Google MLKIT Face Detector Size Unit - google-api

What is the size unit in MLKIT Face detector (DP/PX/ETC) ?
for example in
Task<List<Face>> faceResult = faceDetector.process(inputImage);
List<Face> faces = faceResult.getResult();
int width = faces.get(0).getBoundingBox().width();
what is the size unit of width?

It is the pixel unit that matches the InputImage you passed in


Limit maximum zoom for a scene in Three.js

I have a Three.js App and I wanna limit the zoom for the scene, because logically at some zoom the user can get inside of my 3D object, which in my oppinion is not a really good UX.
I tried scene.maxZoom = number; but did not work. What can I do?
Here is the code:
You don't need Three.js to limit the range of numbers, just simple JavaScript. Use Math.min(a, b) to get the lower of the two values.
const MAX_ZOOM = 2.5;
// Clamp user input to 2.5 and below
camera.zoom = Math.min(userInput, MAX_ZOOM);
With this approach, if userInput = 3, it will get clamped at 2.5. There's also Math.max() if you want to clamp it on the lower range.

Convert Xamarin.Forms measure units to pixels

How can I convert, for example, view.WidthRequest value to platform pixels? I'm looking for method like Device.ConvertToPixels(10).
I want to use it for SkiaSharp drawing. For example I want to draw circle with stroke = 10 in (xamarin.forms units) which will be converted to pixels on draw.
Multiply MainDisplayInfo.Density by (xamarin.forms units) and you get that pixels.
I made a method.
double XamDIUConvertToPixels(double XamDIU)
var desplayinfo = DeviceDisplay.MainDisplayInfo;
var pixcels = desplayinfo.Density * XamDIU;
return pixcels;
DeviceDisplay must be done on the UI thread or else an exception will be thrown in iOS.
read this:
You can also do a scale at the top of the draw and then use whatever units you like.
For example, on a 2x display, you can do a canvas.Scale(2) and then draw as if it was a 1x.
In the case of a Xamarin.Forms paint event, there is the event args that has all the info you need:
canvas.Scale(e.Info.Width / view.Width);
Also, you can have a look at this blog post where I show off some things:
You could try the code below:
In Android:
var dp = 100;
int pixel = (int)TypedValue.ApplyDimension(ComplexUnitType.Dip, dp, this.Resources.DisplayMetrics);
In Xamarin.Forms, try to use the Dependency Service.

Drawing PixelFormat32bppPARGB images with GDI+ uses conventional formula instead of premultiplied one

Here is some minimal code to show an issue:
static const int MAX_WIDTH = 320;
static const int MAX_HEIGHT = 320;
Gdiplus::Bitmap foregroundImg(MAX_WIDTH,MAX_HEIGHT,PixelFormat32bppPARGB);
Gdiplus::Graphics g(&foregroundImg);
Gdiplus::Bitmap softwareBitmap(MAX_WIDTH,MAX_HEIGHT,PixelFormat32bppPARGB);
Gdiplus::Graphics g(&softwareBitmap);
CLSID encoder;
As result I'm getting image filled by RGB values equals to 10. It seems GDI+ uses the conventional algorithm:
255*(10/255) + 0*(1-10/255) == 10.
But I'm expecting that premultiplied algorithm will be used (because foreground image has the premultiplied PixelFormat32bppPARGB format):
255 + 0*(1-10/255) == 255
So my question, why GDI+ uses conventional formula when image is in premultiplied alpha format? And is there any workaround to make GDI+ to use the premultiplied alpha algorithm?
The format of your foreground image doesn't matter (given that it has alpha) because you're setting it to a Gdiplus::Color. Color values are defined as non-premultiplied, so gdiplus multiplies the components by the alpha value when it clears the foreground image. The alternative would be for Color values to have different meaning depending on the format of the render target, and that way lies madness.
You might be able to do what you intend by setting the source image bits directly, or you might not. Components with values greater than 100% aren't really valid in gdiplus's rendering model, so I'd not be surprised if it caps them during rendering. If you really want this level of control over the rendering, you'll have to lock the bitmap bits and do it yourself.

kineticjs regular polygon setFillPatternImage alignment issue

I am using a kineticjs regular polygon (a hexagon in this case) and I am filling it with an image using setFillPatternImage. This is working. I'm creating a dynamic implementation so I need to scale the source image depending on the current size of the polygon. This involves calculating the setFillPatternOffset and the setFillPatternScale since the dimensions of a regular polygon are relative to the center. There is no clear documentation that I can find regarding the reference point for the fill image, nor whether the scaling factor should use the radius as a proxy for the width and height ratios or not. The following code results in a misplaced image on the polygon. Anyone know what the alignment rules are for fillPatternImage?
imageObj.onload = function() {
var whex = hexagon.getRadius() * 2;
var xratio = whex / imageObj.width;
var yratio = whex / imageObj.height;
hexagon.setFillPatternScale( [ xratio, yratio ] );
Looks like I was over-thinking this. Rather than using the width of the destination polygon when setting the offset, kineticjs handles the scaling of that offset for you. As a result you simply set the offset with:
hexagon.setFillPatternOffset(-imageObj.width/2, -imageObj.height/2);

Actionscript: resizing bitmapdata with smoothing

var bd:BitmapData=new BitmapData(file.width,file.height);
bd.setPixels(new Rectangle(0,0,file.width,file.height),file.raw);
var scale_x_percents:Number = (w / bd.width);
var scale_y_percents:Number = (h / bd.height);
if(!stretch) {
if(bd.width*scale_y_percents>=w) {
else if(bd.height*scale_x_percents>=h) {
var matrix:Matrix = new Matrix();
var resizedBd:BitmapData = new BitmapData(Math.floor(bd.width*scale_x_percents), Math.floor(bd.height*scale_y_percents), true, 0x000000);
resizedBd.draw(bd, matrix, null, null, null, true); // true is smoothing option, it will blur sharpened pixels
Having problem with images resizing. Looks like smoothing is not working or something is missing in the code. Maybe Matrix should have something more?
Original image:
and it's result:
I can link a bunch of others images. Some strange pixel disposition exist.
Can it be fixed somehow?
I have tested jpeg quality 100% and stage.quality='best', but none of them give the required quality outcome.
It seems that your problem is "nearest" sampling mode when drawing a BitmapData over a BitmapData. Perhaps the following might help:
var sh:Shape=new Shape();,matrix,false,true);,0,0); // no lines border this shape,0,resizedBD.width,resizedBD.height);;
resizedBD.draw(sh); // or with smoothing on
Using Flash's native graphics renderer will most likely perform at least a bilinear interpolation on a drawn bitmap, which seemingly is your desired result. Also, stage.quality applies if that shape is added to stage (BTW, you can use the shape to display an uploaded pic, then draw over a BitmapData in order to save.) But, this might not work - I can't test this right now.
