Actionscript: resizing bitmapdata with smoothing - image

var bd:BitmapData=new BitmapData(file.width,file.height);
bd.setPixels(new Rectangle(0,0,file.width,file.height),file.raw);
var scale_x_percents:Number = (w / bd.width);
var scale_y_percents:Number = (h / bd.height);
if(!stretch) {
if(bd.width*scale_y_percents>=w) {
else if(bd.height*scale_x_percents>=h) {
var matrix:Matrix = new Matrix();
var resizedBd:BitmapData = new BitmapData(Math.floor(bd.width*scale_x_percents), Math.floor(bd.height*scale_y_percents), true, 0x000000);
resizedBd.draw(bd, matrix, null, null, null, true); // true is smoothing option, it will blur sharpened pixels
Having problem with images resizing. Looks like smoothing is not working or something is missing in the code. Maybe Matrix should have something more?
Original image:
and it's result:
I can link a bunch of others images. Some strange pixel disposition exist.
Can it be fixed somehow?
I have tested jpeg quality 100% and stage.quality='best', but none of them give the required quality outcome.

It seems that your problem is "nearest" sampling mode when drawing a BitmapData over a BitmapData. Perhaps the following might help:
var sh:Shape=new Shape();,matrix,false,true);,0,0); // no lines border this shape,0,resizedBD.width,resizedBD.height);;
resizedBD.draw(sh); // or with smoothing on
Using Flash's native graphics renderer will most likely perform at least a bilinear interpolation on a drawn bitmap, which seemingly is your desired result. Also, stage.quality applies if that shape is added to stage (BTW, you can use the shape to display an uploaded pic, then draw over a BitmapData in order to save.) But, this might not work - I can't test this right now.


How can I get rid of artifacts in ImageSource created with SkiaSharp

I created an app in which I want to display text on top of google maps. I chose to use custom markers, but they can only be images, so I decided to create an image from my text utilizing SkiaSharp.
private static ImageSource CreateImageSource(string text)
int numberSize = 20;
int margin = 5;
SKBitmap bitmap = new SKBitmap(30, numberSize + margin * 2, SKImageInfo.PlatformColorType, SKAlphaType.Premul);
SKCanvas canvas = new SKCanvas(bitmap);
SKPaint paint = new SKPaint
Style = SKPaintStyle.StrokeAndFill,
TextSize = numberSize,
Color = SKColors.Red,
StrokeWidth = 1,
canvas.DrawText(text.ToString(), 0, numberSize, paint);
SKImage skImage = SKImage.FromBitmap(bitmap);
SKData data = skImage.Encode(SKEncodedImageFormat.Png, 100);
return ImageSource.FromStream(data.AsStream);
The images I create however have ugly artifacts on the top of the resulting image and my feeling is that they get worse if I create multiple images.
I built an example app, that shows the artifacts and the code I used to draw the text. It can be found here:
How can I get rid of those artifacts. Am I using skia wrong?
I got the following answer from Matthew Leibowitz on the SkiaSharp GitHub:
The chances are you are not clearing the canvas/bitmap first.
You can either do bitmap.Erase(SKColors.Transparent) or canvas.Clear(SKColors.Transparent) (you can use any color).
The reason for this is performance. When creating a new bitmap, the computer has no way of knowing what background color you want. So, if it was to go transparent and you wanted white, then there would be two draw operations to clear the pixels (and this may be very expensive for large images).
During the allocation of the bitmap, the memory is provided, but the actual data is untouched. If there was anything there previously (which there will be), this data appears as colored pixels.
When I've seen that before, it's been because the memory passed to SkiaSharp was not zeroed. As an optimization, though, Skia assumes that the memory block passed to it is pre zeroed. Resultingly, if your first operation is a clear, it will ignore that operation, because it thinks that the state is already clean. To resolve this issue, you can manually zero the memory passed to SkiaSharp.
public static SKSurface CreateSurface(int width, int height)
// create a block of unmanaged native memory for use as the Skia bitmap buffer.
// unfortunately, this may not be zeroed in some circumstances.
IntPtr buff = System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.AllocCoTaskMem(width * height * 4);
byte[] empty = new byte[width * height * 4];
// copy in zeroed memory.
// maybe there's a more sanctioned way to do this.
System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.Copy(empty, 0, buff, width * height * 4);
// create the actual SkiaSharp surface.
var colorSpace = CGColorSpace.CreateDeviceRGB();
var bContext = new CGBitmapContext(buff, width, height, 8, width * 4, colorSpace, (CGImageAlphaInfo)bitmapInfo);
var surface = SKSurface.Create(width, height, SKColorType.Rgba8888, SKAlphaType.Premul, bitmap.Data, width * 4);
return surface;
Edit: btw, I assume this is a bug in SkiaSharp. The samples/apis that create the buffer for you should probably be zeroing it out. Depending on the platform it can be hard to repro as the memory alloc behaves differently. More or less likely to provide you untouched memory.

