Laravel JOIN with JSON string - laravel

I have two tables in Laravel, one is the comment table, and the second is the users table. In the comment table, I have this type of data.
For this comment table, I want to match the tags column's userid in JSON, so how can we join that userid with the user's table? here is what I tried, but that is not working as expected.
$messages = TopicComment::where('user_id', $currentUserId)
->join("users", "", "=", "")
->(function ($query) {

with this package you can create a relation via a json field

First, there seem to be a number of errors in your code.
Judging from the DB schema, there is no user_id column in your comments table and so, ::where('user_id', $currentUserId) will not work.
A similar issue occurs in your join statement. You're joining on "","=","" which is the same column in the same table.
There's no method called in the line with function($query). Ideally, should be a where clause.
Correct usage of whereJsonContains would be:
$query->whereJsonContains('tags', ['userid' => $currentUserId]);
Rouge arrow after that line.
And so, your final result after correcting the changes should look like:
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\DB;
$messages = TopicComment::join('users', '', DB::Raw("CAST(comments.tags->'$.userid' AS UNSIGNED)"))
->where(function ($query) use ($currentUserId) {
$query->whereJsonContains('tags', ['userid' => $currentUserId]);

I think the only way to extract is to use json tables.
SELECT document_types.*,
FROM document_types,
JSON_TABLE(settings, '$[*]' COLUMNS (
`userid` int(11) PATH '$.userid',
`name` varchar(255) PATH '$.name'
)) jst
inner join users on jst.userid = WHERE = :id"
,['id' => $currentUserId]))->get()
Unfortunately I don't have json functions on my mysql so the code will probably fail, maybe at least it'll help get you on the right track.

You can try this way...
$comments = DB::table('topic_comments')
->join('users', '', '=', 'topic_comments.tags->userid')
->select('topic_comments.*', '')


Laravel 8 - How I do where clause in table added with join

Hi I want to know how can i do this query in Laravel 8 , I tried adding the join clause but not work as expected, i need join clause? Or maybe there is another form to do it. I search others examples but i donĀ“t see anythat help me. The query is the next:
DB::table('escandallo_p as esc')
->select("esc.material", "esc.referencia", "esc.ancho", "esc.proveedor", "esc.punto",
"esc.precio", "esc.consumo", "esc.veces", "esc.001", "esc.002", "esc.003", "esc.004",
"esc.005", "esc.006", "esc.007", "esc.008", "esc.009", "esc.010", "esc.011", "", "esc.merma", "esc.importe", "esc.tipo", "esc.xtalla", "esc.fase",
DB::raw("(select anulado from prototipos_p as p where p.prototipo = '".$scandal[0]->prototipo."' and p.tipo = 'c' and p.referencia = esc.referencia )"),
// ignore
//original query "(select anulado from prototipos_p as p where p.prototipo = ",$request->prototipo," and p.tipo = 'c' and p.referencia = esc.referencia ) as 'anulado'",
// "(select clase from prototipos_p as p where p.prototipo = ",$request->prototipo," and p.tipo = 'c' and p.referencia = esc.referencia ) as 'clase'")
//Converted query ->select('pro.anulado')->where('pro.prototipo', $request->prototipo)
// ->where("p.prototipo", "=", $request->prototipo)
->where("esc.id_escandallo", "=", $request->id_escandallo)
->where("esc.id_version", "=", $request->version)
!!!! I need to pass the esc.referencia to the sub select query
The second select is the conversion of the select inside "" ( i know this is wrong is only for explain it).
Thank you in advance for any suggestion.
Best regards
EDIT: I can solve my problem with DB::raw, but if anyone know others methos are welcome!
You need to pass callback to the join query to add the extra query to the laravel's join method,
Example from Laravel Doc:
->join('contacts', function ($join) {
$join->on('', '=', 'contacts.user_id')
->where('contacts.user_id', '>', 5);
It is explained in Laravel's doc, Advanced Join Clauses
There is Subquery support too Subquery Joins,
$latestPosts = DB::table('posts')
->select('user_id', DB::raw('MAX(created_at) as last_post_created_at'))
->where('is_published', true)
$users = DB::table('users')
->joinSub($latestPosts, 'latest_posts', function ($join) {
$join->on('', '=', 'latest_posts.user_id');
These two might help you to achieve what you are trying
After test joins, joinSub, whereIn and other forms of doing this, I solved my problem using the DB::raw():
DB::table('escandallo_p as esc')
DB::raw("(SELECT column //(ONLY ONE)
FROM table
WHERE column = '".$parameter."' ...) AS nombre"),
->where('column', "=", $parameter)

Laravel Query Builder Foreach Loop how do I reference a field that exists in both join tables

The id field in the foreach loop exists in both of the tables that I am joining, I need to reference it to one table only (ie. in the foreach loop:
$program_details = DB::table('program_allocation')
->where('twilio_wa_from_no', '=', $tophonenumber)
->where('twilio_sid' , $account_sid)
->join('program_types', 'program_allocation.program_type', '=', '')
foreach ($program_details as $program) {
$program_allocation_id = $program->id;
You can use select('program_allocation.*', ' AS program_type_id') to specify which columns of which tables included in query you want to use.
$program_details = DB::table('program_allocation')
->where('twilio_wa_from_no', '=', $tophonenumber)
->where('twilio_sid', $account_sid)
->join('program_types', 'program_allocation.program_type', '=', '')
->select('program_allocation.*', ' AS program_type_id')
You can check it on official Laravel documentation:
Select field and give one of the join table id an alias
$program_details = DB::table('program_allocation')
->join('program_types', 'program_allocation.program_type', '=', '')
->select('program_types.*', ' as allocationID', )
->where('twilio_wa_from_no', '=', $tophonenumber)
->where('twilio_sid' , $account_sid)

