macOS Big Sur VMWare Horizon Client 8.1 laggy mouse - macos

Has anyone dealt with an issue in VMWare Horizon on macOS Big Sur where the mouse is horrendously laggy? The lag is most noticeable when hovering over areas with text-input. This can be in my code editor, in a web browser search bar, sticky note, etc. Any and all text-input areas lag ridiculously. The mouse slows to a near stop and takes sometimes over a minute to drag across the screen. My mouse has different DPI toggles and I tried seeing if adjusting the DPI fixes it, and in some instances it made it worse. Using the trackpad on my laptop yields the same results so I don't believe its my mouse.
I researched the issue and people had similar problems, suggestions included enabling "Relative Mouse", toggling "Display Scaling" and "Use Full Resolution for Retina Display". None of them seem to be doing much of anything to remedy the lag. Anyone have suggestions on what to do? Thanks


Metal app on macOS lags when for example using the menu

I'm playing around with Metal and MetalKit on macOS. It works fine for the most part, but in everything I've built so far the rendering will lag for a brief moment when I do things in the menu bar or hover my mouse over the dock. It's kind of annoying.
The easiest way to reproduce this effect is by trying Apple's own 'Device Selection and Fallback for Graphics Rendering' Sample. I've observed the issue on macOS 10.13 and 10.14.
Does anyone have an idea how to fix this issue?
Core Animation won't lag like that, but it's not suitable for what I would like to do. I believe it's built on top of Metal these days though, making me believe that it should be possible to get rid of the lag.

Scrolling in Microsoft Remote Desktop on a Mac w/ Magic Trackpad 2

I'm experiencing wonky behavior using a Mac to remote into a Windows 7 PC using Microsoft's Remote Desktop app for the Mac, and using a Magic Trackpad 2 as my primary input device. The problems arise primarily when scrolling in various applications in Windows. It appears the Magic Trackpad is flooding windows with scroll events, causing unpredictable behavior in many applications. Some scroll ok, others whip around or back and forth, or stutter uncontrollably. I probably need to find a way to "filter" out this flood of scroll events into something more manageable by Windows, but I am unaware of any existing apps or utilities to do so? Has anyone else experienced this issue and/or have any potential solutions to it?
A bit more research, and I've got at least a partial solution to the issue. It helps greatly to turn off some of the "Magic" Apple imparts to its trackpads. Namely, turning off 'scrolling with inertia' helps with scrolling when using Remote Desktop. The default functionality for magic trackpad scrolling is to apply inertia to your scroll, making pages continue to scroll after you release the pad like they have weight. While this looks and feels cool, it wreaks havoc with some older windows apps. The trick is to turn this feature off you have to open the Mac's Accessibility control panel, not the one for the trackpad itself. Within Accessibility there are additional mouse and trackpad tweaks, one of which is to turn off inertial scrolling. Also, reducing the scrolling speed to its lowest setting makes Remote Desktop scrolling a bit easier. Hope this helps others.
One of a kind workaround that I came up recently is to decrease the number of lines for one notch of the mouse wheel.
P.S. For some reason the "Wheel" tab is not visible when I'm connected via MS RDP client, but available for the beta version (Version 10.1.5 (866)).
On the Mac side, pay attention to the speed part in the trackpad settings. Here I suggest you bring it to the fastest. Also, in the remote (windows) machine, increase the line per speed from default 3 to 10 And again, on the windows side, set the mouse speed to the fastest in the additional options section.

