Connecting to Cassandra Cluster from Springboot application throws "AllNodesFailedException: Could not reach any contact point" Exception - spring-boot

Springboot application is failing to start up because it is failing to connect to the Cassandra contact points. Though the same configuration is working with localhost Cassandra setup but not with the actual Cassandra cluster. Configuration class is given below.
#EnableCassandraRepositories(basePackages = { "" })
public class CassandraConfiguration extends AbstractCassandraConfiguration {
private String contactPoints;
private int port;
private String keySpace;
private String schemaAction;
protected String getKeyspaceName() {
return keySpace;
protected String getContactPoints() {
return contactPoints;
protected int getPort() {
return port;
public SchemaAction getSchemaAction() {
return SchemaAction.valueOf(schemaAction);

The exception message you posted indicates that your application is not able to reach any of the nodes in your cluster.
You haven't provided details of your environment or how you've configured your cluster but the exception mostly relates to networking. You need to make sure that there is network connectivity between your app instances and all the [local] nodes of the Cassandra cluster you're connecting to. Check that there is no firewall blocking access to the CQL client port (default is 9042) on the nodes.
Also check that the Cassandra nodes are configured to listen for client connections on a publicly-reachable interface -- rpc_address in cassandra.yaml should not be set to a private address.
Use Linux utilities such as nc, telnet, netstat and lsof to assist with your troubleshooting. Cheers!


Spring data cassandra - error while opening new channel

I have a problem with Cassandra's connection with spring-data. When Cassandra is running locally I have no problem with connecting, however when I ran my spring-boot app in k8s with external Cassandra I am stuck on WARN:
2020-07-24 10:26:32.398 WARN 6 --- [ s0-admin-0] c.d.o.d.internal.core.pool.ChannelPool : [s0|/] Error while opening new channel (ConnectionInitException: [s0|connecting...] Protocol initialization request, step 1 (STARTUP {CQL_VERSION=3.0.0, DRIVER_NAME=DataStax Java driver for Apache Cassandra(R), DRIVER_VERSION=4.7.2, CLIENT_ID=9679ee85-ff39-45b6-8573-62a8d827ec9e}): failed to send request (java.nio.channels.ClosedChannelException))
I don't understand why in the log I have [s0|/] instead of the IP of my contact points.
Spring configuration:
keyspace-name: event_store
local-datacenter: datacenter1
contact-points: host1:9042,host2:9042
Also this WARN is not causing that spring-boot won't start however if I do query in service I have error:
{ error: "Query; CQL [com.datastax.oss.driver.internal.core.cql.DefaultSimpleStatement#9463dccc]; No node was available to execute the query; nested exception is com.datastax.oss.driver.api.core.NoNodeAvailableException: No node was available to execute the query" }
Option 1: test your yml file like this. (Have you tried with ip address?)
keyspace-name: event_store
local-datacenter: datacenter1
contact-points: host1,host2
username: cassandra
password: cassandra
Option 2: Create new properties on your yml and than a configuration class
keyspace-name: event_store
contact-points: host1, host2
port: 9042
username: cassandra
password: cassandra
public class CassandraConfig extends AbstractCassandraConfiguration {
private String keySpace;
private String contactPoints;
private int port;
private String userName;
private String password;
protected String getKeyspaceName() {
return keySpace;
public CassandraMappingContext cassandraMapping() throws ClassNotFoundException {
CassandraMappingContext context = new CassandraMappingContext();
context.setUserTypeResolver(new SimpleUserTypeResolver(cluster().getObject(), keySpace));
return context;
public CassandraClusterFactoryBean cluster() {
CassandraClusterFactoryBean cluster = super.cluster();
return cluster;
protected boolean getMetricsEnabled() {
return false;

How to validate/display a message If Queue connected

I was able to connect to IBM MQ from local & listen, do processing.
Once I deploy to open shift ( ports are open though), I am not seeing it is processing messages by going into #JmsListener.
Is there a way we can check/display a message once connected to Queue.
What might be wrong in my case.
public class SampleMessageReceiver {
#Autowired private RestTemplate restTemplate;
#Autowired private UrlsConfig urlsConfig;
destination = "${}",
containerFactory = "myListenerContainerFactory",
selector = "JMSCorrelationID='c9d5e2d7c5c3e3c9d6d54040404040404040404040404040'")
public void processSampleMessage(#Valid SampleMessage sampleMessage) {
System.out.println("~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ In process SampleMessages ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n\n");

