Webgl on Safari web on Macbook gives pink screen - macos

When visiting (the first time of the day) our webgl application it gives an pink screen. We expect because its missing textures but we're not sure. This is at the moment only on Safari Mac but customers experience this now to so it's a problem
Do you know why or how to sove this?
Please ignore the black blocks. we blured it out.


macOS Big Sur VMWare Horizon Client 8.1 laggy mouse

Has anyone dealt with an issue in VMWare Horizon on macOS Big Sur where the mouse is horrendously laggy? The lag is most noticeable when hovering over areas with text-input. This can be in my code editor, in a web browser search bar, sticky note, etc. Any and all text-input areas lag ridiculously. The mouse slows to a near stop and takes sometimes over a minute to drag across the screen. My mouse has different DPI toggles and I tried seeing if adjusting the DPI fixes it, and in some instances it made it worse. Using the trackpad on my laptop yields the same results so I don't believe its my mouse.
I researched the issue and people had similar problems, suggestions included enabling "Relative Mouse", toggling "Display Scaling" and "Use Full Resolution for Retina Display". None of them seem to be doing much of anything to remedy the lag. Anyone have suggestions on what to do? Thanks

WebVR Vive Viewport flickering Firefox 55

atm I am trying to create a webVR experience for the HTC Vive on Firefox 55.0.3. It seems there are some performance issues with that. I can not show you code or screenshots from my application, but i also noticed the strange effects of the viewport 'flickering' in the following example from the A-Frame website.
whenever I look at the center of the room, the viewport starts shaking like crazy. In other examples limke A-Blast this doesn't happen.
Now I am wondering hwhy this happens, as the HMD'S orientation obtained from vrDisplay.pose has to be correct. Then why does the camera, which gets rotated via this pose shakes?
There is also another performance issue with webvr on firefox. at some point, OpenVR/SteamVR just claims firefox is unresponsive, alternating between displaying VIVE Home and the webvr scene in quivk succession.
Did anyone of you also noticed this behavior and has any idea how to fix it?

CSS3 Radial Gradient pulsating waves on Macbook Pro OSX 10.10 using Chrome

I'm experiencing issues with the following code
background-image: -webkit-radial-gradient(center center, circle cover, #706358, #302B29)
The gradient is showing up correctly but with pulsing waves on MacBook Pro's, from what I can tell.
I have a attached an image, but of course you need a macbook pro to be able to view the issue.
This is a well known issue of Google Chrome: see here
At the moment there are no fixes, your only choices are...
Disable the automatic GPU-Switching on your Macbook Pro
...or use another browser. Safari and Firefox are working fine.
Does this happen with all gradients, or just this one?
When you mentioned "pulsating waves", I instantly thought of the "moire effect".
Some displays combined with some color bit depth settings can render this effect.

Icon with no transparent pixels gets funny tint in Mac's Finder

Is there any special requirement for icons used by Mac applications that such icons should have transparent pixels in the top-left corner or some other place?
I'm currently trying to prepare a Mac build of a Unity3D-based game and noticed that if the icon of the game is a full-bleed square with NO transparent pixels, it gets some funny green-red-yellow tint when shown in Finder in small size (when viewed in List, Columns or Cover Flow). The icon is displayed fine on Desktop or if the folder is viewed in "as Icons" mode.
If the icon has a transparent frame, no such problem happens. I don't know anything about Mac development and neither googling or searching here brought up anything helpful, but sorry if this is really a basic question. Is it maybe a bug of Finder on Mac? I have 10.7.5 and Mid-2012 13' MacBook Pro.
The issue happens with this icon:
But doesn't happen with this icon:
Make sure the texture you're using as the icon in Unity is set to "Automatic Truecolor." You could be getting artifacts from whatever texture compression you're using on the texture.

CSS3 Bugs - Issues when using transform:rotate rules (Safari + Firefox)

I've got a Wordpress site with some CSS3 rules applied to some images that rotate the images and have a hover effect on rollover too. Problems are showing up in Safari & Firefox when you hover on and then off these images and I can't seem to locate any similar issues by people on the Interwebs.
See http://tinyurl.com/3n2eude and hover on and then off the images (the slightly rotated ones):
Member name goes blurry and then back to normal (Firefox)
Member image border becomes jagged (Firefox)
A big black line displays to the side of the member images sometimes when you hover back and forth between two member images (Safari)
If I disable the transform:rotate rules, it's all fine. So seems to be an issue with that rule. Just can't work out how to get around it.
Anybody got some ideas on how I could get around these or what might be causing it?
Thanks for any ideas you might have!
Bit old of a question but that problem is related with rendering on browser (from what I understood). It cannot be fixed on CSS/HTML side. It must be fixed on user side.
Fix: http://www.askvg.com/how-to-enable-direct2d-directwrite-hardware-acceleration-in-mozilla-firefox/
More information about problem: CSS3 rotate - rendering problems in Firefox and Safari