How to achieve high quality cropped images from canvas?

I am desperately searching for a good cropping tool. There are a bunch out there, for example:
The most important thing that I am trying to find is a cropping tool, that crops images without making the cropped image low in resolution. You can hack this by using the canvas tag by resizing the image. This way the image itself stays native, only the representation is smaller.
DarkroomJS was also something near the solution, but, unfortunately, the downloaded demo did not work. I'll try to figure out whats wrong. Does someone know some great alternatives, or how to get the cropped images in...let's say "native" resolution?
Thanks in advance!
You are relying on the cropping tool to provide an interface for the users. the problem is that the image returned is sized to the interface and not the original image. Rather than me sifting through the various API's to see if they provide some way of controlling this behaviour (I assume at least some of them would) and because it is such a simple procedure I will show how to crop the image manually.
To use JCrop as an example
Jcrop provides various events for cropstart, cropmove, cropend... You can add a listener to listen to these events and keep a copy of the current cropping interface state
var currentCrop;
jQuery('#target').on('cropstart cropmove cropend',function(e,s,crop){
currentCrop = crop;
I don't know where you have set the interface size and I am assuming the events return the crop details at the interface scale
var interfaceSize = { //you will have to work this out
w : ?,
h : ?.
Your original image
var myImage = new Image(); // Assume you know how to load
So when the crop button is clicked you can create the new image by scaling the crop details back to the original image size, creating a canvas at the cropped size, drawing the image so that the cropped area is corectly positioned and returning the canvas as is or as a new image.
// image = image to crop
// crop = the current cropping region
// interfaceSize = the size of the full image in the interface
// returns a new cropped image at full res
function myCrop(image,crop,interfaceSize){
var scaleX = image.width / interfaceSize.w; // get x scale
var scaleY = image.height / interfaceSize.h; // get y scale
// get full res crop region. rounding to pixels
var x = Math.round(crop.x * scaleX);
var y = Math.round(crop.y * scaleY);
var w = Math.round(crop.w * scaleX);
var h = Math.round(crop.h * scaleY);
// Assume crop will never pad
// create an drawable image
var croppedImage = document.createElement("canvas");
croppedImage.width = w;
croppedImage.height = h;
var ctx = croppedImage.getContext("2d");
// draw the image offset so the it is correctly cropped
return croppedImage
You then only need to call this function when the crop button is clicked
var croppedImage;
myButtonElement.onclick = function(){
if(currentCrop !== undefined){ // ensure that there is a selected crop
croppedImage = myCrop(myImage,currentCrop,interfaceSize);
You can convert the image to a dataURL for download, and upload via
imageData = croppedImage.toDataURL(mimeType,quality) // quality is optional and only for "image/jpeg" images

Is it possible to save a generated image in Codename One?

