How to Translate a XML file to a French language in spring batch - spring

We are processing an incoming .txt file to an XML file through Spring Batch process, We also require to translate few XML's to french language, appreciate any code samples
We tried looking up and most of them have examples around Spring Boot but none specific to Spring Batch


How can I set isolation-level-for-create via yaml configuration file for spring batch

I found a solution to do it via Java code here:
But, I want to do it if possible in a simple way via configuration in yaml format in the batch configuration file.
Thank you.
As far as I know, there is currently no such property in yaml available.
There is an open feature request in Spring Boot ( that may result in a property like spring.batch.jdbc.isolation-level-for-create in the future. Until then, you'll need to use Java (or XML) configuration.

spring batch probleme importing a csv file to database

How to import CSV data to PostgreSQL Database using Spring Batch Job
Spring Batch is a powerful module to implement a batch process for tons of data conveniently.
You can find a lot of example on google or you can look at this post:
To me, the best reference that helped me in a simple way to understand how spring batch works with examples is tutorialspoint/spring-batch. Try this.

How do I kickoff a batch job when input file arrives?

We have Spring4 and Spring Batch 3 and our app consumes CSV files as input file. Currently we kick off the jobs manually from the command line, using CommandLineJobRunner with parms, including the name of the file to process.
I want to kick off a job to process asynchronously just as soon as the input file arrives in a monitored directory. How can we do that?
You may use java.nio.file.WatchService to monitor directory for a file.
Once file appears you may start (or kick off a job to process asynchronously) actual processing.
You may also use FileReadingMessageSource.WatchServiceDirectoryScanner from Spring Integration (
Comparing release notes Spring Batch
to Spring Integration it looks that Spring Integration is released more often. It also has more features and Integration points.
In this case it looks like a overkill to bring Spring Integration if you just need to watch a directory for a file.
I would recommend using the powerful combination of Spring Batch with Spring Integration. For example, you can use a FileInboundChannelAdapter from Spring Integration to monitor a directory and start a Spring Batch Job as soon as the input file arrives.
There is a code example for this typical use case in the reference documentation of Spring Batch here:
I hope this helps.

How can I fetch data from multiple tables and place it in an XML file using Spring Batch?

I have been trying to fetch details from multiple tables in a database and provide the output in the form of XML file using Spring batch. Is there any working code to do the above task or any idea to do so?
Following links should guide you.
If simple then xml then:
For complex xml using spring, refer to these threads;
Complex XML using Spring Batch; StaxEventItemWriter ; Jaxb2Marshaller
Build non trivial XML file with StaxEventItemWriter

What is the best way to design file handling using spring

I want to make an application is which file handling is used. That is file downloading (get the file), file parsing(process the file) and file uploading. It is not a web project. Actually the idea is we make this project and then make a jar of it and then use it in our further projects. How can i design my application so it is extendable easily in future. Is there is any spring framework for this task?
I would suggest either Spring Batch or Apache Camel. These two frameworks can automate the downloading/uploading functionality you are after and let you define the file parsing in a well structured manner. If you are after csv or line-by-line parsing it's already done for you and you'll be at the file parsing bit just with a few configuration. Take a look at the Spring Batch sample examples and Apache Camel examples as a starting point.