Eloquent count occurrence with where clause

I'm trying to do a simple query using Eloquent. My test_registrants table looks like this
I want to add new column with value of all user_id with payment_status = 1
This is my query using whereColumn
->where('payment_status', 1)
'attempt' => TestRegistrant::select(DB::raw('count(*) as attempt'))
->whereColumn('test_registrants.user_id', 'user_id')
->where(function ($query) {
$query->where('payment_status', 1);
but I get all user_id instead
What I'm trying to achieve is this one
So what do I do wrong here? thank you
The reason your query is returning 3, is because it is simply counting all the records that have payment_status = 1. The whereColumn() is not working properly, because it does not reflect the right columns.
When you define an alias for the user_id column on the test_registrants table, it should work. For example, you could name it: outer_user_id. I have updated your example accordingly:
TestRegistrant::select(['test_registrants.payment_status', 'test_registrants.user_id as outer_user_id'])
->where('payment_status', 1)
'attempt' => TestRegistrant::selectRaw('count(*) as attempt')
->whereColumn('test_registrants.user_id', 'outer_user_id')
->where(function ($query) {
$query->where('payment_status', 1);
Alternatively, you could also look into grouping the results, so that you can count all the rows in a specific group.

What is the equivalent query of laravel on this?

This is the native sql:
$sql = "Select count(name) from users Where email = '' and user_id = 10";
I have this laravel code:
$checker = Customer::whereEmailAndUserId("",10)->count("name");
Is this a correct way to do it in laravel?
You have to use where helper function and pass an array of checks. For example in your code it will be:
$checker = Customer::where([
['email', '=', ''],
['user_id' '=', '10']
Note: Please use the appropriate column name as it in table.
Assuming Customer model represents table users, you'll get query with eloquent like this:
Customer::where('email', '')->where('user_id', 10)->select(\DB::raw('count(name)'))->get();
The option you are trying is incorrect
here is the right option
$users = \App\Customer::where('email','')
Explanation of above code
App\Customer is the Model class and I am trying to read records where email = ' you can use various comparison operators like <,> and so on and you can also use the same function to for string pattern matching also
$users = \App\Customer::where('email','')
You can use the same where function for Null Value test also
$users = \App\Customer::where('email','=', null)
The above where clause will be converted to is null test of the SQL
You can read more here

Querying related table data with Eloquent

i have a problem trying to get records from a model based on a related table.
I have two tables one called leads and one called recycle_logs, my app will basically send the same record in the leads table like once a month, and when it does so i'll store a new record in recycle_logs.
The problem is that i need to select all leads with a specific campaign_id value and that have a specific status that is different from invalid, so far so good, now the problem is i need to get them only if they don't have any recycleLogs associated with them OR if the last recycleLog associated with that particular lead is older than 30 days ago for instance.
What i currently have looks somewhat like this.
$leads = $this->leadModel->where(Lead::CAMPAIGN_ID, $this->campaignID)
->where(Lead::LEAD_STATUS, "!=" ,Lead::LEAD_STATUS_INVALID)
->orderBy(Lead::CREATED_AT, 'desc')
['leadRecyclingLog' => function($query) {
$query->where(LeadRecyclingLog::CREATED_AT, '<', (new Carbon())->subDays($this->configRecyclingDays))
->orWhere(LeadRecyclingLog::ID, null);
What exactly am i doing wrong? It always selects the same number of records regardless of me adding or removing recycleLogs
I've managed to get it done through a raw SQL query which i'll post below in case it helps anyone, i'd still like to know how to do it in Eloquent/Query Builder.
SELECT * FROM `leads` LEFT JOIN `lead_recycling_logs` ON `leads`.`guid` = `lead_recycling_logs`.`original_lead_guid` WHERE `leads`.`campaign_id` = :campaignID AND `leads`.`duplicated` = 0 AND `leads`.`lead_status` != :invalidStatus AND (`lead_recycling_logs`.`id` IS NULL OR `lead_recycling_logs`.`created_at` < :recyclingDate) ORDER BY `leads`.`created_at` DESC
Try this:
$leads = $this->leadModel->where(Lead::CAMPAIGN_ID, $this->campaignID)
->where(Lead::LEAD_STATUS, "!=" ,Lead::LEAD_STATUS_INVALID)
->orderBy(Lead::CREATED_AT, 'desc')
->where(function($q) {
$q->whereHas('leadRecyclingLog', function($q) {
$q->where(LeadRecyclingLog::CREATED_AT, '<', (new Carbon())->subDays($this->configRecyclingDays));
->orWhereHas('leadRecyclingLog', '<', 1); // Where count of the relationship is smaller than 1
I assumed the first part of the query is working well (up until the relationship).
What you're looking for is ->whereHas(relationship), not ->with(relationship). ->with(relationship) will attach the associated results to the original model (the query for the original model will not be affected by ->with()). ->whereHas(relationship) filters the original model by the condition.
Got it to work through #devk 's help
$leads = $this->leadModel->where(Lead::CAMPAIGN_ID, $this->campaignID)
->where(Lead::LEAD_STATUS, "!=" ,Lead::LEAD_STATUS_INVALID)
->orderBy(Lead::CREATED_AT, 'desc')
->where(function($q) {
$q->whereHas('leadRecyclingLog', function($q) {
$q->where(LeadRecyclingLog::CREATED_AT, '<', (new Carbon())->subDays($this->configRecyclingDays));
->doesntHave('leadRecyclingLog', 'or');