Translucent window becomes corrupted under Mavericks (Mac OS 10.9)

I'm having a very strange problem for which I have very little information to offer. Having searched the web to no avail I really just hoping that someone here has some idea of what can be happening.
I have a Mac application that displays a "head-up" display in a translucent window. This window changes size dynamically to fit the contents.
Under previous versions of Mac OS this works perfectly. Under Mavericks this works 95% of the time, however occasionally it will suddenly become corrupted and part of the window will lose it's transparency and become solid grey. At this point the only other window in the application also becomes corrupted in a similar fashion!
There's no apparent way to reliably reproduce the problem, it appears to be random.
I realise that this is very vague, but I don't have any more solid information to offer at this point. Has anyone else seen this sort of issue?
I'm not developing on my Mac, but I have occasional image corruption in translucent parts of the OS interface. It seems to occur after my Mac has waken from sleep. Random noise appears in the images where translucent gray background should be. I never saw this before upgrading to Mavericks. OS-level memory corruption is likely.

Xcode SDK & Trackpad gestures: animations setup

Q The question is, is there a way to disable the animations happening with the trackpad-gestures at the currently public-available Xcode 4.3.2 running MacOS 10.7.3 ?
Description I'm very concerned with the new Lion animations while going forward/back with a trackpad gestures. With a keyboard shortcuts the page changes instantly and with a gesture it takes about a second or two spraying around my concentration on the things that need to be found in the code.
Tried What i tried is to read the defaults in the Terminal looking for any animation/duration keys - without success.
Notes Looks like mr. Cook criticizes the things Apple is doing itself while preparing the combined mobile/stationary look&feel. If there's any startup project that collects all the user's customizing, i'll be glad to know. So far i tried the itweax application, it doesn't have yet the expected features however.
Safari stuff is not as much about the content importance, so i would not mind to leave the Safari animations, but changing it on the system level for all the apps is also good.
PS I believe that is about the “software tools commonly used by programmers” mentioned at “What kind of questions can I ask here?” SO FAQ section.
Don't know about disabling animations but if you want to trigger app keyboard commands through gestures, I found BetterTouchTool helpful with some of the major Lion annoyances. Ex. I was able to configure FireFox to do Home/End on a 3-finger swipe up/down.
No, there is no way to disable the animation.
You can, however, disable the page swiping functionality:
System Preferences > Trackpad > More Gestures > Deselect "Swipe between pages"
Unfortunately, there is no setting to disable or change the speed of the animation.

keyboard splitting hangs in opengl app

I have OpenGL application with UITextField in the main menu. When I tap on the text field the keyboard appears and I can edit the text. But if I running under iOS 5 and if I try to split keyboard then the keyboard starts splitting (I mean animation) and then hangs when I release my fingers. I mean it hangs on half splitting - and does not responds more. But my app is still alive - and render is working well - background animation is still working.
I have just made a simple test - have disabled the render at all. And the problem has gone. So the problem is related to OpenGL.
I use OpenGL ES 1.1,
XCode 4.2 and iOS SDK 5.0.
Do somebody have similar problems? Any suggestions?
Please help.
I have just tested two more games from AppStore - and in one I have found this problem too!
'Roads of Rome HD free' - iPad game.
I've encountered this problem too, but I was able to fix it due to previous experiences. In one application we found that if we keep our GL view active while playing video, the video playback position slider didn't behave smoothly. The same seems to happen with the keyboard split. If your problem is the same as mine, the issue is related to the keyboard split animation not finishing (and, in our case, the point where remained struck varied with each test)
We solved the issue stopping the animation on your GL view (I bet it's called EAGLView) when receiving a UIKeyboardWillChangeFrame notification and starting it again after UIKeyboardDidChangeFrame.
Old post, but I just came across this problem in ios 8 on an iPad3.
Running an OpenGL app at 60fps seems to throttle the keyboard update. Reducing your FPS while the keyboard overlay is active will fix the issue.
I'm using GLKViewController to manage the update and Draw callbacks with a 60fps refresh, but that was causing the keyboard split to lock up half completed.
I found the best solution for me was to set the view's preferredFramesPerSecond to 20 while receiving text input, and then set back to 60 after the textView is closed. As well as fixing the keyboard hang, it also just makes the keyboard generally more responsive.
myViewController.preferredFramesPerSecond = 20;