My question is related to this previous question. What I want to achieve is to stack images (they have transparency), write a string on top, and save the photomontage / photocollage with full resolution.
protected void beforeMain(Form f) {
Image photoBase = fetchResourceFile().getImage("Voiture_4_3.jpg");
Image watermark = fetchResourceFile().getImage("Watermark.png");
f.setLayout(new LayeredLayout());
final Label drawing = new Label();
// Image mutable dans laquelle on va dessiner (fond blanc)
Image mutableImage = Image.createImage(photoBase.getWidth(), photoBase.getHeight());
// Paint all the stuff
paints(mutableImage.getGraphics(), photoBase, watermark, photoBase.getWidth(), photoBase.getHeight());
// Save the collage
Image screenshot = Image.createImage(photoBase.getWidth(), photoBase.getHeight());
drawing.paintComponent(screenshot.getGraphics(), true);
String imageFile = FileSystemStorage.getInstance().getAppHomePath() + "screenshot.png";
try(OutputStream os = FileSystemStorage.getInstance().openOutputStream(imageFile)) {
ImageIO.getImageIO().save(screenshot, os, ImageIO.FORMAT_PNG, 1);
} catch(IOException err) {
public void paints(Graphics g, Image background, Image watermark, int width, int height) {
g.drawImage(background, 0, 0);
g.drawImage(watermark, 0, 0);
// Upper left corner
g.fillRect(0, 0, 10, 10);
// Lower right corner
g.fillRect(width - 10, height - 10, 10, 10);
Font f = Font.createTrueTypeFont("Geometos", "Geometos.ttf").derive(220, Font.STYLE_BOLD);
// Draw a string right below the M from Mercedes on the car windscreen (measured in Gimp)
(int) (848 ),
(int) (610)
This is the saved screenshot I get if I use the Iphone6 skin (the payload image is smaller than the original one and is centered). If I use the Xoom skin this is what I get (the payload image is still smaller than the original image but it has moved to the left).
So to sum it all up : why is the saved screenshot with Xoom skin different from the one I get with Iphone skin ? Is there anyway to directly save the graphics on which I paint in the paints method so that the saved image would have the original dimensions ?
Thanks a lot to anyone that could help me :-)!
You can save an image in Codename one using the ImageIO class. Notice that you can draw a container hierarchy into a mutable image using the paintComponent(Graphics) method.
You can do both approaches with draw image on mutable or via layouts. Personally I always prefer layouts as I like the abstraction but I wouldn't say the mutable image approach is right/wrong.
Notice that if you change/repaint a lot then mutable images are slower (this will not be noticeable for regular code or on the simulator) as they are forced to use the software renderer and can't use the GPU fully.
In the previous question it seems you placed the image with a "FIT" style which naturally drew it smaller than the containing container and then drew the image on top of it manually... This is problematic.
One solution is to draw everything manually but then you will need to do the "fit" aspect of drawing yourself. If you use layouts you should position everything based on the layouts including your drawing/text.

