CkEditor html to docx conversion - 3 column header - ckeditor

I have tried various HTML on the ckeditor demo page ( attempting to get a reliable 2 (Left, Right) or 3 column (Left, Center, Right) layout for the header, but am unable to get it work due to ckeditor docx conversion only supporting a limited number of css properties (
So I thought perhaps a plain table layout would work. However, the table layout suffers from borders that I cannot seem to remove.
To make generating HTML easier, I found this ckeditor Import from word word-to-html converter ( so we can see what styles are actually accepted by creating a document in word and converting it to html. Then when it gets converted back to word we will know the html works.
Any thoughts or solutions would be greatly appreciated!


Convert .docx to Html without CSS with Docx4j

I'm trying to "upload" an html-converted .docx file into a CKEditor. So far, the convertion from .docx to html is nearly perfect and I'm able to pass the code from Java(Spring/Maven) to my webapp(ZK framework, using native CKEditor and JavaScript).
The problems I've had so far revolve around the fact that the loaded text is either half-formatted or not formatted at all, and that's the actual reason I'm working in this (To avoid loss of format present by copy-pasting). I've managed to find the reason of this behaviour: CK likes HTML tags OR won't use multiple styles per container (ie. style="font-weight: bold" is Ok, but style="font-style: italic; font-weight: bold" isn't, it will pick one or another) and Docx4j uses inline styling for formating because of XHTML (As far as I've read).
After that I tried to force the styles in CKEditor by the config file, but that wasn't the solution as one element will overwrite the another, resulting in only one style being used.
With all that, I decided to manipulate a test docx (It's literally a "hello world" line bold, with italics and underline), converted it and forced the tags b, i and u on the resulting HTML file through Java. The result was the desired one.
Now my focus is to config docx4j so it uses tags instead of inline css, as so far it's the "easiest" solution and I liked the resulting html from it. After reasing some more I came across an old class with a method that (by name) will do that, but it's not present in my imported library. I tried both, new and old methods to convert to html but the results are the same.
Is there a setting or a way to let docx4j (v8.2.3 reference) know that I want html tags instead of css styles? I've seen the examples and looked into the javadoc, but it's a bit outdated and didn't really helped me that much. This seems to be the only way to do this, or build my own parser, which is simply not an option due time constraints.

Drupal 8 stripping style attributes from table tags

I'm using Full HTML filter, with CKEditor. The following filters are enabled:
Align images
Caption images
Track images uploaded via a Text Editor
Collapsible text blocks
Note that Limit allowed HTML tags and correct faulty HTML is NOT enabled.
when I add a style attribute to a table element in Ckeditor using the Source view, specifically "width=75%", it is stripped when the page is rendered. When I edit the page again and go to Source view, the style tag is there.
What is stripping it on render?
I believe inline styles are removed by default for security reasons. But, there has been a lot of discussion about this issue on over the past few years. If you're looking for a workaround and accept the risk, here are two approaches I have found:
How to fix: CKEditor is removing style attributes. Drupal 8.
Refactor Xss::attributes() to allow filtering of style attribute values
Fair warning: I have not personally implemented either of these.
Inline style is stripped by default with Basic HTML formatter. Unless you have a specific reason why you don't want to turn on Limit allowed HTML tags I highly recommend that you do because it gives you a lot of control over what tags you and others can use in the wysiwyg. In addition, it allows you to add a "Styles" button with pre-configured styles so you don't have to insert inline CSS code repetitively.

Can't insert html with <object> tag

I'm struggling with ckeditor 4.5, as I'm creating plugins to insert specific tags in current document after having uploaded a file on my server.
For some specific file types, I want to embed the element. I can add <audio> or <video> tags (by using allowContent=true in my config file), but when I insert an <object> tag (to embed a pdf file), the tag is just ignored.
I already tested adding config.extraAllowedContent = 'object[id, name, width, height, data, type] to the config file, with no avail.
I found some workarounds by adding a <div> around the <object>, but the pdf viewer is not displayed in the editor (but the <object> tag is there).
I think I'm doing something wrong with ACF, but I really don't see what.
only wrapped the tag with or , and if you use wordpress , or drupal try to disable Advanced content filter from cms
<object> is not recommended for PDF and should not be a part of an editable area. There is no way it can be editable like text or paragraph. However, it can be a non-editable element inside the editor, with some editable parts. This is what CKEditor call widget, here is a tutorial how to create it:
Note PDF format is not normally classed as "Media" more generally "Document" but there are two ways to embed. One is to use the allMedia plugin that does include PDF as a media format ;-) the other is to include content via google docs. So review the various "Demonstrations" on the website.

CKeditor, colour of text seems to be not retained although HTML is correct, how to resolve?

I am using CKEditor 4.4.5.
Users use the text colour icon to change the colour of a word which works fine. When one checks the underlying HTML, it shows:
<p><span style="color:#FF0000">test </span></p>
However when clicks the "source" icon again to return to the standard non HTML view, the colouring has gone, although the underlying HTML is still correct. If you take this HTML and render it in a browser it will work correctly. So it seems that CKEditor is not able to render text colour correctly, unless freshly changed using the text colour icon.
We had customers thinking that the colour had not changed, and then trying to fix the issue in the HTML, which resulted in the total corruption of the HTML due to human error.
Is this a bug, or am I missing something?
As for CKEditor it might so happen that Advanced Content Filter will strip undesired tags / attributes.
If you don't have colorbutton plugin, CKEditor will strip this span (see standard demo).
You have 2 simple solutions:
Add colorbutton plugin.
Simply add to your config:
config.extraPlugins = 'colorbutton';
Add ACF proper rule.
config.extraAllowedContent = 'span{color}';
For more informations about ACF see Content Filtering (ACF).

create a simple pdf report from html

I'm looking for a way to generate pdf files from html
In order to make simple tabular reports I would need the following features
table rendering
variable page size
repeating headers / footers on every page
calculated page number / total page
css support would be nice
I know there have been many similar questions in stackoverflow, but I don't know if there's a product that supports the aforementioned features...
Ideally, the source would be a plain and simple well built html with css, (I'm building the html files, so I can adapt to the products needs, that is, it won't have to render every piece of html crap you can throw at a browser) and with some custom tags to configure headings, footer, page size, etc...
then I would run a command line to convert it from html to pdf.
I think does something like that
Take a look at TCPDF
Check out the examples.
