Trying adjust displayed info on OpenSea of Solana NFT collection - solana

I created a Solana NFT collection using Candy Machine v2 (CM) and OpenSea automatically found and displayed the collection. Their documentation states that one should be able to adjust the info displayed about the collection on OpenSea when connecting a creator wallet to OpenSea. However, I don't see the collection when I connect the creator wallet.
This is the CM:
When I created the CM I used a Solana CLI wallet to hold the update authority and I don't want to import this wallet into a web wallet as I then loose the ability to update the CM via sugar and my CLI wallet. However, it seems that many Solana projects were able to edit their info displayed on OpenSea so I must be missing something simple. Does anyone have experience?

As this official page of opensea says:
Creators can access their collection by connecting with the Solana wallet address of the update authority for your collection. You’ll be able to edit OpenSea-specific items like your logo and collection name, but creator earnings can only be edited on-chain.
and I see you said:
When I created the CM I used a Solana CLI wallet to hold the update authority and I don't want to import this wallet into a web wallet as I then lose the ability to update the CM via sugar and my CLI wallet.
you won't lose. add your wallet(collection update auth) to the phantom extension and after completing your adjustment remove it.
for adding a new wallet from Solana CLI to phantom extension:
open up your new wallet by vs code and copy its content
open up your phantom extension and hit add/connect wallet->import private key
paste copied wallet to the private key placeholder and also give it a name
another point to mention is if you look at this page from solscan website, you can see your collection creators are not verified. you can verify them with metaboss tools easily.


Instant sale feature in Metaplex NFTs?

I have an NFT listed in my Metaplex (instant sale). However I want to sell them in my e-commerce site and just take all the necessary information for me to display and proceed the sale there instead in metaplex. I notice in the solana explorer of my NFT, the owner now is not my wallet(which is the 2nd row) and (I think the current owner wallet is generated by metaplex once you listed it via instant sale? I am not sure please let me know). Now I want to create a sendtransaction and basing all info to this wallet address and with that I need its keypair to sign it off. Basically I want to transfer an NFT from my wallet to other wallet. My question is where do I get the keypair of this metaplex generated wallet(assuming it is from them) so I can proceed with the send transaction or do I miss something in order for the sendtransaction to work?
I assume you are using the storefront auction manager mechanism.
Auction manager takes over the ownership of the mint when listing.
It is not possible to get the KeyPair of the auction manager as this is discarded after the creation of the account.
However, your wallet will be the authority on the auction manager, which means that you can end the auction early and reclaim your NFT.
You can do that via your storefront!
Once you have the NFT back, you then send it to your other wallet and then relist from there.
PS. The upcoming Auction House (v2) framework is escrowless, meaning that in the future you will be able to list NFTs while they stay in your wallet. However for now (and if you are using the current v1 Storefront), you temporarily lose ownership of the NFTs while they are in auction.

How to verify identity for google play console as individual?

Google play console is requesting to verify my identity.
The problem is that the verification form is asking for an organization info and docs while the account is for individual and that is provided in the account details screen.
So what am I missing? Where to go? Or how to contact google support?
I had this after emailing Solution: Your payment profile shouldn't be set as organization if your developer profile is set to individual and vice-versa.
Per checking, the payments profile associated with your account is set as an organization. You may choose to verify your account as an organization with the following documents that our system accepts: Certificate of Organization, and a valid ID of the organization's Official Representative.
If you would like to verify as an individual and change the entity type on your payments profile, you would have to create a new account in order to change from organization to individual. You may view your payments profile via
To change the entity type on your Payment Profile, it would need to be deleted and created again. Since a Play Console account can only be associated with one Payment Profile, it will need to be deleted and recreated as well.
To resolve the issue, we can close your Play Console account and refund the registration fee. Then, you can delete your payment profile at before you sign-up for a new Play Developer account. To proceed, please provide confirmation by responding with “I confirm to have my Play Console Developer account closed and have its registration fee refunded.” Also, please remove the existing draft app from the Developer account
I had this issue recently and it turned out it was because I had an old Payment Profile with Account Type of 'Organisation'.
You need to go here:
Personally, I had two payment profiles; one was for an Individual and one was for an Organisation. Maybe the Organisation one was the default or whatever.
In the end I managed to close that payment profile and create a new developer account after having the first one refunded.
There were a few emails to Google Support going back and forth but that solved it in the end and now I have an app on the Play Store.

How to add a ledger-enabled account created outside of near wallet to the near wallet?