GraphicsView fitInView() very pixelated result when downshrinking

I have searched everywhere and i cannot find any solution after 2 days of trying.
The Problem:
I'm doing an image Viewer with "Fit Image to View" feature. I load a picture of say 3000+ pixels in my GraphicsView (which is a lot smaller ofcourse), scrollbars appear that's good. When i click my btnFitView and executed:
This is down scaling right? After fitInView() all lines are pixelated. It looks like a saw went over the lines on the image.
For example: image of a car has lines, image of a texbook (letters become in very bad quality).
My code sample:
// select file, load image in view
QString strFilePath = QFileDialog::getOpenFileName(
tr("Open File"),
tr("Images (*.png *.jpg)"));
imageObject = new QImage();
image = QPixmap::fromImage(*imageObject);
scene = new QGraphicsScene(this);
// on_btnFitView_Clicked() :
Just before fitInView(), sizes are:
qDebug()<<"sceneRect = "<< scene->sceneRect();
qDebug()<<"viewRect = " << ui->graphicsView->rect();
sceneRect = QRectF(0,0 1000x750)
viewRect = QRect(0,0 733x415)
If it is necessary i can upload screenshots of original loaded image and fitted in view ?
Am i doing this right? It seems all examples on the Web work with fitInView for auto-fitting. Should i use some other operations on the pixmap perhaps?
bool ImgViewer::loadImage(const QString &strImagePath)
m_image = new QImage(strImagePath);
return false;
m_pixmap = QPixmap::fromImage(*m_image);
m_pixmapItem = m_scene->addPixmap(m_pixmap);
// preserve fitView if active
return true;
void ImgViewer::fitView()
QPixmap px = m_pixmap; // use local pixmap (not original) otherwise image is blurred after scaling the same image multiple times
px = px.scaled(QSize(this->width(),this->height()),Qt::KeepAspectRatio,Qt::SmoothTransformation);
void ImgViewer::originalSize()
m_pixmap = m_pixmap.scaled(QSize(m_image.width(),m_image.height()),Qt::KeepAspectRatio,Qt::SmoothTransformation);
this->centerOn(m_pixmapItem); //ensure item is centered in the view.
On downshrink this produces good quality. Here are some stats after calling these 2 functions:
// "originalSize()" : IMAGE SIZE = (1152, 2048)
// "originalSize()" : PIXMAP SIZE = (1152, 2048)
// "originalSize()" : VIEW SIZE = (698, 499)
// "originalSize()" : SCENE SIZE = (1152, 2048)
// "fitView()" : IMAGE SIZE = (1152, 2048)
// "fitView()" : PIXMAP SIZE = (1152, 2048)
// "fitView()" : VIEW SIZE = (698, 499)
// "fitView()" : SCENE SIZE = (280, 499)
There is a problem now, after call to fitView() look the size of scene? Much smaller.
And if fitView() is activated, and I now scale the image on wheelEvent (zoomIn/zoomOut), with the views scale function: scale(factor,factor); ..produces terrible result.
This doesn't happen with originalSize() where scene size is equal to image size.
Think of the view as a window into the scene.
Moving the view large amounts, either zooming in or out, will likely create images that don't look great. Rather than the image being scaled as you would expect, the view is just moving away from the scene and doing its best to render the image, but the image has not been scaled, just transformed in the scene.
Rather than using QGraphicsView::fitInView, keep the main image in memory and create a scaled version of the image with QPixamp::scaled, each time FitInView is selected, or the user zooms in / out. Then set this QPixmap on the QGraphicsPixmapItem with setPixmap.
You may also want to think about dropping the scroll bars and allowing the user to drag the image around the screen, which provides a better user interface, in my opinion; though of-course it depends on your requirements.

three.js - Objects farther away from camera gets jagged textures

I'm struggeling with textures on objects that are a bit farther back in the scene. The textures become very jagged, and creates a disturbing effect as the camera moves. I've tried changing the anisotropy, and I've tried changing the min and mag filters, but nothing seems to help at all.
Code I'm using to load textures (all textures are 1024px by 1024px):
var texture = new THREE.Texture();
var texloader = new THREE.ImageLoader(manager);
texloader.load('static/3d/' + name + '.jpg', function (image) {
texture.image = image;
texture.needsUpdate = true;
texture.anisotropy = 1;
texture.minFilter = THREE.LinearFilter;
texture.magFilter = THREE.LinearMipmapLinearFilter;
You can see it in action here:
gaitat is wrong, you do want the mipmaps.
The problem with your code is that they are not generated.
Using the console, I found that while "generateMipmaps" in your textures is set to "true", mipmaps are not generated, as seen in this screenshot:
I looked at your textures, and I believe the mipmaps weren't generated due to your textures not being a power of 2 (e.g. 128x128, 256x256, 512x512). Try making your textures of width and height that are powers of 2 and I think the mipmaps will be generated and they won't look jagged anymore.
As objects move further away from the camera webgl uses textures automatically generated called mipmaps. These are of lower resolution. If you don't like them disable them by:
texture.generateMipmaps = false;
Okay. So I thought I'd tried all the different mipmap filters, but apparently no. So this is what ended up doing the trick:
texture.minFilter = THREE.NearestMipMapNearestFilter;
texture.magFilter = THREE.LinearMipMapLinearFilter;
Didn't need the anisotropy at all.
