by keeping the default keyboard, you should add a UIToolBar on top of the keyboard where you can place the Done button.
Since I'm not aware of your real need, which may do not need go to a new line and just need to exit the keyboard when user tap on the Return/Done button, here how you need to do it.
public override void ViewDidLoad()
TextView.WeakDelegate = this;
public bool ShouldChangeText(UITextView textView, NSRange range, string text)
if (text.Equals("\n"))
return false;
return true;
That is quite easy actually subscribe to the ShouldReturn event of the UITextField with a delegate or anonymous method that will call ResignFirstResponder on the field.
You can check this example project that shows how to do it
this.txtDefault.ShouldReturn += (textField) => {
return true;

How to create a custom WebView Control Xamarin forms

I am trying to create a custom control for webview, i am trying to get a checkbox inside a webview Reason :- we have a bunch of text to be displayed and unless the user reaches the end of the scroll he cannot move to the next page and at the end of the scroll there is a checkbox where user has to check the the checkbox and then he can process. here i have tried putting the checkbox and webview inside the stacklayout but the issue is webview have its own scroll bar and and stacklayout scroll bar does not work when a user try to scroll as the webview scroller scrolls out also when i try to close the Webview Page with back button the webview gets close and not the page
i am not sure what approach should i apply here.
i am getting my html data from my webapi.
anyone with some solution would be appreciable
here is my custom renderer which i have wrote but the piece missing here is how can i add another xamarin control inside this
public class CustomPdfViewRenderer : WebViewRenderer
public CustomPdfViewRenderer(Context context) : base(context)
protected override void OnElementChanged(ElementChangedEventArgs<WebView> e)
if (Control != null)
Control.Settings.BuiltInZoomControls = true;
Control.Settings.DisplayZoomControls = false;
Control.Settings.LoadWithOverviewMode = true;
Control.Settings.UseWideViewPort = true;
You can try the following approach:
Add checkbox to HTML
When the user check checkbox call some JavaScript function
When JavaScript function is called, call C# function (Xamarin) which will enable the user to process to the next page (or some other Xamarin side stuff)
Here is how you can call C# function from JavaScript :HybridWebView

How to handle back button in windows phone 7?

I have an application, the main page contains few functions. To explain in detail - I have save, color palette button in my main page. When any of these buttons are clicked, save pop up or color palette appears. How to handle back button of the device, when color palette or save pop up is opened. When back button is pressed at these scenario it should just make them invisible and stay on the main page. When nothing is being performed in the main page, then it should come out of the app. I tried to make their visibility collapsed on back button press. But it still is coming out of the application.
Please, guide me in this. Thanks in advance.
Override PhoneApplicationPage.OnBackKeyPress and then set CancelEventArgs.Cancel to true if you want to stop it from actually going back.
protected override void OnBackKeyPress(CancelEventArgs args)
if (PanelIsShowing)
args.Cancel = true;
The back button behaves as is intended by Microsoft.
If you change its behavior you risk your application not being certified for the Marketplace.
If you want the back button to close the popups, turn the popups into pages so the back button navigates back to the main page..
You need to use
protected override void OnBackKeyPress(CancelEventArgs e)
if (_popup.IsOpen)
_popup.IsOpen= false;
e.Cancel = true;
That should do the trick.