I have an account which was initially created via near-cli.
I then geneated a ledger key:
near generate-key key --useLedgerKey="44'/397'/0'/0'/2'"
And added it to the account:
near add-key <account_id> <the key from the previous step>
I now open the wallet, click "Access your account", "Ledger Recovery", "Sign in with Ledger", "Sign In".
At this stage it asks me to confirm the public key, though doesn't really show which public key I am approving. I approve it on the ledger.
It asks me for the account id, I enter it. It says "user found".
I confirm, and it errors out with "No accounts are associated with this Ledger device. You must first create an account, then add this Ledger to it to login."
How do I get around it? Am I using the wrong path when generating the key?
Currently, the NEAR Wallet only supports the default Ledger path:
If you add the public key that corresponds to this HD path to your account, you should be able to login successfully.
near generate-key key --useLedgerKey="44'/397'/0'/0'/1'"
Unfortunately this is not supported yet. Current Ledger support in wallet is limited to use 44'/397'/0'/0'/1' HD key path. This is going to change in later releases.
In the meanwhile if you want to stake your tokens from multiple such accounts you might find this tool useful:
The NEAR wallet now supports the updated flow which allows you to create your account using any ledger path from the CLI (as per your question), fund that account or implicit account (the 64 char nonsense string) with at least 1 NEAR and then add that account to your NEAR wallet. You can't add without funding the account since it takes NEAR to make the add.
To add to the wallet, on the wallet dropdown select "Import Account" and then click "Advanced Options" to bring up the HD path selector. Select the right HD path, plug in the ledger and good to go.
ATM Chrome isn't working with the wallet as per this post but firefox does.
There is currently an open path to import a private key into the NEAR Wallet. To my understanding, the wallet then creates another new keypair on the fly and adds it as a full access keypair, such that the wallet doesn't actually use or store the private key you just sent it after this transaction.
See also How to import an account into the NEAR wallet using only the private key (no seedphrase)

How do I sign a message with a newly created Near account in a 3rd party app?

I'm setting up a new Near account, and I want to use its keys to sign a message in an app I'm building. How can I do this?
I used the page to create an account. Then, I used nearlib to connect to the testnet, and verify the account's balance and public keys.
But I couldn't find a way to add the account into the localStorage key store or otherwise access a method to sign a message. Nor could I find a wallet plugin or extension that would provide me access.
Generally the idea is that you never transfer given private key between 2 devices / security contexts.
So normally instead of getting private key out of wallet you just want to generate new key pair and request wallet to add public key. provides relatively easy way to do it for webapp.
Note that it limits access to a give contract ID, so if you need unrestricted access you basically just need to omit contractId.
See examples at for WalletAccount usage.

Unable to recover Google API project and "This client ID is globally unique and is already in use."

I've been working as a consultant on an Android project that uses Google oAuth2 to authenticate and identify it's users. The Android project is in production and available for download on Google Play. The oAuth client ids and the entire Google API project was setup by me using a Google Apps e-mail address setup in my name on the client's domain.
Since the project has been released and my work with the client is finished my e-mail address has been deactivated and subsequently deleted (or so it seems, the client claims to not being able to recreate it). Since my e-mail account was set as the owner of the API project the deletion of my e-mail address has resulted in the deactivation (or deletion) of the API project as well. This has of course seriously crippled the app in question.
To get things up and running again a new e-mail address was set up for me on the client's domain and I created a new API project. The problem is that I'm unable to create the oAuth client ids since the packagename and SHA1 key are the same as for the app already live. I get the "This client ID is globally unique and is already in use" message and I seem to be stuck in a very awkward situation. I see a couple of possible solutions but I'm not sure how to proceed:
Reactivate the original e-mail address in the hope that the API project is still linked to that account
Reactivate the Google API project with the help of a Google engineer and assign it to an e-mail account on the client's domain
Delete the client ids from some Google database with the help of a Google engineer and setup a new API project and release a new version of the app.
Worst case: accept the loss, change package name, release a new app and kindly ask users to migrate to the new app.
I've read that Google monitors the google-oauth tag here on SO and I hope to get some help either from the SO community or Google itself. Many thanks in advance!
In the future, please coordinate for long-term ownership of the project, since the Google accounts that own the project are an important aspect of Google's authorization system. For instance, the owner of the project signs ToS for accessing the APIs on behalf of users.
I will follow up with you to find a way to sort out this issue.