Test sending email in Spring

I want to test my services in spring which should send emails.
I try to use org.subethamail:subethasmtp.
To acieve my goal I created service MySender where I send email:
private MailSender mailSender;
SimpleMailMessage message = new SimpleMailMessage();
// ...
To test this piece of code I created test (in test scope):
And test configuration class which should start Wiser SMTP server and make it reusable in tests:
public class TestConfiguration {
private Wiser wiser;
String smtpHost;
int smtpPort;
public Wiser provideWiser() {
// provide wiser for verification in tests
Wiser wiser = new Wiser();
return wiser;
public void initializeMailServer() {
// start server
public void shutdownMailServer() {
// stop server
Expected result is that application sends email using Wiser smtp server and verify number of sended messages.
But when I run service application throws MailSendException(Couldn't connect to host, port:, 4688; timeout -1;).
But when I add breakpoint and try connect using telnet smtp server allow to connect and don't throw Connection refused.
Do you have any idea why I can't test sending mails?
Full code preview is available on github:
I faced same problem. If using some constant port number for spring.mail.port in test Spring configuration combined with Maven tests forking, it resulted in tests randomly failing on port conflict when starting Wiser.
As noted here in comments, using doesn't help - it returns different value each time it's referenced, and it's expected behavior (see this issue).
Hence, we need a different way to initialize spring.mail.port with a random value, so it would be constant within the test execution. Here's a way to do it (thanks for advice here):
First, we may not set spring.mail.port in test properties file at all. We'll initialize it in TestPropertySource. We'll need a class like this:
public class RandomPortInitailizer implements ApplicationContextInitializer<ConfigurableApplicationContext> {
public void initialize(ConfigurableApplicationContext applicationContext) {
int randomPort = SocketUtils.findAvailableTcpPort();
"spring.mail.port=" + randomPort);
Now we can run our tests this way (not too different from what's found in OP):
#ContextConfiguration(initializers = RandomPortInitailizer.class)
public class WhenEmailingSomeStuff {
String smtpHost;
int smtpPort;
public void startEmailServer() {
wiser = new Wiser();
public void stopEmailServer() {
public void testYourJavaMailSenderHere() {
in the application properties can you also add
The change your code to have these extra two values
private boolean auth;
private boolean starttls;
and put these options in your initializeMailServer
Properties mailProperties = new Properties();
mailProperties.put("mail.smtp.auth", auth);
mailProperties.put("mail.smtp.starttls.enable", starttls);
let me know if this worked for you

Global state and local address in OkHttp

We are currently using Apache Httpclient in our custom load test framework. I have to implement support for WebSocket testing, and since HttpClient does not support WebSockets, I am looking for alternatives. So, I've been playing with OkHttp and Async Http Client. In general, I could use both as a replacement, but either one gives me a few challenges I need to tackle. Here's the ones I'm facing with OkHttp:
OkHttp uses global static state in com.squareup.okhttp.internal.Internal which seems a little bit scary to me. In our framework, we launch lots of threads which in turn execute what we call request flows. Each thread would get its own HttpClient instance. It seems, with OkHttp you cannot have multiple independent OkHttpClient instances in one VM because they would interfere due to this static stuff. I seem to be able to work around this problem by using one OkHttpClient instance with a CookieHandler that delegates to thread-scoped CookieHandlers. I might have to do the same with ConnectionPools. Am I on the right track here?
I need to be able to set the local address. We have client machines with multiple NICs which have to be evenly used. That's no problem with Apache HttpClient and AsyncHttpClient. How can this be done with OkHttp?
Digging through the code again after Jesse posted his comments, I realized that the Internal singleton does not keep state. I guess I was irritated just by the fact that I found a singleton in the codebase even though is does not do any harm.
I was able to set the local address using a custom Socket Factory as Jesse suggested:
public class LocalAddressSocketFactory extends SocketFactory {
private static final String ERROR_MSG = "On unconnected sockets are supported";
private final SocketFactory delegate;
private final Provider<InetAddress> localAddressProvider;
public LocalAddressSocketFactory(final SocketFactory delegate,
final Provider<InetAddress> localAddressProvider) {
this.delegate = delegate;
this.localAddressProvider = localAddressProvider;
public Socket createSocket() throws IOException {
Socket socket = delegate.createSocket();
socket.bind(new InetSocketAddress(localAddressProvider.get(), 0));
return socket;
public Socket createSocket(final String remoteAddress, final int remotePort)
throws IOException, UnknownHostException {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException(ERROR_MSG);
public Socket createSocket(final InetAddress remoteAddress, final int remotePort)
throws IOException {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException(ERROR_MSG);
public Socket createSocket(final String remoteAddress, final int remotePort,
final InetAddress localAddress, final int localPort)
throws IOException, UnknownHostException {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException(ERROR_MSG);
public Socket createSocket(final InetAddress remoteAddress, final int remotePort,
final InetAddress localAddress, final int localPort)
throws IOException {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException(ERROR_MSG);
This class relies on the fact the OkHttp only creates unconnected Sockets. I'd appreciate it if this could be documented. OkHttpClient allows a custom SocketFactory to be set, but you have to find out yourself how it is used. I just submitted a pull request enhancing the Javadocs:

Spring Boot and how to configure connection details to MongoDB?

Being new to Spring Boot I am wondering on how I can configure connection details for MongoDB.
I have tried the normal examples but none covers the connection details.
I want to specify the database that is going to be used and the url/port of the host that runs MongoDB.
Any hints or tips?
Just to quote Boot Docs:
You can set property to change the url, or alternatively specify a host/port. For example, you might declare the following in your
All available options for prefix are fields of MongoProperties:
private String host;
private int port = DBPort.PORT;
private String uri = "mongodb://localhost/test";
private String database;
private String gridFsDatabase;
private String username;
private char[] password;
It's also important to note that MongoDB has the concept of "authentication database", which can be different than the database you are connecting to. For example, if you use the official Docker image for Mongo and specify the environment variables MONGO_INITDB_ROOT_USERNAME and MONGO_INITDB_ROOT_PASSWORD, a user will be created on 'admin' database, which is probably not the database you want to use. In this case, you should specify parameters accordingly on your file using:<username specified on MONGO_INITDB_ROOT_USERNAME><password specified on MONGO_INITDB_ROOT_PASSWORD><the db you want to use> and are not supported if you’re using the Mongo 3.0 Java driver. In such cases, should be used to provide all of the configuration, like this:
In a maven project create a file src/main/resources/application.yml with the following content:
spring.profiles: integration
# use local or embedded mongodb at localhost:27017
spring.profiles: production mongodb://<user>:<passwd>#<host>:<port>/<dbname>
Spring Boot will automatically use this file to configure your application. Then you can start your spring boot application either with the integration profile (and use your local MongoDB)
java -jar your-app.jar
or with the production profile (and use your production MongoDB)
java -jar your-app.jar
You can define more details by extending AbstractMongoConfiguration.
public class SpringMongoConfig extends AbstractMongoConfiguration {
private String profileActive;
private String proAppName;
private String mongoHost;
private String mongoPort;
private String mongoDB;
public MongoMappingContext mongoMappingContext()
throws ClassNotFoundException {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
return super.mongoMappingContext();
public Mongo mongo() throws Exception {
return new MongoClient(mongoHost + ":" + mongoPort);
protected String getDatabaseName() {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
return mongoDB;
In case that somebody is trying to connect to a Atlas MongoDB Cluster in has to have a config like:
In my case I needed to set up MongoDB for integration tests using Testcontainers. Using properites file was not an option since Mongo port had to be specified during runtime. I wanted to preseve original MongoDB autoconfiguration provided by SpringBoot but override some of the properties. This can be achieved by defining a bean of type MongoClientSettingsBuilderCustomizer which can be used to customize mongo settings :
public MongoClientSettingsBuilderCustomizer clientSettingsBuilderCustomizer(final GenericContainer<?> mongoDBContainer) {
String database = environment.getProperty("");
ConnectionString connectionString = new ConnectionString(String.format("mongodb://localhost:%s/%s", mongoDBContainer.getFirstMappedPort(), database));
return settings -> settings.applyConnectionString(connectionString);
If you simply want to read a MongoDB connection string from an environment variable, one way is to set the following environment variable:
This doesn't require any changes in the as the spring data mongo will read the value from the above environment variable by default.
Here is How you can do in Spring Boot 2.0 by creating custom MongoClient adding Providing more control for Connection ,
Please follow github Link for Full Source Code
#EnableMongoRepositories(basePackages = { "com.frugalis.repository" })
#ComponentScan(basePackages = { "com.frugalis.*" })
public class MongoJPAConfig extends AbstractMongoConfiguration {
private String database;
private String host;
private String port;
private String username;
private String password;
protected String getDatabaseName() {
return database;
protected String getMappingBasePackage() {
return "com.frugalis.entity.mongo";
public MongoTemplate mongoTemplate() throws Exception {
return new MongoTemplate(mongoClient(), getDatabaseName());
public MongoClient mongoClient() {
List<MongoCredential> allCred = new ArrayList<MongoCredential>();
System.out.println("???????????????????"+username+" "+database+" "+password+" "+host+" "+port);
allCred.add(MongoCredential.createCredential(username, database, password.toCharArray()));
MongoClient client = new MongoClient((new ServerAddress(host, Integer.parseInt(port))), allCred);
return client;
